View Full Version : Mrs Patmore

15-10-13, 13:09
Thought she was having a heart attack didn't you? So did Daisy. She described a vice like chest pain and couldn't function.

Turned out to be a panic attack...

It's rare that you see this on TV dramas - usually the other way round.

15-10-13, 13:11
I don't know who Mrs Patmore is but I like it when I see TV and films portraying mental illness they way it deserves to be. I hated it when I saw EastEnders's character Tanya have a panic attack, it lasted for 10 seconds and it was so fake it was painful to watch.

15-10-13, 13:58
Who is mrs patmore?

15-10-13, 14:07
Downton Abbey :)

15-10-13, 14:34
I agree it was nice to see some o the things that we go through protrayed