View Full Version : It Got to Me

07-07-04, 18:54
Having been put under too much pressure by people who knew I was already under a lot of strain, culminated in my first panic attack and bout of anxiety for 18 years.
It was very traumatic, happened last Friday, and I am now left with severe anxiety, feeling really poorly, and have had to double my medication.
For this I hate these people.


08-07-04, 01:35
Sorry to be vague, but is internet you know lol
I keep me to meself.
Thankyou for the support in chat, you are saints, bless you.
I feel so much better.
And Su you southern tart, will I ever match you lol.
Nah methinks [8D]

08-07-04, 15:40
Sorry to hear you've had a horrible time. People can be so unkind and insensitive .

I hope that you can put it behind you and focus on healing yourself over the next few weeks .


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

08-07-04, 15:52
Hi Millie

Sorry you feel so bad at the moment. People know you are under pressure but still load you with more, sounds like a typical senario. You hang in there hon. People can be so insensitive at times and even though know you are suffering, do they truly understand? Only take on as much as you are comfortable. Remember you come first

Love Sal xxxxx

08-07-04, 18:23
hi millie
people can be so selfish sometimes. dont you just want to give them a shake and say what about me.....
meg and sal have hit the nail on the head, think about yourself first, best of luck

xxx grace