View Full Version : cant cope with this feeling anymore plz help :(

12-10-13, 21:16
in january 2013 i got a vomiting bug and frm then i started gerting a eocking swaying sensation which got bad enough i ended up bedridden for weeks and im still suffering. i lost 2 stone in weight. i always feel like im bopping up and down, my body feels weak, i get jelly legs, jittery and just not with it. i feel like im fading away its hard to describe. im on no medication as i have a fear of side effects esp of meds that interfere with the brain it freaks me out. the dr prescribed prozac 20mg but i havent taken it. i dont know what to do im so fed up with everyday being a constant struggle. if i didnt feel dizzy and unbalanced so much id be ok what should i do. im 24 with 3 children and its rly difficult x

13-10-13, 02:17
I had vertigo really bad for 10 months. I didn't vomit or was bedridden like you but I had to hold on to walls to be able to avoid falling. Also my depth perception felt wrong and I got dizzy looking at things far away versus nearby.
I was getting depressed about it. My doctor put me on valium for a coupled of weeks and I got miraculously better after a year of suffering.
Currently I take Klonopin as needed.
However I did have an MRI to rule anything else out (on my brain). Nothing was wrong with me other than the back of my neck was so contractured due to tension that It was messing up with my circulation to my head. The valium helped with the anxiety as well as getting those muscles on my neck to relax and resolve the contractures.
I hope this helps in any way....

14-10-13, 21:48
thanks so much for your reply. im glad to know that anxiety can cause vertigo. i didnt spin and it didnt make me vomit. the ground felt very weird to walk on and made me panic constantly. how did you feel going off rhe valium? im too afraid of meds like that i take a beta blocker just a very small dose 10mg to help with the racing heart x