View Full Version : Enough!

13-10-13, 03:44
So why do I fear illness so much when symptoms arrive all I think about is the symptoms then my mind will remember what I've googled in the past and connects the dots then I sit and wonder is it what I fear the most, then I jump to the doc would of tested me for this and referred me for that and he isn't worried so why should I then I think if my symptoms only last days or weeks then goes away then I should listen to my doctor who isn't concerned about it. So why oh why do I sit here concentrating on my body sensations and dreading the wrose? I hate this! I want to live a normal happy life again! I want to think positive thoughts and bring in positive energy again or start to. I'm afraid I'm to late. I wonder why I'm so afraid of illnesses i know people with them, they are not afraid I see them living their life in a good way. I want to not be afraid.

Can anyone relate?


13-10-13, 17:06
I can relate completely. I miss the happy normal person i used to be, I sit here all the time jumping from deathly illness to deathly illness depending on whats hurting most at the time.

Chest pains are either a PE or heart attack/heart problem. Had ECGS, chest Xray, FBC, lipids etc but no its still a heart problem. I magnify every pain to a life threatening illness, despite everyone saying I'm fine.

At the minute its a brain aneurysm I'm worried about, I'm worried about dropping dead any minute. And of course I can't have an MRI to put my aneurysm fears to bed so I'm stuck with them, every day every night I think about brain aneurysms or heart issues.

My pains went away, I was happier the old me came back and bam chest pains came back and suddenly all these tests taht I've had dont matter anymore! I really want to beat this, I'm determined to beat this. At hte minute I can;t plan for the future because I don't think I'll be here, which is sad. I just want to be back to normal so i can totally relate. x

13-10-13, 17:19
Yes, enough said! I completely understand!:hugs:

13-10-13, 19:04
I'm determined this week to begin to beat the anxiety, I've just started a thread on tips to beat it and me and Fruity are going to motivate eachother to do it, your more than welcome to join :D. Enough is enough! x

13-10-13, 19:07
Yes! Count me in I did read the post and made me smile!

13-10-13, 19:12
Sorry to hijack the thread, but I think this is a great idea. Although I understand that people need to come here to seek reassurance for symptoms, in some way for me at least it just perpetuates the problem.

Funnily enough I am having a particularly anxiety ridden day today, but I love the idea of a thread where a gang of people share what they are doing to get better, motivate one another and give each other a boost when they are down.

13-10-13, 19:15
It is a fab idea, credit goes to Fruity :) Come join us on the other thread, tips to beat anxiety x

13-10-13, 19:19
I agree completely I was thinking the other day about how much I love this site so so much. Also I live in canada and don't know anyone who has similar problems as me as in HA. I was hoping for a support group in my area! This new thing here is an awesome idea though! Love it!!

13-10-13, 20:02
Sorry to hijack the thread, but I think this is a great idea. Although I understand that people need to come here to seek reassurance for symptoms, in some way for me at least it just perpetuates the problem.

Funnily enough I am having a particularly anxiety ridden day today, but I love the idea of a thread where a gang of people share what they are doing to get better, motivate one another and give each other a boost when they are down.

come join us cpe1978, I've also had a rubbish anxiety ridden day :(

13-10-13, 20:07
Although I understand that people need to come here to seek reassurance for symptoms, in some way for me at least it just perpetuates the problem.... I love the idea of a thread where a gang of people share what they are doing to get better, motivate one another and give each other a boost when they are down.

This is GREAT! YES! I've posted many times that it's a personal decision to fight the beast. I understand the point of knowing others are feeling the same things you are. I frequent oral cancer forums for the same reason BUT.... there comes a time when you break away and do the things necessary to move on with your life. Become the posters that encourage others. Become the posters that beat the beast and help others.

I Love It! Go for it! I'm behind you all the way!

Positive thoughts and prayers