View Full Version : Doctor or google

13-10-13, 15:04
Hi, so I'm here again! I'm wondering if anyone else thinks this way to.....

Do I believe my doctor or Google? What do u think?


13-10-13, 15:10
Rationally speaking the answer is definitely the doctor. However, I cannot practice what I preach and I am having the same dilemma. A radiologist said my gallbladder polyp is 'likely benign' but I've been googling and think that the features of it ( large 1.3 mm single polyp) is more likely to be malignant. What's your situation? J

13-10-13, 15:28
I've been having MS symptoms according to google and my doctor says I have TMJ and I have mingrains, which both are correct, google says I have MS though! And now I'm getting more "MS" symptoms, ugg! I don't know what to believe anymore! :huh:

13-10-13, 15:34
I’d go with the doctor if I were you. The symptoms of MS are so varied and diffuse that pretty much any symptom any of us are experiencing could be one of the range of possible MS symptoms. Plus, I’m not sure about you, but the more I read about particular illnesses the more I develop the symptoms – our brains are really powerful things.
Also, your symptoms could be explained by the doctors diagnosis. I know it’s hard to believe that things can be that simple, but sometimes they are that simple but all our symptoms are exemplified by anxiety which in turn bring new symptoms.
Plus your doctor has seen you and knows your history and Google hasn’t seen you. Go with your doctor’s verdict.

13-10-13, 15:46
Thank you! Your post has really helped me. You know what is funny when I first was reading your post I read that I should go back to my doctor that you could have MS. Then I re read it and I was like oh now I get what u put. At first I was freaking out! I'm going to try and relax and not think about MS. Not going to be easy. I read some where yesterday that 90 percent of what you worry about dose not happen. I need to believe that.

13-10-13, 15:54

You can find EVERYTHING you think or dread to believe about your symptoms if you Google hard enough. You will literally find the worse case scenario and diagnose yourself.

It does no good whatsoever, unless you are a rational enough person to research symptoms objectively, but keep your fears out of it, and how many health anxious people can do that??

You cannot get a human response based on your personal symptoms, nor can someone look at you to exam you physically or listen to your own personal history by Googling. That is a major part of forming a diagnosis.

All Google does is create fear and form diagnoses that may not to the most part be FACT.

See a human being, not a laptop.

13-10-13, 15:56
Oh yes, sorry for the scare, I should have written ‘ go with the doctors opinion’. :blush:

Definitely try to relax, doctors are really experienced and if they saw anything in you that could indicate MS at all then they’d be marching you off for tests. It is so hard to switch the brain off, I know. Try to distract yourself by doing something that relaxes you ( bath, candles, book etc), it will break the chain of negative thinking and allow you to come out of that black hole of catastrophising and thinking that it can only be the worse case scenario. I have been convinced I am seriously ill for the last 36 hours but today I distracted myself for an hour. After that hour I entertained the thought that it might not be the worst case scenario for me and that there are other alternatives to the malignancy I think I have.

You’ve done all you can for yourself, you reported your symptoms to the doctor and he does not think you have MS. It doesn’t sound like you have anything to worry about so give yourself permission to relax. You deserve it x

13-10-13, 16:18
Well let's see... Hmmmm

A doctor goes to school for 8 years or more and deals with people on an everyday basis. They see things in "REAL LIFE" and deal with them accordingly. Also, they have libraries full of books and yes, Google, to help research studies and facts. They also consult colleagues and other specialists in their respective fields when they encounter something unusual. Many are specialists in their practices and have knowledge and experience you cannot find in a mathematical algorithm or written computer code.

Google is a SEARCH ENGINE! It uses words to find links that contain those words. If you search "lump" and "cancer", guess what comes up?

So think about this and ask the question again ;)

But to answer your question... No way in HELL do I trust Google over a trained medical professional. Google didn't treat my heart or my cancer. Doctors did and I'm here because of them.

Good Luck!

13-10-13, 17:28
Awe! Thank you guys so much! :bighug1: what you all said to me will stick in my mind and hopefully it will stick out over my fears. I haven't been eating very much or drinking very much cause of my anxiety it's one of the first things to go when I'm stressed, my mother told me I'm making myself sick, I need to stop!!!!

Thank you!!!:flowers:

13-10-13, 17:38

13-10-13, 22:33
If I put my symptoms as "live in a garage", "blow smoke", "gets hot" google will tell me that I'm a car.

Am I? Who should I believe? Silly, right? :-)

13-10-13, 22:44
When I first started having post nasal drip problems, google told me I had lung cancer.

13-10-13, 22:49
Really?? Wow!! That isn't even close!

13-10-13, 23:24
I was feeling fine all day Saturday, went for a relaxing bath and because I've been having pregnancy symptoms, one being really sore breasts and I know I'm not pregnant, I did a bad thing and googled because all I really wanted to know was if it was because I came off the pill, but google told me that it was the c word! I had a major panic attack, came out the bath after only around 5 mins and started shaking and crying uncontrollably. google gives you the worst possible outcome even if you don't put in "cancer" into the search engine. you could type something as simple as "headache" and it will come up with the worst outcomes. Google scares me now so I would just stick to your doctor. As Fishmanpa says, doctors have been training for years and dealing with real life scenarios. It's easier said than done sometimes though isn't it?!:)

15-10-13, 21:51
So today I was a wreak! I went to work then left early then went to my doctor terrified of the possibility of me having MS because of a few symptoms. He the. Reassured from my last MRI I had done in June that I had no legions so I am fine. Told me again I was fine. Ordered blood work. I have to believe and stay off of google. My over active brain though is still drumming up stuff though!!!! Grrrrr, how do I stop!!!!!!!??

26-10-13, 18:46
Hi :) Hmm I would also say probably the doctor? I think that in contrast to google they actually see you and can ask you some questions, which may be helpful to get a more accurate perspective...

27-10-13, 00:46
i have recently had to add web blockers so i can not google symptoms, i have given myself health anxiety due to the fact that i am dieing from cancer and i am having a heart attack everyday, i have a brain tumor ... oh wait i just have anxiety! Do not believe google over your DR, if you have a concern call them or just go in for a quick visit.

27-10-13, 21:30
I'd say.. Google your symptoms then when you go to see your doctor, share your opinion. If he's not an arrogant ass, he will either do some tests to ease your mind. xD

27-10-13, 21:33
I'd say.. Google your symptoms then when you go to see your doctor, share your opinion. If he's not an arrogant ass, he will either do some tests to ease your mind. xD

No offense but "Google" to an HA sufferer is probably the last thing you want to do unless you Google "Anxiety Symptoms" ;)

27-10-13, 21:34
Usually I google that first to rule out anything else, haha!