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View Full Version : Manic depression

30-10-06, 22:36
Ok I almost didnt want to write this because I have been doing so well, and I think writing this is sort of making me feel a bit worse because Its accepting i feel anxious again.
Ive been a bit tired the last coupld of days and a bit weepy, but I seem to think i might be manic depressive. Why I dont know, ive been anxious and ive been to work today and ive felt fine. I had a row with my partner and felt down, then went to visit my mate and she made me all happy again. But i sat there and thought what if its bi-polar becuase i was sad then down. How silly i know.[|)]

I feel im letting myself down again now

30-10-06, 22:39
i feel in a way im letting people down on here too. I want people to still know, it can be done xx

31-10-06, 07:56
hi kimmy
dont worry your not alone ive been battling with deppression gad for about 5 years now and the times ive felt i was over it ive lost count of onlly to slip back again.Draw comfort in the fact that you do have good times in your life and as long as you make an effort life will get better it may take time but it will happen i will leave you with an old chinese proverb, [the walk of a thousand miles has to start with a single step]

31-10-06, 08:26
I felt really bad coming back here after posting how well I was doing, so I know how you feel. It's kind of like admitting defeat and you don't want to discourage anyone else.

But I like to think that I WILL get better, there will be some blips on the way, but we will ALL get there one day (hopefully sooner rather than later!). I guess it's a case of taking each day as it comes.

I also find that I am rather "manic". I had an upset with a friend and it caused me to sink right back again, then when I felt better I was bursting with enthusiasm, then I slipped back again, then had a few good days, currently on a couple of bad days but determined to feel good again.

Even before anxiety, we would all have had good and bad days, I think the difference is that we question and analyse them now, whereas before we just wrote them off as crap days!

Hope you are feeling better soon. xxx

01-11-06, 14:38
During the summer I was anxious about seback. My extremely philosophical greek psychiatrist told me that life is full of peaks and troughs, without the ups and downs we'd simply flatline!

I concur with ckirby25. Anxiety makes you question every little feeling and fluctuation in mood and then we tend to try to pinpoint the exact deep and meaningful reason why we feel that way. We anxiety sufferers always look for the most catastrophic cause for feeling the way we do and then we go and believe it!

Hope your feeling better!

Alison xXx


01-11-06, 22:01
Thanks so much, wise words

01-11-06, 22:18
I can relate to you all, I spent a good few years thinking i was completely cured. no gad, no health anxiety, no social anxiety then bam, it felt like overnight i was back to square 1 crying to a new therapist that i just couldnt climb mount everest again (as that is how it feels to me). he told me that although i would feel much better and recover for long periods of time that i would always suffer setbacks and would have to ensure that i have coping strategies in place to deal with them. This mortified me because as you know it a constant barage of one anxiety after another and i can all sometimes feel just too overwhelming to deal with. As for the bi-polar, this scares the hell out of me and i too go from being up to down very very quickly, but despite this i have been diagnosed as having gad and try to keep that in mind. Maybe you should go to the docs to get reasurrance to nip this worry in the bud before it gets to you too much.


02-11-06, 08:02
hello all
its refreshing to know that were not alone with this s..t isntit? i feel that although i dont know you all personally,that you are all kindred spirits and friends and we understand each other so much better than our nearst and dearests at times lol[^] .
every time i write on this amazing website i feel so much better and its saving me a fortune on therapists!
speak to you all soon

02-11-06, 18:38
Mick i agree with everything you have said - this site has helped me soo much and everyone is so willing to help and give advice. My husband is totally sick of my anxiety after all these years and its impossible nowadays to ask him for any support at all. I realy dont know how i coped before!


02-11-06, 20:17
hi gad
love your username [^]shows you got a sense of humour yeh the partners eh? i know ive put my missus through alot lately but sometimes i wish she could walk a mile in my shoes to see what it feels like still at least with got this website to help us through
cheers mick

02-11-06, 20:54
HAHA the username absolutely sums me up!

so true mick - sometimes i just wish that i could give him an insight into my mind for just five minutes, to see that i realy CANT help being this way. I love him so much but he can be soo ignorant to it. Over the years i have gone from needing his reasurrance all the time to not needing it hardly at all (partly thanks to this site) and my own determination not to let this sxxt get the better of me always. But still i must say that even though he is an absolute star and has supported me in the past, i cant help sometimes feeling resentful towards him for ignoring my setbacks and making me cope alone now. There are alot of aspects of my life right now that he refuses to understand or give the time of day. I suppose anxiety makes us all a bit self absorbed but i think now he often uses it as an excuse to get out of arguments, by saying things like, are you off your head? do you know what your saying right now, and making constant jestures to my anxiety to make me question my point.

Sorry for moving of the point of the thread guys[8)]


02-11-06, 20:56
HAHA the username absolutely sums me up!

so true mick - sometimes i just wish that i could give him an insight into my mind for just five minutes, to see that i realy CANT help being this way. I love him so much but he can be soo ignorant to it. Over the years i have gone from needing his reasurrance all the time to not needing it hardly at all (partly thanks to this site) and my own determination not to let this sxxt get the better of me always. But still i must say that even though he is an absolute star and has supported me in the past, i cant help sometimes feeling resentful towards him for ignoring my setbacks and making me cope alone now. There are alot of aspects of my life right now that he refuses to understand or give the time of day. I suppose anxiety makes us all a bit self absorbed but i think now he often uses it as an excuse to get out of arguments, by saying things like, are you off your head? do you know what your saying right now, and making constant jestures to my anxiety to make me question my point.

Sorry for moving of the point of the thread guys[8)]


02-11-06, 21:40
I dont want to have to cope with it again and and again. I wish someone could have them things in Men in Black, they flash and erase all memory of it ever happening, I think Ill be so much happier :D

02-11-06, 21:49
your be ok darling 6 weeks ago i was a wreck i know i might have said that before but what im trying to say is you wil feel better im even starting to have a laugh and joke again after months of misery keep at it girl!
take care

02-11-06, 23:36
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Ok I almost didnt want to write this because I have been doing so well, and I think writing this is sort of making me feel a bit worse because Its accepting i feel anxious again.
Ive been a bit tired the last coupld of days and a bit weepy, but I seem to think i might be manic depressive. Why I dont know, ive been anxious and ive been to work today and ive felt fine. I had a row with my partner and felt down, then went to visit my mate and she made me all happy again. But i sat there and thought what if its bi-polar becuase i was sad then down. How silly i know.[|)]

I feel im letting myself down again now

<div align="right">Originally posted by kimmy - 30 October 2006 : 22:36:58</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Ups and downs are normal.

You can rule out being bi-polar by tests via your GP.

Good luck :)

humantouch@btopen world.com.