View Full Version : Dropped glass during a really lethargic episode, worried it was a brain tumor.

14-10-13, 18:05
I have had a really crappy day today, i don't want to go into much detail but the stress at school is very overwhelming, my eyes have been stinging all day and i always feel the urge to close them.

At home while i was taking an empty glass to the kitchen, i was talking to my mother in the corridor and then i accidentally let the glass slip, it fell to the ground and shattered. I immediately started thinking it was a brain tumor affecting my motor skills, i don't usually drop glass onto the floor. Also doesn't help my motor skills feel a little impaired due to tiredness and perhaps depression. Also i was so stressed earlier it took a ton of energy away from me.

I can't stand to be alone anymore, everyone around me is an adult 20 years older than me, no one around my age. Also i am having my heart checked next month but now its me worrying about my brain again...the cycle keeps continuing.

14-10-13, 18:09
Honestly if I had a £ for ever incomplete set of glasses in my house I would....well probably be able to buy a complete set of glasses. People drop things and rarely because of a brain tumour.

14-10-13, 18:40
It doesn't help the fact my eyelids have been a little harder to control lately, sometimes i close them and when they do i don't feel like i am fully controlling it. They also feel heavy and right now they are quite tired. This has been going on for a few days, especially recently since my depression has gotten much much worse.

14-10-13, 22:46
Hello :)

I could've typed your message- you remind me of me so much :-)

I go through this all the time...a day of dropping things and i automatically jump to the conclusion that there's something sinister lurking in my brain that is affecting my motor skills.

I think you already know why you dropped the glass....you're exhausted from all the worrying, no energy and your depression has kicked in. I'd bet that you dropping a glass was down to these things.

My health anxiety over a life threatening brain condition comes and goes. It's been triggered a few days ago because I forgot to do something and I immediately jumped to the conclusion that I was seriously ill. Sound familiar? :-)

This is just anxiety and exhaustion...nothing else. I once phoned my doctor because I had written the wrong name on a letter and had been dropping things- she replied that shes does the same all the time and reassured me that it was down to nothing more than anxiety.

Re: eyelids - I get that all the time :-D

You're fine
C x