View Full Version : Numb. Shocked. Lost.

12-10-13, 02:11
I lost my dad a few hours ago.

He was the only one ever really there for me. I feel totally numb and alone.

I never got to say bye and I miss him so much.

Don't know where to go from here.

12-10-13, 02:31
Oh Jamie.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, and my deepest sympathies to you.

ANY support you need, we are all here for you hun.x

12-10-13, 08:17
Jamie - you will have someone you can reach out to, someone you can call. If not then it's going to be us, NMP.

If you're really alone though I'd suggest you call either Cruse, Sane or Mind:

Mind Infoline 0300 123 3393 (weekdays 9am - 6pm)

Saneline 0845 767 8000 (everyday 6pm-11pm)

Cruse 0844 477 940

They're all fantastic support networks and will provide you with answers to many of the questions and thoughts racing around your head. And, if ever you want to just write it all down, you can also email any one.

We're here for you, just like Debs has already said :hugs:

12-10-13, 10:51
I'm so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you. X

12-10-13, 11:06
I am so sorry darling. All I can advise is that you let yourself go through this, feel the feelings, and it will eventually resolve into a sweet grief in which the loss will be consoled by the memories.

This takes time.

You can still say goodbye. His genetic code is still alive in your body. In a sense he truly does live on in you. That connection between you can't be disrupted by mere time and geography. Speak to him. I don't even know if I believe in an afterlife but I still occasionally say Hi to my Dad 18 years on.

12-10-13, 13:13
I am so very sorry to hear this Jamie :hugs:

I am sure your dad knew how much you loved him, please don't beat yourself up, allow yourself time to grieve.

I am always here if you need to talk ok.

My thoughts are with you at this sad time xxxx

12-10-13, 13:38
Sorry to hear this Jamie.Thoughts and prayers are with you.

12-10-13, 14:07
I'm so sorry Jamie. What a terrible loss.

Numb, shocked and lost are completely normal things to feel after a loss.It's going to take you some time, but you won't always feel this way.

Take care Jamie. Call one of those helplines if you need to. But we are here to listen to you if you feel like talking, or if you just want to ask for a hug.

Do you have any family you could be with at the moment?

Daisy Sue
12-10-13, 14:12
So sorry Jamie, it happened to me too, a few years ago. The first hours/days are horrendous, nothing prepares you for it, so just be gentle on yourself, don't expect anything of yourself, and if you can, talk to as many close friends & family as are around... people really rally round at times like this, and it does help ease the shock a little.


12-10-13, 14:39
im so sorry for your loss jamie, please dont forget that we're all here for you xxx

12-10-13, 14:41
So sorry for your loss, please surround yourself with family and friends, you will get through this xx

12-10-13, 20:29
Sorry to hear this, can't imagine what you're going through. You're not alone, people are here to support you.

12-10-13, 22:34
Sorry for you loss love and thoughts are with you:bighug1:

13-10-13, 01:23
Your posts are amazing. I feel comforted by them. And very happy I have people out there for me.

I am having a bad 'first night'. I am so low in a way I have never felt.

I have been on the go non stop to try and forget this and now I am over tired and upset. Trying to be strong but it's all so horrible and my HA is getting worse.

I am now dreading Christmas and really hope everything will at least be half normal.

Thanks again for any support. Means a lot.

13-10-13, 10:44
So sorry for your loss Jamie.

This is one of the times where you don't have to put on that brave face. Take time to grieve....it is ok to feel sad, try and remember the good times rather than the end, and don't think too far ahead...take each day as it come, each hour, each minute.

Do you have any other family around? I know you felt closer to your dad, but this grief is something they will all be going through.

Chin up, and be kind to yourself, he will always be in your heart to help you through the tough times


13-10-13, 14:25
You are all kind and your continued support is much appreciated. X

13-10-13, 14:35
So sorry for your loss. I hope you have someone to turn to. Sending you:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs ::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

13-10-13, 16:00
Jamie I am so sorry.

You don't need to be trying to be "strong" sweetie. You are grieving for your Dad, let those emotions out, have a good cry, it will help you.

We are all here for you on NMP, so if you need us, just shout.

I'm sending you comforting hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

17-10-13, 02:07
I am finding it really very hard. I feel lost not quite sure what to do.

I feel so in pain and so unhappy, I'm really not sure what my next move should be.

17-10-13, 02:28
I have only just seen this post. I am so sorry for the loss of your dad Jamie.

Grief from losing a loved one, anxiety about what we are going to do without them, it's all so natural.

You will feel lost for a while, alone and lonely. The thing about grief is that no one can take it away or make you feel better, you have to go through the process as hard as it is.

I am so sorry that I cannot help you. I have lost myself as most people have, and the burden seems almost too heavy to bear, doesn't it?

We are here for you if you want to chat. We can't take away the pain, but we can listen.

Please take care.



20-10-13, 01:14
Thanks a lot for that kind post :)

Kinda in my own world, feels like a new world and I have to learn to survive. Sure does feel strange.

20-10-13, 08:38
Grief is a bit like a huge anxiety attack. You can't imagine it ever ending, you can only believe people who tell you that it does eventually fade and the memories become bearable and comforting. In my opinion the 'easiest' (!) way through is to let it take its course. We are all different, although there are recognised stages of grief, everyone experiences it differently and at different speeds.

I remember Dad telling me many years before he died that ;osing your parents leaves you feeling you are 'next' and I think that is why the loss of a parent is particularly hard, it reminds us that we are in the driving seat and nobody can bale us out. But in time that becomes a strength. I see my Dad's death, and the knowledge it has given me that I CAN cope, as a legacy of his love - and I see the pain it caused as the final bill for all the love we shared.

Don't be afraid of your tears, just be amazed at having had someone you love so much in your life.

We are all still here. xxx

25-10-13, 02:17
What a lovely post Speranza thank you. Those words are very nice and mean a lot.

25-10-13, 10:34
It is like a strange new world, Jamie. That's exactly how I felt too. You will eventually find your way around this new world and feel comfortable in it.

Take care of yourself, and know that we are here if you need a listening ear.

Round in circles
28-10-13, 03:15
So sorry to hear about your dad Jamie. I just lost my grandma early Friday morning. It sucks. Completely and utterly. Just FYI.. I wouldn't bother with cruse bereavement unless you want a rather unsympathetic letter stating how they don't offer counselling in the initial months as their studies have shown it not to be helpful. Yeah.. Like that's what we want to get told at times like this.. I didn't find it helpful at all.

01-11-13, 19:36

Just read v sad news about your Dad. So sorry - my thoughts & prayers are with you.

Cat lady
28-12-13, 20:11
Hi Jamie, ive not been on for ages and just found this post, really sorry to hear this, thinking of you it must of been difficult this christmas, I lost my own father a few years ago, hugs x

28-12-13, 21:10
sorry for your loss. I know how you're feeling. I lost my mum a few weeks ago. She was only 55. There are no words I can give to make you feel better other than I understand and hope things get easier soon x