View Full Version : Radiologists and ultrasound scans

14-10-13, 18:34
Hello, does anyone have any experience of how well radiologists can tell if a polyp on a abdominal ultrasound scan ( in my gallbladder) is benign or malignant? The radiologist wrote ‘likely benign’ next to mine but looking at the measurement of my polyp I know that benign ones are usually much smaller and larger ones the size of mine are more likely to be malignant. I have been referred to a surgeon for his opinion but I’m driving myself crazy thinking perhaps the radiologist got it wrong and I have a great big nasty tumour growing in me. I'm not sure I can wait to find out either way. I was on antidepressants for anxiety and depression anyway but I’ve now been prescribed diazepam but it’s hardly touching my anxiety levels :weep:. Thanks for any thoughts xx

29-10-13, 16:31
Hi jc04

Try not to worry ;)
I'm sure the radiographer sees most thinks and as well they are not allowed to discuss results
I'm sure all will be ok and the surgeon will reassure you .

29-10-13, 16:35
Thinking about it rationally (which I know is difficult!) and sorry to sound harsh, but who is more likely to know what they're looking at: the highly qualified radiologist who has probably seen multiple benign and malignant growths in their time, or you on the basis of stuff you've read on the internet?

Also - gall bladder cancer isn't particularly common!

07-12-13, 22:58
Dear both, thanks for your replies. I am sorry for the late response, I haven't logged on for a while. I saw the surgeon and I have to have the gallbladder out but I also found out that I'm pregnant. The hope is to remove the gallbladder after I have delivered the baby. The surgeon couldn't be sure that it wasn't anything sinister but said that most of the time these things tend to turn out benign but due to the size of it and that it's a single polyp they have to be cautious. I just need to learn to live with uncertainty for a while. I find it hard to do that for myself but will do for my growing baby. Thanks again for your replies :hugs:xx