View Full Version : Hello From Japan.

12-10-13, 08:59
Hello everybody.

Its nice to be able to connect with people who know what I'm going through.

I have always had small anxiety problems, but two years ago during in a real stressful period in my life, my anxiety spiraled out of control. I eventually got the the point where my life was one big panic attack. After several trips to doctor offices and ERs, I was eventually diagnosed with Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. Luckily I found a good psychiatrist who helped me get on the road to recovery.

After fourteen months on Zoloft(topping out at 100 mg),and feeling 100% better, I came off of the medication(about four months ago). I had my ups and downs when I came off of Zoloft, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. That was until a couple of weeks ago when I went through a schedule change at work. When my schedule changed, I had to wake up two hours earlier(4:30 AM), so I tried to go to sleep a little earlier. The only problem was I couldn't fall asleep. The first night it happen I think I was able to eventually fall asleep and get four hours of sleep. But as the days went on, the problem just got worse, and I ended on going several nights where I wouldn't sleep at all. After a couple of weeks dealing with this, I felt myself deteriorating back to the point where I was at a couple of years ago.

I was able to get in to see my Doctor last week, and he suggested that I go back on antidepressants, but I resisted thinking I would be able to fix myself if I got a couple of sleeping pills. Well, the sleeping pills worked but they are causing me to have severe depression the next day, and I still have the fear of not being able to fall asleep at night. So I guess on my next visit to the doctor, I'm going to agree to the antidepressants.

Here is a list of problems I have had problems with.
Panic Attacks
Phobias(Usually Health Worries)
Health Anxiety (Low Blood sugar/Blood Pressure)
Hyperventilation Syndrome

12-10-13, 09:58
hi and welcome.

Firstly,well done for getting off the medication.

I have found this site great.There is a lot of support. I'm sure some one on here will have a lot of identification with you. I do but, my anxiety is a little different.


12-10-13, 10:17

Nice to meet you! :)


12-10-13, 10:19
:welcome: Welcome. this is a helpful and welcoming place. I am new here also.

14-10-13, 03:57
Thank you everybody for the welcome messages.:)