View Full Version : My crippling post traumatic anxiety on head trauma.

13-10-13, 21:39
Last year, I hit my head 3 times, in separate days 1 week apart, the first two on same day, first hit I was chasing my cat and not noticing a piece of furniture was to my left while bent, turned to my left and hit the side of my head with quite the strength into it, although I was a little bit confused and nervous with that first hit, nothing seemed wrong, and even after consulting with a nurse on the phone. I was told I was likely fine, but I went to hospital anyway, where I was told a CT scan was not needed, but they did me an x-ray just to check bones where my head hit, but everything was fine.
Got discharged, returned home and as I was a little confused from hitting my head , when I was getting ready for bed, went to the bathroom and somehow managed to hit my head back on the door corner when turning around. But again, was feeling fine and didn't feel like making another trip to the hospital and off to sleep I went.

For the next week other than an occasional headache once when I was making coffee, I was fine. But, exactly one week after that, when I was standing up, a badly placed card box which was in wrong place was on the way and went head top into the card box corner, that one made me feel more dizzy than usual after the hit, but I thought I was just nervous - and went to sleep, next day I wake up feeling rather "off", and a few hours after waking up I get this rather horrible dizzy/ lightheaded feeling and after sometime wondering on what I should do, I went to hospital by foot and managed to arrive before I passed out on triage. Wake up a few hours later to be told I had an extradural brain hemorrhage and they were not sure yet if it had stopped bleeding. So I would need to stay for a few days in hospital in case it got bigger to be surgically removed.

And with those news, my hypochondriac anxious self went into paranoia mode as all my fears turned right somehow. After I got discharged from hospital, my anxiety went through the roof. Any headache pain or dizzy feeling I would end up back in hospital, this went on and off every other day. Until I managed to change my hospital "habit" into every other week, about a month after that, I got terrified of having anything too close to my head or my head touching anything, so now whenever I am walking anywhere, or standing up, I am always terrified I am going to hit my head anywhere. Being too close with my back to a wall or corner is enough to put me paranoid for hours, Cars and thigh places are quite the uncomfortable place for me to be in now since everything is not far from being touched with my head.
Other than occasionally taking Diazepam when my anxiety has gone through the roof, and that only usually happens after an hospital visit to be reassured everything is fine, I donīt really know what to do. I am basically terrified of everything and anything.

13-10-13, 21:59
What a rotten time you had! Have you spoken to your GP about how you are feeling? I am sure some counselling could help you so that you can get back on track. I wish you well x

13-10-13, 22:10
What a rotten time you had! Have you spoken to your GP about how you are feeling? I am sure some counselling could help you so that you can get back on track. I wish you well x

My GP told me to keep taking Diazepam (Which was prescribed in hospital, i am not taking it without prescription) when my anxiety got really bad, and requested an appointment with a psychologist. The psychologist tried convincing me on returning to regular day-to day that i had before ( i am a student ), so i went back to university, but that has not really calmed me down. On second appointment with psychologist, she said that i should seek a psychiatrist as i was in too bad shape mentally for her to be able to do anything.
I am still waiting on a new GP appointment to be able to book a psychiatrist, as i a canīt afford to just directly go to one.