View Full Version : Obsessed over ulcer again, please help :(

15-10-13, 09:09
Hi. I'm posting this from Turkey, I'm on holiday with my boyfriend and completely freaked about oral C again. I won't drink any alcohol incase it makes it worse, increasing anxiety. My boyfriend is getting really angry so came here for advice. It's on the roof of my mouth near the back to the side. I think it started out as a cut but can't be sure. It's been very painful. Last week I had a small one on my tongue which has now gone. How do I stop worrying about oral C? I just wanted one week to try relax, can't believe I've got such a nasty ulcer to contend with. Can anyone help? Thanks x

15-10-13, 09:21
Go to the chemist and ask for a soothing cream for ulcers. Just to get you through the holiday. Usually ulcers are because you run down. I know.

15-10-13, 10:22
But should I not have a drink? I just dunno what to do for the best. I've panicked over every ulcer I've had in the past (though this one is more painful), and they've always gone away. Boyfriend keeps saying he can't believe I'm letting an ulcer ruin the holiday, and that I'll be furious with myself when it goes away and I'm home. But can't stop worrying that this one is sinister and gonna be something really bad. What do I do?

15-10-13, 13:18
But should I not have a drink? I just dunno what to do for the best. I've panicked over every ulcer I've had in the past (though this one is more painful), and they've always gone away. Boyfriend keeps saying he can't believe I'm letting an ulcer ruin the holiday, and that I'll be furious with myself when it goes away and I'm home. But can't stop worrying that this one is sinister and gonna be something really bad. What do I do?

Well, obviously, alcohol will irritate a cut or ulcer in your mouth so that's pretty easy. Stay away from acidic drinks as well.

I'm an oral cancer survivor and OC doesn't not just come out of the blue like you describe. It's most often painless and manifests itself differently. By the time you notice something, it's been there for a while I assure you.

What do you do? Get something OTC that will help alleviate the symptoms of the ulcer and enjoy your holiday with your boyfriend is what you do. He's 100% right!

Good Luck!

15-10-13, 19:36
Thanks for your replies. So you don't think it'd just pop up like that? I've seen dentists and stuff recently, would they notice something untoward that I wouldn't, if it was quietly manifesting? Naturally I'll wonder whether it's been sitting there ages, ha! I could punch myself sometimes. Literally right in the nose. So annoying! It's been there since Friday (and counting), and I've gone as far as taking photos each day of it to see if it's getting any bigger. Taking things to a whole new level of crazy. And ruining my holiday in the process... Wonderful :|

15-10-13, 20:05
I know it is so hard to do hun, but you really need to stop focusing on yourself, and start focusing on your boyfriend and his holiday too, as this is ruining it for him as well as you.

You really do sound like you are simply run down. I had a period a while back where I had a run of mouth ulcers. I would get rid of one and then get another straight after. My diet has never been great (I'm not a big fan of fruit) and I was (as always) stressed up to my eyeballs. If you have either or both of these things going on (clearly you are stressed) the body does react like that, and create things like mouth ulcers.

I would totally trust what Fishnmanpa has said as someone who has battled the thing you fear. You need to just get on with your holiday, keep busy doing the normal holiday stuff. Deviating your brain will reduce your anxiety.

Any kind of oral gel will help get shot of your mouth ulcer, and make it less painful while you have it.


15-10-13, 21:12
I know, I feel awful. He wants me to relax and have a few drinks with him, but I won't cos I'm scared I'll make it worse. So I've drank water the whole time. It's all inclusive as well, so I've wasted my money as well which is infuriating. I just can't stop worrying about it and checking it. It's really painful to eat too, so I'm reminded of it even when trying to have a meal. My doctor told me most ulcers are caused by trauma, like cutting it on hard food or something. This was the last time I went about an ulcer that scared me. I'm hoping it's that cos it's in a very random place, the very back of the roof of my mouth near my back teeth. I just want it to go :( I saw my dentist lately, hoping she would've noticed anything forming? X