View Full Version : ectopicheartbeats

30-10-06, 21:36
oh can somebody help me i am thinking about going to the hospital, i was diagnosed with ectopic heart beats 3yrs ago, i only get them now and again but tonight i have been getting them regular, i feel like everytime i breath up i get one, you can feel it flutter in your chest, i really want the reasurance please somebody tell me they have had it x

30-10-06, 22:14
hi fisher

i have this every day somtimes all day every few beats every time i move eat walk ect.
i have been to see a heart doc today at 3.45 told her all about it and she seasd lots of people get them they wont harm you the worst thing about hem is some people feel them .
she sead they get worse when we panic it makes our hormones funny and that has an affect on our heart .


30-10-06, 22:18
Hi Fisher

Yes - I suffer exactly the same - have done for nearly 4 years now - and I'm still here. Not sure what causes them but I know how worrying they can be. Someone on this forum said that you should think of two drummers pumping out the beat one is strong and regular and you hardly know he's there but this other idiot called Ectopic hits out as he sees fit. Ignore him - he's no danger cos the other one is keeping it all under control in the background.

Hope this makes sense and give you some reasurance. You could also try some deep breathing to settle yourself.


It's all in the mind! - my doctor told me.

31-10-06, 17:38
Don't worry Fisher, they are harmless. I've had them for over a year now and they have only just stoped scaring me, and because they have stoped scaring me they are abaiting. And at times I'v had them soo bad I could of cried and cried all day. But that was when they really scared me. When i thought i was going to drop dead. Now i no I'm not. My Doc said they are so common with anxiety. It's my one and only symptom now. I used to ge tension headaches too that lasted for days...

I've had all the checks, every thing normal of course.

When and if? you get them again. relax!!! they will go...