View Full Version : new to this

15-10-13, 02:13
Hi ive just joined this website, and new to all this. Well my health has been going down hill for the past 3 years. I had suffered with problems with pains and weakness in my legs and back for years. It started when I was bitten whilst on holiday in Sri Lanka. I came back with severe mobility problems and no reflex in my legs. So I was rushed into hospital, the doctor if you can call him that took 6 goes to get fluid out of my back, put me on a drip that gave me a violent reaction. Because of all this I could'nt stand the light, if I sat up I vomited, but because they didnt know what was wrong they had the nerve to ask me if I was really ill. I had a fab tan, and although I was ill at the end, I had actually enjoyed my holiday. The last place I wanted to be was hospital. When I was discharged and saw a neurologist as an out patient I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome and I took 6 months for me to get full strength in my legs.
In April 2010 I was taken ill, again trouble with my legs and back, I was bright red and had a rash on my feet. My gp panickef thinking meningitis and I wsd rushed into hospital. I was admitted. This part I think is wrong, I was admitted at 5pm, nothing done with me yet they thought it was ok to wake me up at 3am . To complete a lumbar puncture (taking 3 goes and causing pain) and completed under a dim bed lamp. That was clear but I was put onto a ward under a cardiologist who when he saw me could not understand as my heart was fine. I was left on a respiratory ward for a week, and then the decision was given to a physiotherapist to discharge me. I saw a neurologist 2 times after that as an outpatient and was offered no help.
In May 2011 I was some how managing a full time job, with severe mobility problems using 2 walking sticks. I had to travel 13 miles to my job be up and down all day. I was living on painkillers to keep me going. But I was determined to keep going. I had started a new relationship with a guy that was serious and I was happy. On the last weekend of the month I was looking forward to my birthday and having some fun. On the Saturday we went into town and enjoyed having breakfast and a wander around. The pain in my legs and back increased to the stage that we had to go home. I sat at home and knew I felt ill but could not say what it was. I went to freshen up hoping I would feel better but it msde me worse. I started shaking and my boyfriend thought I was cold, and tried to warm me up. Unfortunately the shaking increased till the whole of my body was violently shaking, when I tried to speak I could only make a noise. My boyfriend rang for an ambulance, I was given an injection that was supposed to calm me down...but it didn't. I was rushed in to hospital, left for 3 hrs and then when it had stopped they discharged me at 1am. I was voolently sick the next day and an on call gp had been called she turned up at 4am the following day, again I was admitted. I had a ct scan that showed clear, my inability to walk and very poor speech was ignored and I was discharged.
when I saw my neurologist I was in a wheelchair with very poor speech. I will never forget what he said...he said I recognise that you are now disabled and very poorly, but we do not know what is wrong with you but we are discharging you. I was then left in no man's land with a gp that kept scratching her head saying she didn't know what to do but prescribed me a load of tablets. Im a fighter and don't give in easily. Ive had to endure seizures on a daily basis. Muscle spasms (the worst ones start in my throat and then move to my chest) I have to sip a drink to ease it. My head pains have been unbelievable, ive had migraines but these were far worse. They have caused paralysis in my forehead, cheeks and to smile I have to drop my jaw. My mobility I have to use crutches for short distances around my home, otherwise I am in a wheelchair. To walk as I have no power in my feet I have to drag my legs pushing from my hips..god its painful. To speak I have to force to speech, and it can become painful and eventually I either slur or cannot speak. There are words and letters I cannot say, and I can only read short sentences as my brain starts to get confused. I have damage to my taste buds and have become disengaged from any enjoyment of food. With all this to cope with a consultant after seeing me have a muscle reaction after an uncomfortable 3 hr journey to the hospital in a 45 minute appointment diagnosed me with a function disorder and listed to another doctor that my symptoms was "shaking".
I have battled for over 3 years, and have always remained positive. Even when I have been in pain ive never let anyone know and still managed to have a laugh. I disagree with my diagnosis but who am I, I am only the patient what do I know. Ive had to come to terms with the fact that I will never get any proper help, or get a diagnosis and that my life has changed so dramatically. I have gone from a hard working active person to someone who is housebound.
But the good side of it at is I am stronger than ever. My boyfriend has stood by me, and last Christmas day he proposed to me.
life hands peopke some massive curb balls sometimes. You can either choose to get up and fight or sit and lick your wounds. I would rather fight any day. Well thats me, its been hard and I never know what im going to be like till I wake up. But im still here:yahoo:

15-10-13, 08:53
Hello Belpergirl. Be very proud of yourself. I know I would be. And congratulations on your engagement. Plus welcome.

15-10-13, 16:15
Hello Belpergirl and welcome.

I'm sorry you're dealing with so many symptoms, yet no answers. It must be so frustrating. You're doing excellent to stay so strong and positive.

Congratulations on your engagement!

15-10-13, 17:03
Thank you so much for your kind messages :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

I hope your still managing to smile, I know how hard it can be but its better than crying...thank you again for your kind messages