View Full Version : Before NMP

14-10-13, 01:29
Did anyone have anxiety before they got the internet or before finding NMP? If so, what did you do to try and help yourself with the anxiety?

I was just thinking about how many gazilliions of panic and/or anxiety attacks I used to have and how I found relief from them. Most of the anxiety used to come on late at night, I suppose because then there is no one around to call or whatever. I used to do puzzle books, logic problems etc to try and take my mind off of how I felt but it never worked! I would fall asleep exhausted from panic and with the medication, only to go through the same again the next night.

I am having a very bad time at the moment with heart racing and coming on here looking at others posts and trying to come up with answers for other people helps a bit and takes my mind a little off of me!! The first thing I did when I got hooked up to the net was look for a chat room for anxiety sufferers.


14-10-13, 01:31
I never had the internet when I started suffering with panic attacks so I read self-help books and did relaxation tapes every day and night

14-10-13, 01:50
I didn't have internet when I first started suffering with panic and anxiety in 2003. I really relied heavily on my Dad for support. He had had two nervous breakdowns and a long history of anxiety, so he was a Godsend for me then (still is now)

Like Nic, I also read self-help books. They helped me enormously when I was first getting anxiety symptoms as they literally assured me ' you are NOT going mad', and that these were all anxiety effects. I was so scared then.

I really felt very alone, especially socially, so to find NMP eventually was very comforting, just to know that other people could relate. I also get a lot of comfort in replying to other members. You get the best of both worlds as you can (hopefully) help others but also help yourself through taking your mind of your own anxiety.x:bighug1:

blue moon
14-10-13, 08:21
Where I lived we had no Internet or TV we were lucky to have books,my husband help me through my anxieties he has been my lifeline.

Petra :flowers:

14-10-13, 09:40
I had no internet many moons ago when I first started with panic attacks, I got through it with support of family, friends and group therapy.

14-10-13, 10:47
I was 13 and had no idea what was happening to me so I had no basis to start searching. My internet access was restricted as well because of my age and the cost of use. It wasn't until I was 14 that I managed to find this site (my join date says otherwise, this is a replacement account). Up until then I had no idea how I coped, I just did, especially considering the bullying.

14-10-13, 17:01
Yep I had my first panic attack way back in December 1985.I struggled on alone until the early 90s when I discovered Pax,an anxiety newsletter which had names and addresses of other sufferers.It was only then,through good old fashioned letter writing and telephone,that I made contact with people going through exactly the same as me.

I didn't find NMP until 2006 when I joined :-)