View Full Version : Chest pains

13-10-13, 00:14
Hay everyone. It's been a while since I posted. A lot has changed in my upcoming conquest over anxiety and stress but for the last 2 - 3 days I've been getting these chest pains.

I've read enough online and even just on here to know that chest pain is a very common symptom of stress and anxiety but I just feel I need to get this off my chest (pun sort of intended).

So it not a sharp pain. I can point to it both on and under my chest muscle. Sometimes it comes when I bend over and it never lasts for more then like 3 - 8 seconds. I know this might sound squeamish to many of you hardcore anxiety sufferers that get a thousand palps a day, followed by crushing chest pains and breathlessness. But this really bothers me for some reason.

One thing that is also strange is the fact that one day about a week ago my constant anxiety and panic just suddenly left me. It's like a weight has been lifted off my soul and I can think clearly now. I'm not panicking over this at all. Just bothered. It's like I can think clearly but I still think in the same worrisome patterns I used to. It's weird how my heart is always beating slow. It's like my pulse just doesn't go up anymore.

I really don't know where I'm going with this. Have you had chest pains like these? what where they like? Could you describe the type of pain and where it came from?

For me it's a sort of sore, tender, ache. I notice (being hyperaware of my heart) that when I feel this pain my heart starts to beat differently. Is it just reacting to pain or does the pain come from the heart muscle itself??

Jeeez. I'm so confused by this. I don't know what to think of it all....

Thank you for reading. :hugs:

13-10-13, 00:24
Hi Eyji

Yes its quite common of anxiety but it could also be down to indigestion or acid reflux you could try some indigestion med to see if you get any relief from it. But i would go to your doc if it continues im on omzoprazole for mine and its really helped i dont get any burning pains put pain from the sternum and under the ribs. Hope it clears for you soon.


13-10-13, 00:34
I'm not a doctor but that sounds like costochondritis. My friend who is a doctor gave me a quick off-the-record exam that took about 30 seconds and said I more than likely have this. You get burning, aching, soreness (like someone beat you with a baseball bat overnight), and sharp shooting pains. I'm going in officially to get it checked but its not fun trust me.