View Full Version : wasp/something bite

14-10-13, 16:26
So i felt a lump on my tummy and when i went to check it appears ive been bitten by something. Im in a total panic waiting for an anaphylactic shock. I did feel wee bit lightheasded before i noticed it but I am oregnant so put it down to that but now im thinking its from the sting?
Im worried that im having a reaction and also will it hurt the baby

14-10-13, 16:35
Ok... stop a moment and take a breath.

If it were a stinging creature like a wasp or a bee, you would have definitely felt the sting for sure. Unless you're known to be severely allergic, nothing is going to happen.

We get bitten by all sorts of creatures and other than a red spot or welt, it's nothing to be concerned with. I'm sure the lightheadedness you felt was a pregnancy symptom. I recall my kid's mom getting all sorts of funky symptoms during her pregnancies. You'll be fine.

Good Luck!

14-10-13, 20:41
Thank you X