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Wombat Overlord
11-10-13, 22:19
My name is Maurice, and I have only recently been suffering from high levels of anxiety and frequent panic attacks (around 7 months).

I had my first panic attack while driving to work. My legs fell asleep, and suddenly my hands were locked so tight around the wheel that I was unable to release my grip. Needless to say I thought I was having a stroke, and managed to get off the road and to the nearest hospital.

After that episode I have never experienced a panic attack of quite that caliber, but I have developed a constant sense of anxiety and have become a serious hypochondriac. It seems every day I experience some new symptom and within a few hours I am convinced that it is going to end my life.

I was taking Ativan in small doses (never more than 3mg a week) for the last few months, but stopped about 2 or 3 weeks ago. This has ushered in a whole other set of symptoms and daily scares, but I really don't want to become more dependant on a drug that has such a high addiction rate.

Anyways, I just recently stumbled upon this site and it seems to be a good starting point for addressing the root issues that underlie my anxiety. I thought I'd start by posting a list of some of the symptoms I have experienced thus far, so that anyone who has had the same problems can offer feedback or advice.


Sex: M
Age: 21
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 165 lbs.


-Difficulty breathing: I have become hyper-conscious about my breathing patterns, and often feel as if my throat is closing up or that I am not getting enough oxygen. I also often worry that I may have sleep apnea or some other similar condition in which I am not supplying my brain or lungs with adequate amounts of air.

-Random Pains: These are usually centered in my chest or head, and they immediately lead me to believe I have some sort of tumor or similar issue. They are often in different locations around my body, and don't often persist for more than a day.

-Head Issues: I often feel as if their is a serious pressure in the front of my head, centered in-between and slightly above my eyes. Also I have this general sense of fatigue that persists even after a full night of sleep. I constantly feel less alert and sluggish, a feeling that has only increased after quitting the Ativan.

-Body/Brain Jolts: I notice these usually when attempting to fall asleep. It's as if all of sudden some little guy slips out of my shirt pocket and gives me a quick taze, just to be a dick.

Anyways, if anyone actually read this post, thank you for your time and any discussion is welcomed and encouraged.

~Maurice the Wombat

14-10-13, 03:54
Hello Maurice,

I am also new to this Forum. I too have had similar problems with panic attacks and breathing problems and know how annoying they are.

Have you tried any antidepressants to help you with your anxiety/Panic attacks?

I was able to overcome my Panic Attacks with going on Zoloft for a short time period and using breathing exercises.

I sometimes still deal with being hyper-conscious of my breathing. It is usually because I am hyperventilating. When this problem starts, I use a pursed lip breathing exercise to get me back on track.

I wish you the best of luck

Wombat Overlord
18-10-13, 05:57
No, I haven't tried any anti-depressants yet; my friend in the NAVY just got prescribed Zoloft for his withdrawals with quitting drinking, and he loves it. I don't have health insurance right now, but I did recently schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist who is known for treating people with serious anxiety. So I'm pretty much waiting on that before I decide to order more pills from India again and continue to ruin my life. Thanks for your feedback though, and what exactly is the pursed lip breathing technique that you use?