View Full Version : Embarressing problem...

12-10-13, 20:37
Ok so I've kind of had a problem for a while now and not done anything about it...

I'm 25 about a year ago I started noticing there's been blood in my poo I've just been not thinking too much about it the colour has been a light-ish colour, sometimes there won't be much but sometimes there will be. about 6 months ago I started getting a bad low back, really aching on and off, but now it's been quite bad continuously for the past month and I've also been bleeding alot more often. Tonight though I bled alot, when I wiped I noticed the blood was alot dark than it usually is and I noticed there was a small dark blood clot.

I am a very healthy guy I don't have any other medical issues I am fit and healthy but theres also another problem which is worrying me, my mum also had this problem but she said the blood was always light, and she had a colonoscapy and it turns out she has cancer, she had surgery a couple of weeks ago to have a polyp removed and the tests have come back and now she needs to have another 2 operations and have some of her bowel removed.

I don't know if I'm just worrying, I have booked an appointment for the doctors on tuesday but I was only going to mention about my back, but now because of how dark the blood is and the clot I don't know what to do I really don't fancy having a tube up my ass..

12-10-13, 21:30
I think it's the right thing to do, to go and see your doctor, and tell him all of your symptoms. A tube up your bum for a little while might be uncomfortable but it sounds like you're in some discomfort anyway with a sore back and probably some anxiety. Best to get this checked out.

12-10-13, 21:36
Thanks, I wouldn't really say theres' much anxiety I'm just wondering if anyone could suggest what it could be

12-10-13, 23:00
We aren't doctors, all I know is sometimes if you are constipated it can tear you a bit on the way out. I had blood in poo today funnily enough.
A tube up your bum would deffo be worth it to check it's ok.

12-10-13, 23:33
They won't necessarily put a tube up there right away. My boyfriend had acute pain (actually passed out from it) and blood, it turned out to be internal hemmorroids and bad constipation. The doctor had a bit of a feel in there, but nothing particularly invasive, and he said it didn't hurt or anything. You're doing the right thing by getting this checked out, though, best to know what's going on.

16-10-13, 17:10
It could possibly be internal hemmorrhoids for the light blood, you don't necessarily have any other symptoms other than the bleeding. I'd definitely mention the darker blood as this can be from problems further up in the bowel... Sometimes though hemmorrhoids can form blood clots, don't know whether that happens on internal or external though. Don't be embarrassed to see your doctor, they see stuff like this all day everyday, it's always best to get checked! Hope you feel better soon!