View Full Version : Im Looking for support

15-10-13, 15:53
Hi all, I've just sent myself home from work 2.5 hours early because for no apparent reason my heart started racing and my hands started clenching involuntarily. I did the standard "let it pass, it's just a phase" but I lost the battle and had to leave. Even now on my bed at home my hands are still trying to clench. So I found this site and decided to shout out for support!

I had my first and worst ever panic attack a few weeks ago when my heart was pounding and both arms and hands were fully contracted, nothing I could do, so I rushed to the hospital. I now know this as tetanic contraction, BUT everything I read says this is a result of heavy breathing and losing C02. I am not heavy breathing, nor have been, but my hands are still contracting?

So I've had a setback were I'm thinking again "this might be something worse" :weep:

15-10-13, 16:08
Hi Jmcd, and welcome. You are definitely in the right place for support.

Have you been to the doctor about your panic attacks? It's sensible to rule anything else out, but if you've done that already then you need some help finding ways to manage the attacks. Your doctor should be doing that, or referring you for mental health support.

I hope you'll find it helpful to talk here!

15-10-13, 16:11
Hello & :welcome:

I am so sorry to hear how you are feeling...I have had the tetanic contractions before (also 'claw hand') and I must say was the most frightening thing I ever experienced during panic. you don't necessarily need to be heavy breathing, sometimes just prolonged mild hyperventilating can cause it too. I promise you it is not "something worse" just another horrible part of anxiety/panic.

I am sure you will find lots of support and reassurance here at NMP. Kitti :)

15-10-13, 16:22
Hi Edie and kittikat, lovely to meet you and thank you for the fast responses! When I first had 'claw hand' (haha even that makes me feel better) I took myself to the emergency room as I was sure I was having a stroke. They were pretty uninterested to be honest (which I guess is a good thing) did some blood pressure and pulse checks and an ECG and told me I'd had a panic attack. Today is the second time it's happened but nowhere near as bad.

Kitti completely agree its the most scary thing I've ever been through. I think that doesn't help either because when it starts I'm petrified it will happen again, all the wrong things to do!!

15-10-13, 16:32
Hi Edie and kittikat, lovely to meet you and thank you for the fast responses! When I first had 'claw hand' (haha even that makes me feel better) I took myself to the emergency room as I was sure I was having a stroke. They were pretty uninterested to be honest (which I guess is a good thing) did some blood pressure and pulse checks and an ECG and told me I'd had a panic attack. Today is the second time it's happened but nowhere near as bad.

Kitti completely agree its the most scary thing I've ever been through. I think that doesn't help either because when it starts I'm petrified it will happen again, all the wrong things to do!!

Yes....I thought I was having a stroke too, especially when my jaw froze up too :scared15: thankfully my panic attacks are far less frequent now but it is always my main worry as it was so damn frightening :wacko:

Oh, the vicious circle of the panic attack eh?

I hope you are getting some support from your GP or a therapist to help you manage your panic attacks....understanding is the key to acceptance as they say!!