View Full Version : Hi All, newbie here

sapphire dreams
13-10-13, 21:57
Hi Guys,

i'm here for a bit of support. I would always have considered myself happy and "normal" but this past 10months I just haven't been myself and have been crippled with anxiety and panic attacks. I have had a lot going on in my life, but who doesn't have problems. my problems relate to my future inlaws and situations that are out of my hands. enough was finally enough and I went to my doctor and have now been prescribed fluoxetine.

this is my 8th day and I'm really struggling. I feel worse than ever, I have nausea to the point i am vomiting, or constantly gagging. I have more feelings of anxiety than ever before and I feel really really needy, to the point where i feel like if i am not getting 100% attention, i think my fiance doesnt care about me anymore. My fiance is being patient with me, but my mood has really took a hit and my general well being isn't 100%

I sometimes think he thinks I'm exaggerating how I've been feeling.

I have a constant tension headache and my jaw is sore from tension also many other side effects as well. I just need to know that its going to be worth it.

In desperate need of support. I just feel totally out of sorts.

14-10-13, 04:03
Just want you to know that you are not alone! It will get better! Most of the antidepressants take time to settle your system out. Think positive thoughts....it will get better!! I have been where you are and it takes time, but it will get better!! I have found that when you start a bad panic attack to count backwards from 100. Sometimes I have gotten to 1 and started right back at 100 counting backwards, this has been proven to actually slow your mind down! It helps a good deal! Are you seein a therapist for help?

sapphire dreams
14-10-13, 08:18
Hi Blazer, thanks for the reply. Im trying to stay positive the morning anxiety is the worst, i wake from about 4.30am with the most nervous and unsettled feelings in my stomach and my heart racing,by the time its time to get up for work 'm in a proper state and i begin haggin and burning ul.
Im not seein a therapist at the moment, i just dnt know if i believe they work? Ive no experience with the have you been to one? Did u find it useful?

Thats a good suggestion about counting back, i will definitely try to remember that durin my next episode.

---------- Post added at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ----------

Gagging* and burning up**

14-10-13, 20:41
Yes I see a therapist about once a month, not a psychiatrist, just someone to explain and help you deal with the anxiety. Someone that you can talk to that will give you an unbiased opinion. It helps me greatly. I was very apprehensive about seeing a therapist, but it helps! Nothing is an all out cure, but with medicine, some positive thinking, and someone to talk to, you can overcome it and feel back to yourself. The counting backwards has helped me greatly! Give your medicine some time to work. It takes maybe two weeks to a month to feel some of the symptoms begin to subside. Do you right in a journal? Start a journal and write down your feelings. I too suffered from morning anxiety, its a lovely way to start your day...not! When you wake up tell yourself everything is fine, everything is ok. Repeat this to yourself, or mix up the words. This is just anxiety, I am not afraid of it, it will go away. When you have time, make a list of everything you are thankful for, everything! Change your thoughts, I know that this is very hard to do, when you feel like your heart is thumping out of your chest. May I also suggest walking or stretching of some sort daily. If you can get some of that nervous energy released it will help. My therapist talks to me just like I am talking to you now. You can get better! Hope it helps a little!

sapphire dreams
15-10-13, 17:54
I really appreciate your advice, i have thought about a therapist on and off for quite a while now and maybe its exactly what I need. I also like the idea of writing in a journal! thanks for all the advice!! :)

15-10-13, 20:15
No problem! Hope it helps. Let me know how you are doing!