View Full Version : Has anyone had this?

13-10-13, 17:00
I came off 40mg citalopram basically cold turkey by my own decision around July.
I had no side effects when I first started the tablet or when I was on it.

On Tuesday I went back on 10mg , because I feel I can't cope without it..

Since going back on it I have been experiencing CONSTANT non stop GNAWING hunger pains that don't go away with eating.

Is this a side effect? Has it happened to anyone else ever? Or is it an ulcer?

15-10-13, 23:11
I can't say that I've had those symptoms but I didn't quit from 40mg cold turkey so maybe that's what's caused it? Maybe you should try going back up to 40 and decreasing by 5mg every two weeks and see how you go? Even tapering quite slowly I've struggled loads and I'm literally eating everything I can.

Good luck, hopefully you'll be able to come off them soon! I'm still in 5mg and really struggling to get off them completely. It's crazy how hard it is!!