View Full Version : Tips on how to beat anxiety.

13-10-13, 17:08
Right, I'm determined to beat this. I'm sick and tired of my life revolving around heart issues and brain aneurysms. I'm miserable day in day out and it has to stop, I just want to live!

Any tips not to let these things go round in my head are most appreciated :)

So far we have:
Fruity, tinker28, cpe1978, skadel, kristyg, raphaels and roxy :) I'd like to credit fishmanpas wonderful posts which.have.given me the kickstart to start this thread :)

13-10-13, 18:19
hey roxy. we are the same. i,ve been thinking this & you know what lets do it together. lets give each other the motivation we need. lets try for just 1 week starting tomorrow to friday. lets eat healthy,start going walks in the fresh air. even if we do it lets do it more. & lets take up sillly things or just other stuff tp take our minds off stuff. like colour,draw,write ect.... & if you,ve got kids hang more with them do things with them. you & me reply back to each other all this week & say what we,ve done:bighug1:. thats if you want. and if we both got our anxietys lets support each-other

13-10-13, 19:02
Hey fruity what a fab idea :) Motivation is something I definately need and who better than someone who is going through the same thing as me!

If any week is the week to do it its this week, I'm moving into my new home on Thursday and I'm totally convinced that I'm not going to make it in there, how bizzare is that! I agree, lets eat healthily and do everything to take our minds off this! Is there anything your worried about inparticular? Mine is a brain aneurysm at the minute (that will change later when I have a chest pain lol). x

13-10-13, 19:21
I'm in for sure!!:D

13-10-13, 19:22

I can't tell you how glad I am to see this post by you! I don't know you personally but through your words I see a determination I haven't seen before and it's awesome!

There's nothing certain on our lives. Shit is gonna happen despite our best efforts. Despite the adversities we face, life is about living and not about worrying what might happen.

Be an inspiration for those here fighting this awful affliction called anxiety. Show everyone what one can do when they set their minds on something. I'll be the first in line cheering you on!

Positive thoughts and prayers

13-10-13, 19:34
Fishmanpa I will make you proud lol!

Although I dont know you in real life you've helped me so much on here I can't tell you enough, I'm very greatful for all your advice and input to make a positive change :) if you're ever by Lincolnshire way I'd love to buy you a drink hah!

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:27 ----------

glad you're in tinker! I love this site too, offers me so much support I dont get in real life either, fishmanpa is particularly wonderful :) He/she (I think he for some reason but dont want to offend lol!) doesn't have Health Anxiety but actually has real health problems the ones we all worry about so much, and is a complete inspiration in my opinion :)

13-10-13, 20:02
hey roxy my main worry is my heart. & right this minute my left arm is having achy feeling & it,s making me feel all funny & weird & hot. my left arm also went hot. . im playing with my kids to help. but it,s still there. to be honest im frightend but im going to beat this

13-10-13, 20:04
I know the feeling, my heart and my brain are my main worries too :( I've had chest and arm pain for days but I haven't ran to a doctor (yet!) as I know its likely muscular but I can't get the fear out of my head, and as for brain aneurysm well Im not sure I'll ever get over that one! I'm contantly frightened of any little pain but like you i am determined to get somewhere, for me and my daughter and my partner who wants to smother me with a pillow lol.

13-10-13, 20:16
Ok well I am in too. Funnily enough I have been swapping emails with a member on here with exactly this sort of discussion, to move the focus away from symptom listing and towards positive action. The former is just a pit of endless despair and the latter is the only way out of this vicious cycle.

FWIW my big anxieties at the moment stem around the usual neurological conditions. Get this......I feel like I am weak etc, but I just got back from a badminton match, my brain won't work on that logic though :)

In terms of my positive steps:
- I have totally stopped googling symptoms, if I feel the urge I come on here;
- I am 6 sessions into CBT and lots of it is making sense;
- I am eating better than I have in ages and am determined to lose a stone between now and January;
- I am exercising more regularly and have bought myself a fancy new rowing machine - I used to love rowing on water when I was a bit younger;

I would love this thread to be the longest in the HA forum's history.

Good luck people! Xx


13-10-13, 20:37
It would be great if this thread continued, I know I will update my progress (or lack of!) on here :)

I've also stopped googling, though I feel this is little to late as I know think I know everything about everything, and I can't unread it.

I'm also starting healthy eating, cholesterol is a massive panic of mine so going to nip it in the bud so it doesn't continue to be an issue. I worry its too late, my arteries are already blocked etc but im 22 for god sake!

My main aim is to stop worrying about brain aneyursms, these cause me the most worry and the most stress. I believe my cholesterol has weakened my arteries and therefore created an aneurysm, this I need to work on.

I need to believe not every head pain is brain related, if it hurts to poke then its probably muscule. As a nice doctor said why would an internal issue in the head be causing outside pain? duh I dind't think of it like that.

I can't win works bonus ball lottery at 40-1 odds, nevermind having a burst anerysum at around 1-10,000 odds.

I think I'm the unluckiest person ever and therefore something bad is definately going to happen to me, but I have a gorgeous daughter, a partner who loves me etc, so maybe I am actually the luckiest?

I'm moving into a new house on thursday and I'm totally convinced I will die before I move in. I said this about my daughters first birthday (July just gone) and I'm still here.

And most of all, I am now going to worry that it will be sods law that once I've stopped worrying about it that these things will happen then!

13-10-13, 20:47
My goodness it is exhausting isn't it. Little wonder we ache and hurt!

We need to find ways of having a break from worrying. For me there is a reservoir near here that has a bench half way around. When I sit on the bench the view across the Peak District is so serene that it is one of the few times in my life I ever feel relaxed!

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

Oh just had another thought, maybe we should have a username list in the OP of people who are taking part so that if people disappear we can check in and see how they are?

13-10-13, 20:54
The list is a good idea, how would I do that?

Worry is exhausting, it takes over my who life day in day out! That bench sounds lovely, unfortunately I live in a dive so that wouldn't be possible!

13-10-13, 21:00
Can I join you please :)

13-10-13, 21:04
Of course sadkel, the more the merrier :-)!x

13-10-13, 21:09
I think Roxy that you can edit your original post and add people as they chip in. Would be great to think a thread like this would loiter on the front page for a good long time :)

Yes I am dead lucky to live where I do (It is where Last of the Summer Wine was made so if you have seen that you can picture the scenery).

I don't know about you, but one of the biggest challenges I have is that I am an all or nothing thinker. So in terms of anxiety, perfection is the only satisfactory outcome. Of course it doesn't work like that so the first goal should be to pick out the moments of each day where anxiety is not all consuming. They will be there but we aren't noticing them. For instance, me and my wife now the kids are in bed are watching Strictly on Sky plus. For a moment there I was all consumed in something, wasn't anxious, in fact wasn't thinking anything apart from how good what I was watching was.

I bet it doesn't consume ALL of your day either :)

13-10-13, 21:31
Ive edited the post :)

Oh yes there are definitely times when I dont think about it, I watched a whole episode of x factor yesterday then realised at the end I was still alive! My problem is I will.stop what I'm doing during the.day to think/worry about aneurysms. I'm only 22 but I feel like I.have the body of a 50 year old!

My daughter is fast asleep, i.check on her in the middle of the night every.night because I'm frightened of something happening to her.

My worries consume waaay too much of my day! I'm surprised I'm not single yet...

13-10-13, 22:00
I know exactly where you are coming from.. I'm worrying at the moment because I keep feeling aches all over me... I don't know why... It's driving me insane :(

Try to forget about things but they are always there... I'm 33 feel like 83, as I always saying I don't feel too good :(

13-10-13, 22:04
Ive had all over body pain aches tenderness for months sadkel. I wae convinced I had.leukemia, cancers all sorts. The doctors suggested I had fibromyalgia, so maybe you have that?

I have rotten chest, arm and back pains. Its shit, ive decided I have.a.brain aneurysm due to.high cholesterol im a mess! Im frightened daily, and I'm.bluddy sick of it!

13-10-13, 22:08
I was worried I'd got breast cancer last week, but must have been premenstrual as my anxieties shoot up then.

The aches are weird, started 8 days ago when I picked baby up... In my back... Then neck, chest, arms, thighs , knees...not there for long but Kinda moving from one to the other :( it's getting me down that's for sure

13-10-13, 22:12
That is exactly how mine were, it was.nothing but anxiety, now theyre back again. Im.determined to get my life back though sick of these.worries robbing my life!

13-10-13, 22:15
It's horrible isn't it... I want my life back too..

Gonna get more sleep
Eat healthier
More exercise/ fresh air
Try to think positive
Get at least 20 mins a day me time.. To relax

13-10-13, 22:34
I was doing good I went and took my son to the store and even sang in the car on the way there, then I noticed the burning sensation in my cheek came on suddenly it went away for a few days just when I was forcing myself to feel better. I went on FB then my 2nd cousin was giving her thankfulness status she just lost her mom she is older then me probably in her 40's and her mom died and she suffered from MS. Then I was reading chicken soup book the power of positive and I read a story of a girl who was diagnosed with Ms and her story? WHY oh why do these things scare me so so much!!!!!! GRRRRR!!!

13-10-13, 23:59
Can i join you guys too?
I really need something to help me get through this. I know the chest pain im experiencing is anxiety but im away on holiday with my beautiful family and the niggling "heart attack" worry wont go away.
I want to enjoy my holiday not be on edge abd scared!
Kirst x

14-10-13, 00:48
I'm gonna make a list of those responding to this post and hold you accountable!

Do you want me picking on you?! ~lol~ Get busy and practice what you're preaching!

I'm Watching.....

14-10-13, 07:56
Thanks for sharing the great information to beat the anxiety problem..
It's great..

14-10-13, 09:09
hey roxy. how you doing this morning. im ok i suppose. i,ve just finished work(im a cleaner) my chest is hurting a bit i have done loads of hoovering & sweeping. i have had a few horrible thoughts this morning but luckily when im at work i either don,t think of them or if i do they go quik because im doing something. i,ve just rang my two kids to see if there ok. because my mum takes them & fetches them from school. i work as a cleaner also at tea times... i,ve just gone dizzy & swayee proberly because im looking down. im on my phone writing this because im waiting for a lift. don,t want to walk what with this horrible weather. whats it like were you are. it,s realy dull & raining. & im froze.. just want a cupa tea now. hope you can understand my writing because im writing quik

14-10-13, 09:26
Of course you can Kristy, enjoy your holiday! I know what you mean though chest pains are a.nightmare with anxiety.

Hi fruity, im okay so far! My chest and arms are off todat.already aswell as pains in my head and arms. Im half convinced im about to have a stroke but hey ho, im trying to block the blocked artery thoughts out. Not doing yoo great atm.but its only.day 1!

14-10-13, 09:44
Hi Roxy

Do you know something I feel exactly like you. I believe that I am sou lucky in life that if anything is going to go wrong then it will. I am afraid to stop worrying because then it will happen.

I have been molested by a previous GP who is now struck off. I was touched up as a little girl. My father was violent to my mum. She had no one yo talk yo ado she told me. Thus was at the age of 8years old. I have a failed marriage but now a good one. I have a son with a heart condition. He's fine I'm not. I have been excluded from the Greek community for 10 years because of a past relationship with a cousin which resulted in a child. He's my blessing.
I am now accepted in the Greek community because I'm married and have a business. Please don't judge me by my actions as I was lonely and then 28years ago I was very lonely. Do I regret it now yes but I have such a beautiful son who is my friend and I adore him very much. This is me in short.

14-10-13, 09:55
Wow Raphaels, you have been through the mill a bit haven't you. I don't think this is the place for judgement (even if i were inclined to pass it - which I wasn't - in fact I had to read your post twice before it sunk in why judgement might have been an option ;)

Anyway, morning everyone, how are you all doing. My sone very generously woke me up at 5:30am this morning which is a pain, but it did give me some time to think about how to behave more positively and i thought I would begin the day by giving you my thoughts.

1) I dont know about you guys, but I have a whole host of habitual behaviour associated with my HA. Almost to the point of OCD. In the past it was google. Now it is this site and also constantly checking myself. At the moment that relates to strength testing etc. I would be really interested to consider how it is possible to break these habitual behaviors as I do believe that this is one of the keys to me feeling better.

2) I have posted about this before, but again for me there is a big challenge with tolerating uncertainty. I am a complete control freak and a perfectionist in so many ways (although you would not think so to look at my kitchen right now). You can never be certain about your health and I believe that to successfully get through HA we have to reach a point where this uncertainty becomes tolerable. There is also a weird paradox here though. People with mental health conditions are about the worst at looking after their physical health and there are some really positive things you can do to minimise your risk of serious disease and maximise the chances of a long and independent life.

If we use cancer as an example. The stats say that you have a one in three chance of having cancer in your lifetime. Well we all have to die of something and a huge percentage of those are people in old age. However it is also interesting to note what percentage of cancers are directly attributable to lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity and inactivity. Lead a healthy lifestyle and the percentages increase rapidly in your favour.

Ok right I am off to try and concentrate on my work for a while. Something that hasnt been easy for the past few months (which is a pain as I love my new job).

Take it easy people - keep the postivity flowing!! :)

14-10-13, 10:32
Raphaels, I also had to re-read your post to see what you was on about judgement wise. There is certainly no judgement from me (or anyone else I hope!) You sound like you've been through hell and back, all credit to you for bouncing back :)

I used to have a few habitual behaviours. I'd check my temperature and pulse every 15 minutes or so sometimes, and all through the night it became an obsession. I'd go in and out of pharmacies to have my blood pressure checked, and I'd poke myself all over to see if it hurt (i still do this one now).

So its day one and I feel awful and want to panic so much, having awful heaad pains, but I'm off shopping soon hopefully this will take my mind off it. I think sometimes distraction is the key x

14-10-13, 10:37
Roxy, I think feeling awful on day one is just fine. You can't affect that overnight....what you can change is how you react to it. Shopping sounds like a plan to me - although something I hate :)

14-10-13, 10:57
Hi thanks for reading my message. I also today I am going to take my dog. For a walk and if I drop dead so be it. Trying to be positive.

14-10-13, 12:16
Thats beginning to sound like my attitude, if i drop dead so be it!

14-10-13, 12:48
Yes shopping sounds great!! I think that is what I'm going to do today!!

14-10-13, 19:09
So what positive things have we done today guys?

14-10-13, 19:15
I have mostly being trying to empty my insanely full email inbox. I think the reply to all button should be banned. Other than that I have spent some time on here trying to post supportive things to other people and not be too consumed with what bothers me.

Tomorrow the 7:12 train to London to visit a neonatal unit!

14-10-13, 19:21
Not had the best day really :( in a bit of pain... Trying to think yes it's just a strain...

Been to ikea for a wander and rested since the kiddies went bed

14-10-13, 19:33
So where are all you guys from? I live in a little place called Holmfirth in West Yorkshire.

14-10-13, 20:53
Me neither sadkel :( im having pain down my right side feel dizzy and just not right if that makes sense.

On the positive my.cholesterol is only 4.8 something I've been really anxious about so that's good :-).

Cpe im in north east lincs x

14-10-13, 20:58
This is gonna sound harsh, but everyone with health anxiety should remember that it is not the real problem. Health anxiety itself, for all the power it seems to have over you, is just a symptom of the real problem. "The Beast has a boss."

Health anxiety represents the fear of death. Everyone experiences health anxiety in their own way, but if you pull the plug out and watch it swirl away, you'll see it only goes down one hole.

So my (very) general advice is, if you want to beat health anxiety once and for all rather than just fight its symptoms, look for ways to beat the fear of death which is using health anxiety as cover. Remember that this is one of your core fears, don't treat it lightly, but don't let it threaten or dominate you. Find ways to resolve this fear and you will probably see a massive swathe of symptoms and problems being cleared up in one go.

14-10-13, 21:09
I truly agree that (for me) it is a fear of death, of which I have no idea how to overcome.

14-10-13, 21:43
I'm same roxy....

I'm in East Midlands btw xx

14-10-13, 22:08
Funny, for me it isn't the fear of death at all, it isn't even the fear of dying in so much as were I a single guy with no children I would not be unduly concerned, I completely accept that death is an inevitable consequence of being alive and in that regard, given that life is general more great than bad it is a consequence I can live with.

What I struggle with, and I struggle to even type it, is the consequence of death for other people. The fact that my kids would grow up without a father, the fear that I would not be able to provide for them, the fear that it would in turn jade their growing up and damage them in some way. This then in turn manifests itself in huge amounts of guilt in two ways, firstly that I am so anxious and probably damaging them anyway and secondly in an urge to check every single symptom through some sort of due diligence which makes it incredibly difficult to let aches and pains pass. I fear that were I to receive a diagnosis that my kids would have to watch my decline.

I am not at all close to my parents and all I want for my children is to have a normal and loving upbringing.

So although for many you may be right, for me it isn't that at all, I don't fear death in the sense that I am afraid of the lights going out,I am afraid of the consequences, similar but with some subtle differences I think.

14-10-13, 22:14
Cpe. You hit it on the head, that's exactly what I fear.... Not being here anymore.. For my children :( but lately I've not been much use to them coz of the dreaded HA :(

14-10-13, 22:20
All the more reason to crack this Sadkel, we owe it to our families to give them everything and to do whatever we can to feel better.

14-10-13, 22:35
Yes we definitely doxx

14-10-13, 23:11
hey roxy hope your ok. i have not been to bad today you know this morning felt a bit dodgy but been ok. im of to bed now the kids am asleep & so now im knackerd. i gota get up at 5 30am for work & my mum will be here to have the kids. hate goin to work earlie but atleast im back for 9am. or just before then i aint gotta go back out till 3pm for my other job.. goodnight roxy & i,ll post again tomorow. x

15-10-13, 10:55
Hey fruity am glad you had an okay day yesterday. I'm already feeling like a failure today and its only 10.54am lol. I have awful pains in my arms and my neck and my head and im convinced theres something wrong with my arteries, i can;t seem to stop thinkking about it and well I'm failing!

So I'm taking my little girl out for a walk in a minute, off to drop my mum in some dinner at her work and hopefully take my mind off things. I hate being so bluddy scared all the time, x

15-10-13, 15:05
Imagine some young/middle-aged parents like you with young children around the time the Titanic sank, 1912. Now wonder whether they lived their lives, in their era, to the full or whether they fretted about every symptom and were crippled by the fear of dying and leaving their children with no mother/father figure. Which path did they choose?

Now, fast forward to today and consider that those parents are long gone. Regardless of what choice they made on how to live their lives, they are now dead, and have been for a long time. Their children, who they were so worried about leaving behind, lived their lives but are now dead too. Their GRANDCHILDREN, who they may not have even considered, have lived their lives and are probably dead too - if not they are well into their 80's and reaching the end of their lives.

There is a point to this depressing post and my point is this - life is so short and fleeting that you must not let anxiety ruin it for you. There are no second chances. 100 years from now, you and your children will no longer be around. You will have lived your lives. HOW you choose to live your life is up to you, but I would strongly advise that you don't waste it scouring the internet about health problems.

15-10-13, 16:03
Thanks for that Skippy and I think if I have it correct a change of focus is precisely the point of this thread.

I think most people know where point A is (in most cases riddled with anxiety) and most people know what they aspire point B to be, however he challenge is to understand how to get between the two. Whilst I can accept that some people can just change their mindset, for others it may not be quite so easy.

For me the point of this thread is understanding what positive steps people can take to get to the mindset that you outline.

17-10-13, 10:54
Spot on Cpe, the reason I created this thread was so we could all share tips/advice that has worked for us on beating this anxiety.

However, I'm not doing too well myself! I'm in panic mode day in day out due to chest , head, neck pains and lightheadedness.
Any tips will be appreciated!!

17-10-13, 14:13
Ok we'll I don't know if you are doing anything specific to tackle your anxiety but I have decided to pay for CBT. It is possible to get a referral though on the NHS.

Personally I am finding it helpful in understanding some of the mechanisms that underpin anxiety and panic. I think we need to focus exclusively on the things we can control, but in order to do that we need to take a temporary leap of faith that the symptoms we experience are not going to kill us.

So, we cannot control the stimulus (the feeling we get) and we can't control the anxiety response. What we can control is how we respond, so for example some people avoid certain triggers which may in fact make the situation worse. And we can also change our behaviour which also feeds the problem such as permanent self checking, reassurance seeking, diagnosis chasing etc. my view is that will only serve to maintain an endless sense of anxiety.

Also we need to reward small progress. This is a journey with no timescale and we need to acknowledge small victories, not engage in catastrophic language and thinking and start to force our conscious mind to behave in a certain way and hope the subconscious follows.

I know this isn't the most eloquent but I am at work and on my iPhone! I hope it makes sense and resonates.

19-10-13, 20:00
Im not doing so well at this! Had an anxiety attack driving home from holidays today. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack .... although I think i knew deep down it was just anxiety. Im home and safe now but the chest pains are unreal and my heart is beating so loud. I keep getting sharp pains in my chest. Then i panic. The pain goes, im still alive but the fear and anxiety is STILL there. How do i get past this??

19-10-13, 20:04
Check out this site. I've been going through it and it's been very helpful in dealing with some personal issues I have due to my cancer ordeal and work related issues.


Positive thoughts and prayers

19-10-13, 20:13
I particularly like this bit:


I wonder how many of us are 'Super Scanners'

20-10-13, 12:38
Ok i'm back from my holiday, had a good sleep and im determined to make today good. No super-scanning for symptoms! I already stopped myself checking my heart rate twice while I was doing the washing!!
I feel very light headed and faint but I know its anxiety so Im going to push through it and get the washing done and put away.
My daughters are upstairs playing barbies, my husbands out fixing the tractor and im going to do thus housework alone then pop to the shops.
Not so ambitious but im planning on doing this without letting any anxiety alarm bells drag me down. Feeling positive but very tense!! No wonder my chest aches all the time. Wish i could unwind!
Kirsty xx

20-10-13, 13:34
Ok i'm back from my holiday, had a good sleep and im determined to make today good. No super-scanning for symptoms! I already stopped myself checking my heart rate twice while I was doing the washing!!
I feel very light headed and faint but I know its anxiety so Im going to push through it and get the washing done and put away.
My daughters are upstairs playing barbies, my husbands out fixing the tractor and im going to do thus housework alone then pop to the shops.
Not so ambitious but im planning on doing this without letting any anxiety alarm bells drag me down. Feeling positive but very tense!! No wonder my chest aches all the time. Wish i could unwind!
Kirsty xx


Congrats on pushing through it and taking some steps to beat your beast! That's AWESOME! :)

Have a great day!

Positive thoughts and prayers

20-10-13, 20:01
Thankyou fishmanpa!
I did ok today. Really chuffed with myself although feel a lump in my throat tonight. Again i know its anxiety but its hard to get past.
I know tomorrow is a very different day but I feel positive right now and thats what im focusing on ..... I really want to beat this. Im sick of wasting my life being terrified.
I only did a heart rate check once today and never googled anything at all and i think it helped. It was tempting but I actually did it. Never thought i could!
The support of this page is really helping too.
Hope things continue to improve and i can change my brains way of over thinking!!

20-10-13, 20:08
Awesome Kirsty! Great post!

Have a great one!

20-10-13, 20:09
Hey kirsty, hope you are okay and I hope you continue to.beat.this pesky anxiety!

Ive had an awful day, im more convinced than ever I have.an.aneurysm.and.I'm going to die, I know it.:(

21-10-13, 14:44
Aw no Roxy. I can safely say I know exactly how you feel!
Its so easy to say "its only anxiety making me feel this way" but its another thing getting your brain to believe it.
I have been so convinced that im going to have a heart attack and now my brain seems adament that im going to get cancer too. My breasts are actually sore from the amount of checking i do! Honestly!!
It all started in december last year: i could handle anything and led a very stressful but fun life. I took an infection in my jaw bone and was put on lots of medication at once (doxycycline, naproxine, tramadol and paracetemol). I took a reaction to the tramadol and had heart palpitations in the middle of the night. I thought it was a heart attack and was rushed to hospital. It sounds daft now but since then i have had chest pain caused by anxiety and i am convinced its a heart problem. Its escalated out of control and i cant even go in the car for long without panicking.
Do you ever get days where you have no anxiety at all or is it pretty constant?
Im trying so hard to keep telling myself its anxiety and im fine. Its hard but i managed yesterday. I have been told not to distract myself, face the anxiety and it'll feel less severe each time. Its not east as its so scary but im slowly realising that it cant hurt me. Its scary but harmless. Just invite it and say 'come on, do your worst' then sit and let it wash over you. As i said, its hard but soon your brain realises its not a heart attack or aneurism and it will learn not to over react to these sensations.
Im trying this theory and it seems to be working a little.
I have a reslly sore chest just now but im telling myself its tension from anxious muscles. No big deal.
Just hoping my good spell lasts forever this time.

25-10-13, 08:56
Hey all.
Im dragging this.thread back after a rubbish week because I have to do this! I have just found out that I am pregnant :) obviously this is a health anxiety nightmare so I'm determined to stop it right in its tracks.

Yesterday I.actually had a good day, keeping busy has been the key so far. I still.have.head pains/arm pains/dizziness but so far I've put it on.the backburner. Hope everyone is managing well with their anxiety x

25-10-13, 15:22
I have to do this! I have just found out that I am pregnant :) I'm determined to stop it right in its tracks.

Congratulations! Now... for you and your baby... kick Anxiety's A$$!!!

Positive thoughts and Prayers

25-10-13, 17:02
Thankyou :)
Im still.having head/face/arm pain which is getting to me but apart from that today's not been too bad :)

25-10-13, 17:16
Thankyou :)
Im still.having head/face/arm pain which is getting to me but apart from that today's not been too bad :)

Well, not to set you off but pregnancy brings all sorts of aches, pains, niggles and other things to the table and let's not mention child birth shall we?
Oops.. I did ;)

Really... it's a joy and a miracle. Enjoy every minute of it!

Positive thoughts and prayers!

25-10-13, 17:32
It sure does! Makes me realise how much I've changed, last time I didn't have a care in the world despite being admitted to.hospital, now I would be a mess if it happened now!!

25-10-13, 17:47
It sure does! Makes me realise how much I've changed, last time I didn't have a care in the world despite being admitted to.hospital, now I would be a mess if it happened now!!

Really... enjoy this while you can. I still recall my ex being pregnant with our children. It was a wonderful time in my life. They're young adults now! ~whew~ It goes by so fast! You need to be whole for your children and HA is holding you back. Fix it for you and fix it for your children :)

Good Luck!

25-10-13, 18:59
Youre right fishmanpa its wonderful. However its.slightly.tainted by me sat here wondering what could go wrong and.whats going to.happen to my (potential) aneurysm!!

26-10-13, 08:19
Congrats Roxy!
That is wonderful news .... on the anxiety side it'll hopefully put your mind at ease too as the docs/midwifes do so many checks to make sure you and baby are healthy. They will pick up anything thats wrong so hopefully your brain will reduce this and reduce the HA worry.

I am having a few worries myself just now. Im going out to pick up my husband at 11am, problem is I have to drive out of our village to a town 2 hours away. Im so scared in case i have a heart attack while im driving. My chest is so sore even now. My husbands great, trying to tell me its fine and i'll be ok. Doesnt feel like it though!

26-10-13, 08:38
Thankyou Kirsty :) Last time I was hospitalised for weeks with severe morning sickness now I'm.dreading that again for fear of a bluddy dvt! I cannot believe how much I have changed.

As for the.driving I'm with you, hate it! I worry incase my aneurysm that.I may or may not have bursts, I worry about a heart attack too! Have you had any tests on your heart? I have yet this doesn't reassure me greatly... :(

My main worry is an aneurysm at the minute, I have bad eye pain, head pain and google = im gonna die!

26-10-13, 08:48
Its horrible! Iv had ECGs and a chest xray but doc has said its anxiety. I do actually believe her but sometimes the HA takes over. I can makd the pain a d dizzieness go away myself if i distract myself or talk my self out of it so i know im ok but its just so hard sometimes.
My best friend died of an aggresive brain tumorand i must admit it scared me so mch. Every bad headache or migraine and i really panic which makes it worse of course!
I just want to enjoy life with my beautiful daughters and have fun like i used to. This is ruining my life and im trying so hard to get it back.
Dr google really is awful .... i have set myself a challenge. Only google symptoms with the word anxiety at the start of my search. Youd be amazed how every single search result changes!
Only 2 hours until my dreaded journey!
My daughter is ill and regularly visits hospital 2 hours away and we used to have fun on the road trips. I want those days back!!
Hope you have a very good and positive day xx

26-10-13, 09:07
I've had the same tests (ecgs x 5!) and they're convinced im fine. I am too mostly but when anxiety takes over you know what its like!

I.hope to.have a positive day, I already have.sharp upper stomach pains today so I'm sure something will have perforated by dinnertime hah.

01-11-13, 20:50
Well the car journey went well. Very little anxiety which totally amazed me! Felt so proud of myself.
However today i have another issue. I was doing so well and now imback to anxiety hell.
Had to go to the dentist for root canal treatment yesterday. Very scary!! I got there, got numbed up then the dentist revealed that i had a bad infection in my jaw bone. Only way to get to it is to remove my tooth. Ok i was scared but numb so i thought id be ok. Never thought it would take over an hour and another 2 jags to get the thing out. Good strong long roots apparently. I actually felt the room go dark at one point and thought the aneasthetic affected my heart. I thought i was going to die.
I got through it ..... just but im in agony and i keep taking panic attacks. Ihave propranolol here for racing heartbeats, etc but im so scared of taking it.
Im a mess and i feel deflated. I was doing great and iv really let myself down. Why do i feel like a heart attack is imminent??? This fear is crippling.

02-11-13, 09:27
Well the car journey went well. Very little anxiety which totally amazed me! Felt so proud of myself.
However today i have another issue. I was doing so well and now imback to anxiety hell.
Had to go to the dentist for root canal treatment yesterday. Very scary!! I got there, got numbed up then the dentist revealed that i had a bad infection in my jaw bone. Only way to get to it is to remove my tooth. Ok i was scared but numb so i thought id be ok. Never thought it would take over an hour and another 2 jags to get the thing out. Good strong long roots apparently. I actually felt the room go dark at one point and thought the aneasthetic affected my heart. I thought i was going to die.
I got through it ..... just but im in agony and i keep taking panic attacks. Ihave propranolol here for racing heartbeats, etc but im so scared of taking it.
Im a mess and i feel deflated. I was doing great and iv really let myself down. Why do i feel like a heart attack is imminent??? This fear is crippling.

Oh kirsty! Ive been so good for two.days and im back worrying again! Im determined not to go back into fully fledged anxiety but my eye/head pains are back and I'm back to my aneurysm.

Im glad youre car journey went alright :) I am also one for hating dentists! Last time I had an abcess I had to have a.tooth out I was bluddy frightened but in total.agony and 40 weeks pregnant so was not the.time to be in agony! The reality was so much better than.the thought. What you have sounds 100% anxiety, your heart is fine :)

03-11-13, 18:33
How are you today kirsty? (and everyone else :). I feel rubbish today, I've had awful sickness, upset stomach, headache etc. Its taken my.aneurysm fears away though (unfortunately bringing new worries along instead ...). Im paranoid about meningitis. I.have ear pain which is making the anxiety worse, because a lite girl across the road from me died from meningitis from an ear infection. I am totally worried about this happening to me, gah I hate life :(

03-11-13, 23:39
Hey Roxy. I was Ok today but as its nght time im back to being scared again. Hows you? I was terribly sick with one of my pregnancies, whole nine months! Its horrible so can sympathise with you. It'll not last forever, honestly.
My mouths healing really well so thats a relief.
Im just so scared right now and i feel very sick and dizzy. I have no pain anywhere so i dont understand where the fears coming from.
I hate this anxiety. Its stealing my life!!

04-11-13, 11:07
I was terribly sick with my daughter to the point I was hospitalised. Dreadful time of my life now dreading a repwat :( Still fearing an ear infection turning into meningitis, its not common yet I cant stop thinking of thar poor little girl :(