View Full Version : What is it about this time of night and sleep

12-10-13, 23:32
So I'm getting down again tonight to sleep and my heart starts going haywire again. Last night I couldn't lie on my left side because of it so tonight I just get down on my right side and bam heart is all over the place with irregular beats.
I'm so very tired of this and don't know why it's happening especially at night.

13-10-13, 01:32
Our bodies are on clocks that just do things sometimes. If you're concerned get it checked but I'd probably say its nothing, just something your body is used to doing at this time of night.

13-10-13, 11:56
They won't listen to me. I've had a monitor for catching them (not 24 hour as they won't give me one) and ecgs etc.
I'm just fed up and want to go back to the happy me I was at the beginning of the year, enjoying myself and sleeping well.

13-10-13, 16:23
Hi, try not to worry. (i) the more we focus on our hearts, especially at night in a quiet room, the more we will be aware of any little ‘blip’. This awareness is likely to contribute to your heart racing and then slowing down. (ii) harmless ectopic beats ( when the heart skips) happen when we relax. Therefore they are more noticeable when we go to bed. I have had them for years and I ignore them now. They are worse when I am hungover or have been anxious. An ECG would have picked up anything sinister. It sounds anxiety related x