View Full Version : Live in my head and feeling very detached:(

13-10-13, 20:03
Does anyone else get this?. I've read a book, which I won't mention in case I get accused of advertising, but it basically explains that this feeling of detachment comes from focusing on how you feel all the time, therefore you don't allow anything else in (hence the detachment) .

His advise is to venture out and to live with this symptom, but I just CAN'T. I'm always in my head and feel like a little man sitting in my head controlling my body like a robot. I know this is depersonalization, but can ANYONE please reassure me and let me know I'm not alone and possibly shed some light on how to overcome this horrible, horrible symptom.:weep:

15-10-13, 22:10
i suffer with this too. i constantly focus on my symptoms so things look weird my visions all off and i see things out of the corner of my eye moving like a door or the blinds. freaks me out. but i do feel very detached and sometimes im thinking alot about it and other times i dont but its still there. ive had this for months now its got better but im at a standstill now looking for help just like you x

Miss lexx
23-10-13, 11:17
Hi Cmack
I had this really bad when I had my first major Anxiety attack and it was there for a good few months, at first i didn't know what it was and I thought i must be going crazy, but after some research i realised it was depersonalisation and although I didn't feel better i did feel more relaxed about it and learnt to live with it without fearing it. yes it took a while and a lot of hard work to not focus on it but once I learnt to ignore it it started to slowly fade. at first i would have a few days without feeling it and then a few weeks, the mistake i made and what i think made it stay for longer is that when i felt 'normal' for a few days and then it came back I panicked and it stayed for longer. i can't actually remember when it went completely but it has now gone and only appears if i have a panic attack. as you probably know its a natural response to stress and anxiety and its our brains way of coping. I've done a lot of research on the and loads of people suffer from it so you are not a lone. feel free to inbox me if you have any questions. hope you feel better soon.

23-10-13, 15:27
i have this too I've had it for years and live in my head alot i cant seem to concerntrate on things anymore :(