View Full Version : Worried sick

30-10-06, 14:56
I made a stupid stupid mistake and kissed someone when i was drunk, I do not remember but now im really worried it went further and i might of caught something.

My friend has spoken to him and he has told her that he gives blood every 4 months and hasn't slept around. He last gave blood in June and since then has been in a long term relationship (4yrs together) so I shouldn't worry right?

I have been thinking hiv etc.... my head is a right mess. I had a swab at my GP last week, thought i might of had thrush, would that of checked for stds? i did give a wee sample in for chlamedia testing, still waiting for results.

My friend said no point in having hiv test yet anyway as you can't for 3 months as it takes that long to show in your blood.

My head is a right mess, maybe im worrying over nothing, I hope nothing like that happened and if it did am i over reacting??

Been to hell and back:(please do not flame me, I know im stupid for getting so drunk.

30-10-06, 15:03
I think this is just your guilty conscience punishing you. You feel so bad about what you did and you think you deserve something awful to happen. I'm sure if more happened than you think, that you would have remembered it. But anyway, the chances of you picking up anything would be very slim. I would think the swab test would pick up any bacterial infection, but I don't know much about STDs I'm afraid.

Try not to be so hard on yourself, we all make mistakes. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Take care,

piglits pal
30-10-06, 15:27
If this person gives blood regularly then there is absolutely no chance of them being HIV positive.

And if you only kissed them, then you do not have a sexually transmitted disease.

I know it's easy for others to say don't worry, but really try not to get in a state about it. We all do silly things.

30-10-06, 17:29

There is a rumour going around that we did sleep together, I do not remember even kissing him. I am really really hating myself right now im really scared. I know if he gives blood he will be clear as they test but what if in the last 4 months he has contracted it since he last gave blood?

I am scared my swab at the GP's wont of tested for STD's.

piglits pal
30-10-06, 17:38
You don't catch anything from a rumour.:D

They won't test the swab for STDs unless you specifically request that. But do you have any symptoms? Itching, soreness, sores, rashes? Did you actually have contact with him in the intimate areas? If not, then you're fine.[^]

The guy is in a long term relationship - he won't have caught anything in the last four months.

30-10-06, 18:18
You poor darling...stop beating yourself up - we all make mistakes, all will be fine.... xxxxxx

30-10-06, 18:55
Hi Jem,

I agree with everyone else hun. Don't beat yourself up about this. You will be fine me dear. xxx

Take Care


30-10-06, 20:35

No I dont have any symptoms at all. I do have a low ache down below but im mid cycle and ever since my husband and I had an accident with a condom on friday night ive had the ache, I ovulated saturday and had an awful ache so im wondering if im pregnant aswell.

I was worrying about chlamydia so nurse has given me a kit and ive sent off a wee sample should get results tomorrow or wednesday.

Thanks again.

30-10-06, 21:15
Just to clarify, I rarely go out and when I did we were having problems at home,I went out got very drunk and kissed someone. I do not remember it at all but been worrying and beating myself up ever since.

My husband did find out and we have worked through it but this is still niggling away in my head.

31-10-06, 15:10
hi Jem

u dont have to explain your self mate, ive made mistakes in the past and i know where u r coming from, whats the bloke like? like some1 else said if he has been in a relationship the chances are if u did sleep with him that he has only been with u and her in the past 4 years and he would know about it from the blood service people. i know its worrying but the chances are that u r fine, and u might not have even done anything, have u asked him?? maybe thats the only way, and if he says he cant remember coz he was drunk to, then u know u r fine coz men and 2 much beer dont mix if u get my drift.

chin up hun
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

31-10-06, 22:04
Thanks Leanne,

He is abit of a flirt so im told, I sort of know him. He has told me he didn't ever cheat on his girlfriend but i dont know for sure. Thats why im worrying and also i dont know her history.

Oh its horrible to be worrying like this but i deserve everything i get:-(


01-11-06, 07:04
I am going to talk to my GP today about my fears over HIV, really really frightened about talking to him, I know him quite well and I don't want him thinking im some kind of sl*g:(