View Full Version : Here we go again!

13-10-13, 14:35
Oh my goodness, I have just returned to the site after 2 years break during which time i was totally fine, very little or no anxiety. Now the anxiety has crept back and why... Because my youngest DS is 17 and i am worried about him. (what a surprise!) What i didn't expect to find and what i had forgotten is what i wrote in my original posts! I may as well just cut and paste bits of it! In fact this time around it is probably easier and after a false start with college DS2 seems to have settled. But he says (sometimes), 'i'm not happy' or 'i'll never be happy' but can't really say why he isn't happy. This gets to me terribly, i just panic and catastrophize thinking he must be depressed, but he goes out with friends, eats, sleeps, showers etc just is miserable at home. Of course i don't see him with his friends or at college so have nothing to compare to. ( although DH saw him yesterday with his friends laughing and obviously happy) I should realise that it's my problem not his. I should have learnt from my eldest DS1 that they get through it and no one is 100% happy all the time, so why do i worry so much? I really have nothing to worry about. DH says that he is a bit of a drama queen, and says DS1 was too and they know how to get to me. Which i think is possibly true but anxiety stops me believing what i know to be true....that's strange to say but it is how i feel, i lack confidence in my own thoughts and that's why i seek reassurance from many places. So, any mums or dad's out there that can reassure me (unlike Google can!) that teenagers can be 'unhappy' without being depressed or progressing to depression. They can be stroppy without having a mental
health problem! And all the other bits teenagers do.
By the way, for anyone that has read my original posts DS1 has matured into a lovely young man, has had a girlfriend since the first one, unfortunately it ended after about a year, and we did have some trauma but he has moved on now. He has a full time job,ambition and he speaks positively about the future. He's turned out fine despite all my worrying!

13-10-13, 19:54
Forgive me but what does DS1 and DS2 mean?

Sorry to hear you are back here after being fine for 2 years.

09-11-13, 15:42
Sorry, DS1 is eldest son, DS2 is youngest son.