View Full Version : Help!

12-10-13, 21:48
Hey guys, I would love to speak to someone who has managed to overcome health anxiety as it is completely ruining my life and I'm only 19 and really am losing the will to live! :(

I wouldn't wish anxiety upon anyone it's such a horrible horrible thing!!

Sorry to sound so dramatic and desperate lol

12-10-13, 21:58
Hi cammy.

Im 47 now. Up until two years ago on and off from the age of 15 I suffered from heath anxiety and panic attattacks culminating in me being on citalpram for 6 months.
I received cbt from my doctor which really helped and allowed me to come off the pills.
In the last two years ive lost seven stone and taken up running and weight training.
my panic attacks are a thing of the past and my anxieties about health are much more rational.
exercise works for me cammy. Have you given it a try

12-10-13, 22:07
Hi Cammy, I’m 34 and developed health anxiety 10 years ago. Sometimes I think I am cured ( usually when I am symptom-free) but then another questionable symptom arises and I descend into my usual black hole. I think the key is to address the root cause of the anxiety and address the errors in thinking. The (incorrect) way I deal with it at the moment is to get reassurance on a particular issue then I am carefree and high functioning... until something ( another symptom) rocks my boat. I am currently in the midst of a cancer fear. My doctor says that once this is resolved I need to seek CBT to address my HA. But my problem is that this time I really do think I am right and I do have something sinister. I can’t think straight in the midst of my HA black hole so I can barely admit I have HA on this occasion as it feels very real. So unfortunately I cannot tell you I am cured but I am determined that I don’t want to always feel like this. Whether I do have cancer or not, I know that mentally torturing myself is not the kind thing to do. Just never give up hope and remember you are not alone. CBT works for lots of people and it’s definitely worth a shot as well as having good distraction techniques (immersing yourself in a hobby etc).

12-10-13, 22:15
Hi Dave thanks for replying.

Currently I am on day 18 of 20mg citalopram and I am seeing some small improvements, longer spells of feeling normal but when that urge of panic comes along it is bad. Maybe I should ask my gp to refer me for cbt. I am going to stick with the tablets as I know it's a minimum of six months to stay on them.

Also I know exercise does release feel good endorphins but the fear of my heart pounding drives me away from exercise. I don't understand why I have this, I'm quite a sociable guy, have a beautiful girlfriend who supports me. It's the strangest thing ever!

---------- Post added at 22:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

Thanks for the reply JC04, it is such a vicious cycle. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone!!

12-10-13, 22:24
Yeah, me neither. I can’t understand it. I have such lovely supportive family and friends and a great fiancé. I love my life so much. I hate it when anxiety comes in and messes it all up . I’d love it gone for good. Thing is we have to remember to treat ourselves with the same kindness as we would our friends and family. I think nothing of torturing myself with googling symptoms and then berating myself for being ‘pathetic’ because I cannot control my thoughts. I wouldn’t dream of doing that to someone else so my new mission is to stop doing that to myself. Good luck with your journey – you’ll get there :)