View Full Version : I Just don't understand it!

13-10-13, 00:27
Hi guys, as u may have seen from my previous post the last 5 days i have been feeling anxious 24-7 with no let up! thing is although ive been under a massive amount of stress over the last month, this past week as been so relaxing its un real! i thought amazing! untill constant anxiety kicked in! now 5 days later and its still going strong! non of my techniques work not even going for a walk works! i can't understand it! although i dont think im stressed cud my sub concious still be highly stressed and worrying about something with out me knowing? thats my only explanation

13-10-13, 01:36
The days that I feel the worst are the days that I have time off. I am on a very demanding masters program and the times when I get crippling anxiety is on the weekends when I don't go to school, or on the long weekends when I go out of town, I attribute this to the fact that I have more time to think and I am not busy enough to be "unaware" of my levels of anxiety. The anxiety feels right for the days when I am busy but for the relaxing days it feels abnormal and it freaks me out. My sister is the same way. She usually has the worst panic attacks when she is on vacation from work.... I end up taking an Anti Anxiety medication because I hate the anxiety ruining the days when I should be relaxing and enjoying myself. But I fight the urge to take it so much that by the time I take it my day is almost over and I wasted most of the day freaking out....

13-10-13, 17:20
Sometimes you don't feel the effects of a stressful time until much later on, days, even weeks, but in the end it does catch up with you so this might be what's happening with you. Hope you feel better soon!

13-10-13, 18:38
It sounds like you're trying to fight AGAINST the anxiety rather than going with the flow. I know it sucks, I get it a lot, but if you accept the anxiety is there and go with it, instead of fighting against it, you'll notice a difference.