View Full Version : Has anyone ever had this and can shed some light?

13-10-13, 17:48
Hi.. I'm an 18 year old female..

This is really getting to me now.. for the past few days I've had CONSTANT hunger pangs, that don't go even when I eat. And when I take a few bites, I get anxious and feel full and can't eat anymore.

What could this be? I'm so scared

13-10-13, 23:32
Maybe you're just not eating the right amount to get the calories that you need hun?

What sort of things are you eating when you feel hungry?

Do you make sure that you eat enough carbohydrates, we get them from bread, potatos, pasta and things like that? Those are what we need to give us energy. :)

What is it that is making you anxious when you eat hun?

Please don't be frightened, because I'm sure that whatever it is, can be easily rectified hun :hugs:

Daisy Sue
13-10-13, 23:43
It could be excess stomach acid, like a little flare up of indigestion only more stubborn. It can make you feel just as you describe, as if you have hunger pangs even though you're eating regularly, and also can give the discomfort in your stomach when you do eat.

It might be worth trying an over the counter ant-acid for a couple of days to see if it alleviates the feelings at all - if it does, then I'd suggest see your doc for some proper acid-reducing meds. Often just a short course does the trick.