View Full Version : Good evening from the lake district

11-10-13, 21:34
Hello, I am really unsure as to what to include here except I suffer/have suffered from anxiety disorder from the age of 19. I have currently been unwell for 2years 8 months, despite being on 20mg citalopram at that time, symptoms including my first ever bout of insomnia lasting 8 months, heart palpitations (prescribed atenolol 50mg but didn't help ) since had 24 hour monitoring showing reactive sinus tachycardia and atenolol stopped. More recently developed an angry disposition and hot flashes ...leading me to believe it may be impending menopause, a battery of blood tests later ....liver function, kidney tests , fbc, glucose, hormones,crp all normal I am starting to think my anxiety is back with a vengeance, I am looking forward to meeting other sufferers of this hellish condition and being able to overcome it again.:)

11-10-13, 22:00
Hello and welcome

11-10-13, 22:14
Thanks very much Moley :)

11-10-13, 22:54
Your welcome. Come and check out the chatroom when you can I am there most evenings and find it very helpful.

12-10-13, 00:21
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) The Lake District is one of my favourite places to go on holiday!

12-10-13, 01:42
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

12-10-13, 07:14
Hi and welcome. Remember you are not alone. this site has helped me greatly and its just the beginning :)

12-10-13, 10:55
Thankyou all so much for your lovely welcome messages, I really am struggling to understand how I didn't recognise these symptoms as being my anxiety as I should now be able to, this started 2 yrs 8 months ago I moved home a year later and foolishly took myself of the 20mg Citalopram I was then on in an attempt to find the cause of this illness, was 10mg citalopram 2 weeks ago to restart but I have not yet taken it ...silly I know :/ Doc has also given me a number to contact first steps which remains undone, but I know I need to help myself. I hope you all have a good day and may catch some of you in chat when I am able :)

14-10-13, 13:18
How are you getting on now? I'm also on citalopram for the second time so I'd be happy to chat to you about it. I did find the side effects worse the second time round but hopefully you will be different. I was pretty much back to my usual self after a couple of months.

14-10-13, 14:30
Hiya Sparkle
I am still undecided whether to restart the citalopram, this will be my third time on them was prescribed them firstly 10 years ago. I have had fluoxetine in the past too. I am nervous to re start as the old nagging scenario of what if they have missed something keeps rearing it's head :shrug: I really think I ought to as the symptoms can be severe especially palpitations on waking. Hope you are doing ok :)