View Full Version : strange twitches ...too affraid 2 goggle

14-10-13, 18:28
Hi everyone ...I was playing with my little girl earlier pulling faces and I noticed when I pull a face or pout my lips my face started to twitch...I cant remember this happening b4 ..my lips also were twitching. My eyes have been doing it but ive had that before and put it down to tierdness...already suffering from anxiety and being a born worrier ive tried to be logical but its on my mind all day . Panic worry and just had a really worrying day...is it normal to have these little twitches inn my face and lips..its not doing it when im just normal but im worried it will in time...too scared to go to the drs for these involuntary movements as its only when I blow up a balloon or pulling silly faces but my goodness the twitching starts straight away. Please reply x I wont sleep tonight thanku

14-10-13, 19:06
Hi Pepsi, sorry to hear of your worries. I find that when I am tense I get twitches in my muscles. Anxiety and tiredness bring all sorts of twitches and once I notice them I seem to twitch more. I think you were probably holding some tension in your jaw ( tiredness and stress?) and that caused the twitches. x

14-10-13, 19:12
i get twitches all the time!!! Sometimes when I've been smiling it comes on or my lips will randomly twitch sometimes without doing anything. It freaks me out too and my eyes twitch and i get it loads of other places too hope your ok xxx

14-10-13, 21:23
(((((Thankyou )))) so nice to log in & see a message from u both ...its eased my worry ...I have been thinking about it all evening. ....so you think its a normal thing to happen and its happened to you too

14-10-13, 21:39
I get the odd twitch - my eye does it which freaks me out but the other ones I ignore now because I had them loads in my last period of intense anxiety and that was 3 years ago, I figure something would of shown on my MRI I had in April from that long ago or I'd of keeled over by now!

14-10-13, 21:52
Hi gee I seem to go to the drs occasionally and always passed on to the hospital which I hate !! I worry and its nearly always nothing ....I cant face going to the drs for this reason.

27-10-13, 11:57
Hi, 'Worrier' is not something you can be born with even though it may feel like it's always been there. You must have adopted worrying early on in life from your environment (unconsciously, obviously, you did not choose to do so :))... One thing you are absolutely right about - it is better not to google symptoms as it may actually work against you - the same way as when you read the 'possible side effects' in a medicine pack - you start feeling you have got them all!:D But on the other hand, please also remember that the strongest mechanism that maintains anxiety in place is avoidance, so avoiding to see your GP is probably not entirely helpful either... Trying to do things that take your mind off worrying have been found helpful...

27-10-13, 12:53
Thankyou....im currently struggling as i am sure I have the twitching syndrome ive woken this morning with twitches on my scalp and calves arms too and eyes been going on 2 weeks or so today I saw my arm doing it first time ever and it was dipping and twitching just like ive seen ob the internet. Terrified of the thought of neurological investigation. Its taking over every minute of the day worrying. I feel awful x

27-10-13, 18:01
hi, ive had weird twitching for two years now, under my skin and i was TERRIFIED it was ms or something, they do calm down though, there are alot of other reasons why our skin twitches and if id had a illness id have other symtoms like you would x

---------- Post added at 18:01 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

p.s just as ive wrote that ive focused n twicthing and noticed its began on my calf! please pm me ive had alot of experiNCE WITH twitches haha! x

27-10-13, 18:26
Hi thanks for your reply...im sat here now watching tv had 7 kind of twitches niggles onn random places...im not sure what other symptoms id have id dropped a few things at times or is that just normal also legs feel a bit wobbly but is that just my anxiety and panic as like you were im terrified its something sinister ...where did you get them ? Do you still get them ? Did u go to the drs for further investigstion ? Any help would make a big difference to me .

27-10-13, 20:44
hi pepsi, i bet your focusing on every single twitch, classic sign. i was the same! its horrible and i have all the sympathy in the world. yeah the jelly legs sound the same as me! i had tingling in my arms, heavy arms, loads of stuff which i was SURE was ms. I have had twitch all over, mainly legs (thighs, calves) upper arms, eye lids, mouth, tongue, thumbs. I even saw one in action, like a rippling under my skin, it feels soo funny, but very scary. I dont worry as much now, kind of used to them now! I went to my doc, even saw a neuro, they never found anything neurologically wrong even though i was certain something had to be wrong. Nearly all twitches are caused by anxiety, stress, being tense for too long ect. xx

27-10-13, 21:19
Hey. I have them, twitches ALWAYS. It's like my whole body is twerking for some reason. But it's usually more common when I'm really anxious and tired.