View Full Version : Uncomfortable feeling in left side of stomach and tmi but mucus when wiping bottom :(

11-10-13, 20:58
REALLY freaking out.... convinced its bowel cancer :weep:
all started 8 weeks ago with a dull niggle in left lower side of stomach, dr refered me for a ultrasound on kidneys and ovaries as I have pcos she just wants to check none have grew.. im going to drs thurs for results.
so this niggle I have been getting has moved up slightly and is now under my rib as well as lower left stomach. it sometimes hurts on the skin around my belly button also.
I also have mild middle back and leg pain which dr refered to as sciatica.
i have also had normal bowel movements in the past, but the last 6 weeks or so i have been constipated and diarrhoea alternatively.
im not bloated and no weight loss nor blood from bottom.
today i noticed mucus (sorry tmi) when wiping bottom this has set the fear of god into me :scared15::scared15::scared15:
i cant think straight :(

11-10-13, 21:12
Probably IBS?

11-10-13, 23:09
What you have to realize is that cancer doesn't just magically appear one day and cause acute symptoms. In most cases, including mine, it's been growing in your body for some time before it makes itself known. You don't all of a sudden have stomach pain, loose or hard bowels and mucous out of the blue and it's cancer.

It sounds like IBS or some other stress/anxiety related stomach/bowel issue to me but then I'm not a doctor although I have had cancer.

Good Luck!

11-10-13, 23:12
thanks for replies, i do panic a lot - its hard no to with 3 children :(
sorry to hear you have had cancer.... hope ur on the mend?
really do hope it is just ibs xx

12-10-13, 22:15
I get this...
Doctor said IBS caused from anxiety and stress... I tend to get it the day after I've had bad anxiety...

12-10-13, 23:31
sorry to hear you have had cancer.... hope ur on the mend?

Yeah well.... it is what it is. It was Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Head and Neck Stage IV when diagnosed. I'm almost 6 months post treatment and while I'm doing well, I have a long way to go before I come to what is the "new normal". Despite all the side effects, it's WAY better than the alternative ;)

I'm very blessed to be here and life is good :)

13-10-13, 00:57
This sounds precisely like IBS to me too.

I have it, and always know it has flared up as I have the mucousy goo when wiping and my stomach resembles a basketball. I also get a sharp, stitch like pain on my left side abdo, next to my belly button. It never changes site wise.

Swinging between constipation and diarhoea or having one or the other is also typical.

Unfortunately, IBS goes hand-in-hand with anxiety most of the time, so I would hasten a guess you have none of what you fear.