View Full Version : Serious brain condition.....or just health anxiety?

14-10-13, 20:50
Hello :-)

I'm new to anxiety....well, no; new to being conscious of having an anxiety related problem. That makes perfect sense to me! :-D

I suffer from bouts of health anxiety. Always have; this stems from a traumatic childhood where I had to observe my father gravely ill on several occasions due to substance abuse. That's for a different show...but, since and over the years I have suffered periods of intense fear about acquiring a serious illness.

A couple of days back, I was 'triggered' into thinking I had something seriously wrong with my brain and that I had a life threatening brain condition. The triggers? Forgetting to press the 'go' button on the microwave and losing a contact lens! This then spiralled out of control to 4 days later - I think I have some kind of life threatening brain condition and thoughts of, 'I'm losing my mind', 'This must be down to the worst brain serious illness that exists'.

These thoughts cause genuine concern and depression. They also cause anxiety symptoms (such as a lack of concentration and being withdrawn) that I also interpret as further signs there's something seriously wrong. :-/

For the last four nights I have spent hours every night searching for the first signs of terminal brain conditions....lack of concentration has been mentioned...but I dont have any other symptoms. If I focus hard enough for hours on my head, I do feel an ache here and there!

The last time this happened, I phoned my doctors and told her I thought I was seriously ill in my brain because I had typed the wrong client's name on a letter (.....lol). She reassured me it was anxiety and that she didn't think there was anything wrong with me apart from health anxiety. She also said my fear was very common amongst those that worried about their health and that brain conditions such as the one I feared were extremely rare.

It seems that whenever I encounter something that I've done that's slightly wrong or if a suffer a lack of concentration - I panic that it's a life threatening brain illness.

Can anyone tell me how they can tell if it's health anxiety or whether they are genuinely ill?

Can anyone give me any reassurance? Not ideal, I know....I shouldn't ask for it but please go easy on me :-)

Thanks for reading
C x

14-10-13, 21:07
You need to be a lot more forgiving of yourself. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, some of no real importance like the ones you made, some very serious ("Whoops, I forgot to put the brakes on before my car drove straight through your fence and into your swimming pool!"). You haven't made any serious mistakes, but even if you do, everyone makes them at some point.

Blaming mistakes on a brain condition is pure health anxiety -- you believe that there has got to be something wrong with you so you are looking for evidence, and because you've been forgetful or made a mistake, you're taking it as the evidence. The only thing it proves is that you're allowing the anxiety to distract you, so try to take a deep breath, relax yourself and let the anxiety rage while you get on with what you're doing. It takes time and patience but it will help.

14-10-13, 21:26

I can't tell you what that message means to me. This is a very lonely journey and to see your message tonight.....I am just so grateful for your reply. Thank you.

You're right....of course. You're quite right; I think I need to drop this strict control I feel I need to adopt. Inevitably, a person cannot sustain this day to day....they're gonna slip up. I need to understand this.

Again...I am so very grateful. Thank you and I hope you're OK.

C x

14-10-13, 22:38
Pffft..... I get up to get something and forget when I walk out of the room. Chemo brain makes me forget things I know that I know! Today at the cardiologist office I forgot my primary doctors name! I did finally come to me but dang! There are countless examples I can give you and none of them are attributable to a serious brain condition other than being totally normal.

The only brain condition I see here is anxiety ;) Take it easy on yourself... you're fine.

Good Luck!

14-10-13, 22:49

You're so thoughtful for replying to me.....THANK YOU so much! I know I'm not supposed to ask for reassurance...but I'm usually satisfied with a little and a little really does go a long way! So, thank you again!

I really hope you are OK? Are you doing alright?

Gosh - so glad I came on here tonight! :)))

14-10-13, 23:05
I'm good Britchick... Thanks for asking.

Life is good :) I don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff ;)

Positive thoughts and prayers