View Full Version : White stuff on stool

12-10-13, 07:50
Hi, I have been on the mend from health anxiety and really done well. However this morning one of my stools had lots of white weird stuff over it and now I'm so scared. Went on Google and cancer keeps coming up. At 29 I don't want this anxiety to take hold of me again. 2 days ago I had a really bad stomach and took pepto bismol which helped so my stools are black as well which is normal with that. All over stools were fine bar the first in the morning? I had a curry last night and my diet has been really improved lately. Any help would be appreciated.

---------- Post added at 07:50 ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 ----------

I keep reading it could be a tumor blocking part that delivers bile

12-10-13, 08:38
If it's only a once off thing I wouldn't worry about it, all kinds of things can upset your digestion resulting in different effects on your stools. If it becomes a common thing or there are any other changes to your digestion then talk to your GP. Given that you've had an upset stomach lately it may be connected to it, or even your curry last night!

But stay away from Google, it will only tell you the worst and will feed the health anxiety. Figure out a rational way to look at this and hold on to that thought if you can, don't let yourself venture into those anxious thoughts x

12-10-13, 10:19
Thanks, I hate google but on this occasion thought it would put my mind at ease. My Tummies hurting now, maybe anxiety. I have been since and nothing unusual? Is that a good sign? Shall I go doctors if it doesn't happen again?

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

Has anyone else had this worry and why does Google not make it clear if a one off is doctor worthy or not

---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

Sorry if this is disgusting but due to nerves been again and no mucus but bit of blood on tissue. Could this be due to external bleed due to nerves and keep going. It was bright red.

12-10-13, 10:20
Went on Google and cancer keeps coming up.

Funny... I Googled it and "C" didn't come up at all. More like something you ate or a tummy bug is what it said. It's not unusual for some mucous to come out when our bowels get irritated. Based on some of the crap we put into our bodies, I'm surprised we don't poo rainbows! And now you're stressed and making it worse. If it continues for a few more days continuous, then give the doc a call. In the mean time, maybe lay off the curry ;)

Good Luck!

12-10-13, 11:02
Thank you for reply. I'm now worried about the blood on tissue but may have irritated the area[COLOR="blue"]
Does anyone think I'm overreacting. I feel for my family as keep going on.

12-10-13, 11:33
willous, I think in this case your anxiety has put you into overdrive. A bit of blood on the tissue is nothing to worry about, it's probably just irritation or a bit of broken skin, it can easily happen.

Maybe try a breathing exercise or find a guided meditation on youtube to help calm your mind a little bit, I think that's the best thing for you right now xxx

13-10-13, 13:09
Thank you, I got better yesterday and this morning was fine until the same thing happened again. Sorry as I know this thread is a bit disgusting but I'm so worried. It is like thick type white slightly yellow. Anyone had this

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 ----------

Does anyone think nhs direct would help

---------- Post added at 09:19 ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 ----------

A lot of sites keep saying it could be a tumour that is blocking passage. I'm being sick over this and don't know what to do? I have a big hernia in lower stomach, maybe this is doing something? I can't think. At 29 is any type of cancer in stomach rare? Someone please help

---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 ----------


13-10-13, 14:33
...this morning was fine until the same thing happened again..... it could be a tumour that is blocking passage.

Ummmm... how could it be a tumor blocking things if you went to the bathroom?

I'm not a doctor but it truly sounds like irritation due to your stress and anxiety issues. If it persists for more than a week, see your doctor.

Good luck?

13-10-13, 14:45
Was it like a white dischargey/mucus type thing inside the stool or around it? Because I get that a lot with my IBS.
I panicked and went to my doctor about it but she told me it's normal to pass mucus every now and then.

13-10-13, 14:59
Thanks yeah that's what it's like but not there every time. Did you pass quite a bit at any time? Appreciate responses

14-10-13, 00:49
Thanks yeah that's what it's like but not there every time. Did you pass quite a bit at any time? Appreciate responses

Yes quite a lot.
A few weeks ago it was happening every time I went to the toilet, every single day for a week or more. I know it's a common symptom of IBS but I've never had it happen that frequently, that's why I freaked out and went to see my GP.
She explained that the intestines make that gross mucussy stuff and that it was normal to sometimes see it around or inside stool.

19-10-13, 08:16
Sorry to bring this up again and thank you for reply candy floss. I have not had this all week, went to toilet this morning and guess what it's there. I've had to call in sick again as I can't cope. Bowel cancer etc keeps coming up on searches. Wouldn't that be every time if was due to that? I have changed diet lately but that doesn't come up on searches. Now my tummy is hurting again but hope it's the nerves. Have an op on two weeks for hernia and this is all I need. I'm ruining mine and family's life.

---------- Post added at 08:16 ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 ----------

I can't stop reading about bowel cancer. I have had diarrhea twice in two weeks which included stomach pains and the mucus last and this week and my tummy hurting now after I found that. Dunno whether nerves or not. I'm certain it's bowel cancer and reading it's more common in 20s I wanna just fall into a black hole

19-10-13, 08:50
I had a cancer anxiety recently (still sort of do really) and so I have read every stat there is to read. I can confidently say that bowel cancer in your 20's is quite phenomenally rare.

19-10-13, 09:16
I have just spoken to nhs direct who said as there as no blood then not to worry. Did not even say to go doctors. Now I'm worried that there was blood but didn't look hard enough. One part was slightly darker.

19-10-13, 09:41
Think of all the crap we put in. Is hardly surprising that it is an interesting colour coming out!

19-10-13, 10:55
Just been and no mucas at all however there was small bits of orange that worried me. They were small and could be separated. Could this be blood.

---------- Post added at 10:41 ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 ----------

I am becoming obsessed. They were very small bits that were little bit thick. I have not eaten anything orange

---------- Post added at 10:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 ----------

Can anyone help with the orange bits

19-10-13, 11:02
Probably not, other than to say that if I dissected my faeces that I dare say that it would be a veritable technicolor delight. Rightly or wrongly (given that most people who present with bowel cancer present with bleeding) I choose to believe that the blood would be rather more obvious as most people don't examine every dump lol.

I had a bit of a thing about bladder cancer once and so I googled blood in urine. I found a picture of what a ratio of 1:100 blood in urine looks like, I was astounded just how obvious it was even at that level.

19-10-13, 11:22
Thanks. It doesn't look like blood but I'm scared now. Why do I get like this.

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

Could I be going more because of the nerves

19-10-13, 17:49
Still getting tummy pains

19-10-13, 18:18
Thanks. It doesn't look like blood but I'm scared now. Why do I get like this.

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

Could I be going more because of the nerves

You get this way because you're afflicted with health anxiety.

Could this be nerves? Obviously and absolutely!

If NHS said not to worry (and they would know), then there's nothing to worry about. I have issues with my bowels due to cancer treatment. If you want to trade poo war stories, I'm glad to do so. I'm pretty sure I can one-up you if you know what I mean ;) If you were going through what I deal with week in and week out I'm pretty sure you'd be totally freaking out. But there's nothing wrong with me. It is what it is...poo and smelly and lots of mucous at times ;)

So, you can try and accept that you're Ok or continue to worry. Addressing your HA would be wise. There are so many things in life worthy of a little worry but in my opinion, the color of your poo is not one of them. With what put into our bodies it's no wonder we don't poo rainbows :)

You'll be fine Willous... really!

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 19:29
Thank you so much for your kind reply. Sounds like you have been through something but can still give me some comfort. I feel bad that if I don't have anything I go on like this. I hate health anxiety. I have just read that as well as tumours, hernias can cause obstruction therefore cause this, my hernia is massive and near my testicals...maybe this is it.

19-10-13, 19:36
Yeah, hernias are not fun.. had one in my early 20's. But they're easily remedied these days. Check with your doc on that. I'd be a bit stressed if I had a hernia near my nads :ohmy: These days, most hernias can be treated as an outpatient procedure and you'd be home the same day with minimal discomfort. They'd send you home with some pain killers and as one of my favorite comedians once said "A half a Vicodin and a Bahama Mama make for a bitchin' day" ~lol~

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 21:00
Ha thank you, not too worried about operation which is amazing because a couple of years ago I would have dreaded it. But hernia is so big I have to do it. I have read a few things on google to say it could be that in which causes the mucus as blocking the bowels a bit. Gonna try and put my mind at ease and not read google any more. I keep trying to go to the toilet and causing more pains. Sorry to be disgusting.

20-10-13, 09:15
Sorry, last post. I have had pain inside back, could that be more nerves than anything as had it all night. Lots of mucus again this morning with no blood. Google says nothing positive. Would other health anxiety posters be anxious or do I just need to forget about it. It's ruining my life.

20-10-13, 09:39
I don't think you need to ask yourself whether other HA would be anxious. I think you should ask yourself whether the population as a whole would be anxious and take your lead from there.

20-10-13, 09:49
I know but don't know what to do anymore as have really worked myself up. I know most people would think logically but I always so scared of cancer that the slightest thing sets me off. Not many people I have asked have had this before

20-10-13, 10:13
Ok Willous you are chasing your tail here. The reality is that no one here is going to be able to give you the reassurance you are looking for.

Do you have a good GP? If I were you, I would arrange an appointment with your GP. If you are not happy with your regular GP then find another one. Be aware though that they are probably going to tell you that there is nothing at all physically wrong with you.

Take the opportunity to speak with them about your mental health and what they can do to support you to feel better and to put physical symptoms in some degree of perspective. They have as much responsibility for your mental as well as physical health.

Let me tell you the discussion I had with my GP last time I went:

- I acknowledged that I had physical symptoms, but I also acknowledged that I had anxiety and that my body was on red alert. She diligently checked every symptom, took my BP, checked heart and breathing and referred me for a blood test.

- I went back a week later for the results as she knew I would be anxious about them, and at this point we had a discussion about what next. I was already paying for private CBT, but she repeatedly offered to refer me on the NHS. I am happy with the person I am paying and have used bad people in the past so chose to stay where I am.

- We discussed medication and agreed that there wasn't really any medication that would be particularly helpful in my situation.

- she asked me what I would like to happen next. I told her that I thought that I was on a spiral of finding symptoms that would make me want to visit every two minutes so I suggested that for a period of time I had six weekly appointments, both to keep an oversight over mental health (rather than waiting for breakdown to happen) and also to provide an outlet for any physical symptoms.

I suppose what I am trying to say, is that for me, to get better I needed to take control and to do so I feel like I needed three things:

1) Insight - to understand the root of the problem and attempt to rationalise feelings that certainly are not normal.
2) Strategy - a plan to get better, designed by me with support, building a support network and a clear idea of what success looks like.
3) Flexibility - when things go wrong, not admitting defeat and having a willingness to change.

20-10-13, 11:00
"Chasing your tail"

Good one in light of this being about stool. CPE is right Willous. I don't believe there anything anyone could say that would put your mind at rest.

Good Luck!

20-10-13, 11:05
"Chasing your tail"

Good one in light of this being about stool. CPE is right Willous. I don't believe there anything anyone could say that would put your mind at rest.

Good Luck!

Funny and I didn't even know it :roflmao: