View Full Version : en route

14-10-13, 06:52
I'm on my way to the first day of a new job. I know everybody gets nervous on days like this but I feel sick to my stomach every instinct in my body is urging me to run a million miles in the opposite direction. Today is going to be terrible.

14-10-13, 07:10
Your today is going to be great. You are going to be so pleased with yourself that you have done this! Congratulations on your new job.

14-10-13, 07:11
No, today is going to be great - it's a whole new start for you, new things to learn, people to get to know and a great distraction from anxiety. It's natural to be anxious as starting a new job is one of the most stressful things we can do but don't presume it's going to terrible before you start. You've proved you can do it by getting through the interview and they want you to work for them so now you can show them how good you are.

Take care and good luck

Pip x

14-10-13, 22:24
it was a long hard day. I got told that I look ill a few time. My anxiety tends to make me look drained and I shake a lot. I really hope tomorrow is better. I feel so alone at the moment. Its such a normal thing to go to work but for me its a battle. Heres to a sleepless night of worry :(

14-10-13, 22:36
You went and that's what counts, you didn't hide, you faced your fear. Well done, and remember you have coped with the first day, that takes courage!:)