View Full Version : Lightheadedness? Dizziness? Vertigo? worried...

13-10-13, 18:59
I've been having this recurring issue since more than 1 year...first of all I'm not sure if it's lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo or something else since English is not my native language. I would describe it as not feeling well balanced mostly when standing. I don't have a "room is spinning" feeling...just that I feel like I can fall. Actually I have never felt or lost balance...but the feeling is there.

I should mention that in the last 9 months I have gone from 20mg escitalopram + 1mg Xanax to no meds slowly as below:

-20 mg escitalopram + 1mg Xanax
- 20mg + 0.5 mg
- 10mg + 0.5 mg
- 10mg + 0.25 mg
- 5mg + 0.25mg
- 5mg + 0.125 mg
- 5mg
- nothing

Some of the times when I reduced the meds I had this feeling of lightheadedness..and I have gone meds free about 3 weeks ago.

Could it that it's still the effect of the meds? I'm pretty worried of it being something else :(

14-10-13, 22:25
No one? :(

15-10-13, 11:20

Not sure if this helps as I am not on any meds but I suffer with all sorts of dizziness...

I get weird like jolts of dizziness, then I also get a feeling of being off balance and "drunk". I also get like a weird lingering dizziness which I have right now.. just feels like my eyes aren't functioning and my head feels all a bit cloudy and I feel like I keep falling to one side...

I've had 2 mris and seen 2 ENT's a Neurosurgeon and Cardiologist... All results have been fine, including balance testing... apparently it all falls down to anxiety.. I have read from a lot of people that dizziness can be the first thing to start and the last to leave...

I have a fear that I am having some sort of seizure or that its building up to something.. Apparently as soon as I stop fearing the dizziness sit will go!

Not sure if this helps.. x

15-10-13, 11:38
It does sound like it could be because of the medication. Every time I've come off meds I've always got some form of dizziness. Even after being off the meds for a few weeks I still got residue dizziness. Just give it some time and eventually it will all be out of your system.

By the way, I like how you recognised that despite the dizziness you have never fallen over or lost your balance, keep that thought up as it's a great weapon.

15-10-13, 11:52
thank you both for the replies...it's a great help

19-10-13, 10:44
I'm still having trouble with this :(

One more thing I'm getting is a sensation of mini blackouts that last fractions of a second...just a very quick flash where it seems everything goes black :(

I'm hoping it's just anxiety, but thinking to start again the meds...anyone experienced something similar?