View Full Version : panics

30-10-06, 18:34
im just wonderin how 2 get out ov this visious circle im in u see wen i meet new people or boyfrinds im alwayz scared ov aving a panic attack in front ov them,so i meet them in a bar were i have one pint or 2 and the fear goes away but i get myself in a mess coz then i get drunk n for the next few dayz its panic stations all day long..honest it feels like im not of this bleedin world at all i worry myself sick ov fear ov aving one but wen im in the norm n add no drink im fine but wen im put in nervous situations i ave 2 drink 2 calm me ..help i even ave 2 ave a drink b4 i go hairdressers ave my hair done how bads dat coz i no ill ave one thro worring n makin it worse ...im not alcoholic or owt coz im fine 4 weeks but wen sumone new cums on da seen or im put in dat situation i ave 2 drink..wot do i do?this needs 2 stop..im actually just cumin round from saturday nite binge drink n it wuz hell yesterday still feelin dodgy 2day n had 2 ave a few drinks 2 calm me down...

01-11-06, 16:06
I am only 25 and stopped drinking when I was 22 because of anxiety. Drinking made my anxeity worse. It just wasn't worth feeling so horrible and anxious the next day. I still go out with family and friends, but I just choose not to drink. I still have fun because I know the next day I won't feel horrible. I know it is hard meeting new people, but you will only get better at it the more you practice. You don't need a drink, just be yourself and I am sure they will think you are great!!!
