View Full Version : Crying out for Help

14-10-13, 14:32
Hello to everyone! I just wanted to know if other people feel the way I do, I have already posted about my groin lymph nodes and now I can feel a very small node on the side of my neck, half way down on the left side, it is very small but only slightly moves:weep:It sits just behind a long vein, I could feel this node back in june this year and I worried so much about it, and yes! I kept prodding it:lac:Did forget about it.... but since having my groin scan done last week the doctor said (Everyone worries about groin nodes but to me i would be more concern about the upper part of the body with lymph nodes) soon as he said that,:ohmy: I went home and started to feel that same node in my neck, still very small but is there, my question to all you lovely people is it all in my head with anxiety and is this just a normal finding as it is very little, it does not show but i know i can feel it still,
I feel I can know longer go back to my gp as i've been to much can HA make you this way thanks:weep:

06-11-13, 13:09
Hey ! im going through hell right now too ! i have health anxiety and i had a bad tooth infection , the node on my right side of my neck was up a bit , i started freaking out like OMGGGGGGG wtf omg :( why me , this was in 2011 , i went to the doctor and he checked it out , he checked my groin as well , then called for the senior gp at the surgery , i was thinking omg .. why ? this is bad ... he came in and checked me over and was like .. nope. nothing to worry about ! if it gets bigger then come back .. fact is its now almost 2014 and it never got bigger it never went away either lol :) it happens sometimes .. im still here after nearly 2 years with no more symptoms or anything :) fact of the matter is these things sometimes never go away once they have fought infection , they can just stay raised :) but our minds like to torment us ! you are very much suffering with health anxiety , 100 % x

just saw the date of this lol but wanted to reply anyways as i have been through it x infact it still bothers me every now and then x I need to sort my Health Anxiety out once and for all... its a miserable thing to deal with * hugs * x