View Full Version : Need Info.....

Roxanne Harris
30-10-06, 15:08
I have recently heard about 2 treatments for PTSD, and would like to hear from members who have tried this or know of this. Thank you.

1. EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
2. Thought Field Therapy.

I so want my life back I am willing to try anything, I keep fighting the fight, but feel so overwhelmed sometimes and it takes a toll on me.
I am doing better after Fridays episode, and am off to see my Dr today, I want so much to beat this, and have been in treatment for some years now, does it ever go?
Once again I want to thank those who replied to me, your encouraging words mean so much to me.

30-10-06, 15:38
Hi there Roxanne
While I havent had the EMDR I have been told that there are excelent results from it, but be warned, its hard work. If you put the work in you may feel the benefits after a while.
I was due to have EMDR after a session of CBT but the therapist thought the benefits were best to keep up the CBT for now.
I know these things take time, and they take such a toll on us, your not alone as most of us on the forum have similar feelings. It is good that Friday went well fopr you and I hope that today does too. Your determination to beat this is what will enable you to do so, go easy on yourself and slowly you can get your life back.
Take care of yourself

30-10-06, 21:08
Hi Roxanne,

I have had EMDR therapy and found it at least somewhat useful i.e. it is not a magical cure but it definately helps settle some of the traumatic thoughts. If you do this (and I think it is worth doing) take great care with your choice of therapist. It is NOT something that therapists learn from an article and give it a go. I have heard of bad outcomes due to bad therapists. THe therapist should ideally have done a training course in EMDR and gained some experience in his/her practice. EMDR is recognised in USA as a therapy for PTSD.

TFT is new and maybe "fringe" stuff. I know one guy who swears by it and claims dramatic results but other than that I can't comment. If you pursue this, I urge you to assess your therapist's competency.

You didn't say how long since onset of your PTSD. The symptoms are awful (and I speak from experience) but over time they will settle. Symptoms are also generally treatable with medications and depression by CBT. Meds are a minefield and can be hit and miss until you find one that really works for you (we are all different).

I hope this is of some help.
