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View Full Version : Any tips for sinusitis?

14-10-13, 12:03
I don't have health anxiety so I'm not worried about it, just want to get better! On Saturday I started with a temperature and feeling generally rubbish. Yesterday I slept most of the day with swollen glands and pain across my forehead, under my eyes when touched, and in my jaw. I also have horrible tasting mucus in my throat and nose.

I believe these symptoms are sinusitis. I feel a bit better today but the pains are still there. Does anyone have any tips as to what helps? Any particular meds, home remedies, etc? I actually had this about two weeks ago and felt rubbish then but it passed eventually without the need for anything.

Thanks everyone!

14-10-13, 12:29
Hi lizzie if you go to the chemist and asked them for some menthol crystals and put them in water and put a towal over you head and inhale them and that should help.
as i am very bad with my sinusitis.
or you could go run a bath and close the door and let the bathroom fill with the steam and then go in the bath and relax and it will help you.
dont sniff as its bad for you.
hope you feel better very soon lizzie.
lots of love to you
celticlass xxx :hugs::hugs:

14-10-13, 13:17
Thanks Celticlass, will try that. Will have to remember not to sniff too!

Is it something you've always suffered from? I've only started with it recently.

Thanks again for your reply. X

14-10-13, 20:19
i thonk this is going arround as i have had it too..swollen glans under my jaw///still feel hellish after nearly 3 weeks

14-10-13, 23:19
Hope you feel better soon. There's a lot of illness generally going round. X

Daisy Sue
15-10-13, 10:17
Hi Lizzie - I'm not commenting on the knicker issue :D but I just wanted to say I absolutely agree on the steam inhalation thing... if you can't get menthol crystals, then Olbas oil, or even that Snuffle Babe thing they have for babies, is just as good.

If you breathe the steam in through your nose, and out through your mouth, it works better. Oh, and remember to have some tissues handy! :)

15-10-13, 12:12
Paul you b*gger! Daisy, as you can see from his title of "naughtiest member ever", Paul talks a lot of rubbish!

I've had a tissue with olbas oil on it the past couple of nights. Will have a hot bath tonight and try that. I didn't know about breathing steam through your nose and then out of your mouth, so thanks for the tip! X

Daisy Sue
15-10-13, 16:01
Paul you b*gger! Daisy, as you can see from his title of "naughtiest member ever", Paul talks a lot of rubbish!

I've had a tissue with olbas oil on it the past couple of nights. Will have a hot bath tonight and try that. I didn't know about breathing steam through your nose and then out of your mouth, so thanks for the tip! X

Lol! I didn't notice his title - quite an accolade really, as NMP must have had thousands of members over the years! :D

Yep, the in through the nose steam inhalation works great for sinus problems, and if you're doing it for a chest infection, then in through the mouth is more effective.

Good luck - hope it helps :)

15-10-13, 17:40
Trust me, he earnt that title! I've just tried the menthol crystals - I didn't notice any difference but hopefully it's done something.

When anyone else has had this, have you ever had horrible smelling/tasting mucus? I keep getting this awful smell in my nose and taste in my mouth. Never had it before and it's disgusting. (Sorry if tmi!)