View Full Version : Is my eating pattern causing anxiety!?

11-10-13, 22:11
Hi guys.

Basically I've always had anxiety but I'd got it under control quite a lot till a lot of stress recently flared it back up again. The thing is the last week or so it's been really bad. I feel nervous all the time and really anxious like I'm looking my mind and I keep thinking I'm never ever going to get better.

Thing is at the same time the past week I've been eating absolutely nothing during the day time and the eating the wrong thing (mainly takeaways) late at night between 9pm-11pm.

I've also been drinking very little thought out the day. Maybe a couple of small glasses of cordial.

I also haven't been sleeping till mornings. I mean I try and try but I can sleep till anytime after 6am. Even as late as 10am sometimes. Iran getting a good 6 hours but I feel like I'm wasting my life sleeping in the day!

My anxiety is awful. Can I correct ur again by eating healthy? And hydrating myself sufficiently!?

11-10-13, 22:45
It definitely could be your eating pattern. But it might also be the stress impacting your eating pattern AND your anxiety. It could be a bit of a vicious circle with everything impacting on everything else.

Certainly I'd say that getting into a better pattern of eating and sleeping would probably help. Get things into a more predictable pattern and make sure you're properly nourished, hydrated and rested. I find that eating the "right" meal at the normal time of day really helps keep me in a better routine.

Eating is bound to wake you up and give you energy, so maybe try eating earlier. If you haven't eaten all day, you will crave sweet things, and something quick and easy. So making sure you eat at breakfast and lunch might make it easier to get yourself a proper meal at teatime. Set yourself alarm clocks if it helps remind you at first. You'll probably find you get back into the routine quite quickly. Once your body gets back used to getting food at certain times, you'll start to feel hungry and notice if you're late!

I do think that getting back into a healthier pattern will help your anxiety.

11-10-13, 23:04
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am sorry to hear you having a lot of stress:hugs: you have got your anxiety under control before and you WILL do again hun :hugs:

You have had great advice from Edie :yesyes:

For everyone, even people who don't suffer anxiety, is it important to get a well balance diet, eat well and often, as my dad used to say, an empty sack will not stand.

Find your own sleep patten, this is important too, to much sleep is not good for you, just as not enough sleep is not good for you either, find YOUR balance, this can take time.

Our mind and body needs daylight, so if your not seeing enough daylight, this can have an effect too.

If you have been doing this patten for awhile, its going to take time to change your habits, please don't be to hard on yourself, you can change this with a lot of hard work on your part.

TAKE CONTROL hun :hugs: YOU CAN DO THIS :yesyes:



24-11-13, 07:14
I just read this thread. I too have problems with appetite and subsequent intake of food. I can manage a bowl of porridge at breakfast ... just. Then it's toast, toast and more toast with an odd banana thrown in.

I can menu plan but then when it comes to mealtime I don't want it or feel sick. Best times are when I go to my boyfriend/partner's home and he cooks. Feel so much better after eating. Always enjoyed food and eating. Kids have left home now so only me to feed. I find it hard.

Jill I find your dad's saying very helpful. I might have to stick on the fridge.

19-08-14, 08:13
Hi. Well to give you a small example. One day I was feeling anxious and I asked a friend for a drink of water. Within 20 mins of drinking my anxiety went, so by not being hydrated, you're making your anxiety worse, so at least drink.


Thought I put in a link that is totally unrelated to any anxiety site.

Also, when I've been feeling tired, I'm much better after eating a proper meal. So you have to start a routine of having meals at proper times.

Put it this way, you'll be able to work better if you take regular food. If you don't you'll find it harder to work.

Get some routine in your life and eat and drink properly