View Full Version : this may help some people to relax a bit

31-10-06, 03:42
I posted this link on another board and it seems to have gone down really well, its a web site that I have been using for a while when I cant find anyone online to chat to, its a live web link to a watering hole in africa, it runs 24/7 during the day sometimes some people come and move the camera around a bit but of a night for obvious safety reasons its just left pointing at the watering hole, Ive seen loads of different animals from hyena, elephant, gazzelle, wildebeest, zebra and lots more. its the cheapest way to have a safari and you dont even have to leave the safety of your home hope you enjoy at least half as much as I do http://www.wavelit.com/?ch=Wildlife&sh=africam

31-10-06, 04:03
Oh wow, that is beautiful!
And helpful!
Will definately bookmark this...

31-10-06, 13:25
I love it so much i've become a premium member! I had a look last night when it was dark to see if I could see anything at about 9pm and I could hear in the background what sounded like an african tribe singing and clapping to music. I really want to go there on holiday and stay in that lodge but I should imagine it'll be way out of my price range.

31-10-06, 15:34
i cant see anything, i have subscribed but the screen is just black??????

any ideas
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

31-10-06, 18:10
My screen is black too.

31-10-06, 23:44
sorry leanne and jgb that you are having trouble seeing anything Im not sure why you are getting a problem maybe you could try asking on their forum and see if anyone there can help I hope you solve it soon as it is a really great site and sight

01-11-06, 07:48
i get booted off my computor, when i go to the site (really odd ?)

shame cos my son would love it :(


01-11-06, 16:06
thanks for that- here's another one similar- from National Geographic Magazine- I've seen some wonderful shots- it's a watering hole and i once saw a herd of elephants walking by! Fab!



06-11-06, 19:05
hi all just thought Id check in while I can as Ive been having terrible disconnection problems with my internet there again I am with aol :( I just wish I could save my emails and my web page favourites and swap to a decent isp that didnt have an expensive call number when you get problems (which is most days at present) plus I have had an awful weekend with more probs with my daughter. feeling really down and at times like this I really wish I didnt live alone. sorry for such a depressing post but Im having a really rough time

06-11-06, 19:16
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time, Spock. When you are on your own, things seem even worse. What's up with the daughter? Cobweb

06-11-06, 21:20
Thanks spock1 - this is great, its so theraputic! - just what the doctor ordered.


06-11-06, 21:28
Spock1 - sorry that your not feeling too good, i was soo caught up with the link that i didnt read the last posts. Please dont apologies for how your feeling. Im not sure whats been going on with your daughter but if you need to chat!


06-11-06, 23:01
For those having problems viewing the video, here is an extract from their Help pages:

"I am having trouble viewing the videos. Why?"
You need media player software compatible with WMA files. Most players are free and can be downloaded in minutes right now. If you don't already have a media player, go to Windows Media Player. Also, make sure you have a high-speed internet connection and if you’re still having problems, please email us at support@wavelit.com

07-11-06, 20:37
I saw wildebeests, a deer type thing and a herd of some sort of cow/yak things. :D

08-11-06, 00:50
hi all sorry I havent been about for a while but Im having mega problems with staying connected to internet (Im with aol) Im losing connection on average roughly every 10-15 mins although sometimes if Im lucky I can go 20 mins Ive contacted aol who say theres no problem their end bt say same thing??? this and the hassles with my daughter etc is driving me to tears

08-11-06, 02:22
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi all sorry I havent been about for a while but Im having mega problems with staying connected to internet (Im with aol) Im losing connection on average roughly every 10-15 mins although sometimes if Im lucky I can go 20 mins Ive contacted aol who say theres no problem their end bt say same thing??? this and the hassles with my daughter etc is driving me to tears

<div align="right">Originally posted by spock1 - 08 November 2006 : 00:50:01</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

i hope you feel better soon im sending positive vibes to you...think about the things you can change not the ones you cant....good luck with your daughter...how old is she?

09-11-06, 17:00
hi all still having hassle with connection probs bt and aol both say it isnt their fault my router works fine on someone elses computer my computer is working fine etc so still no answer, as for my daughter well she's 16 going on 12, she has just had a baby but because of her immaturity and the fact that she drank and smoked including pot, the social services were watching her like a hawk then when she went into labour she demanded a c. section and was not at all impressed when the midwife said that the only way they would do a c. section would be if either of their lives were at risk or if baby was in distress, then when she had almost got the head out she said it was too painful and wrapped her legs closed tight and refused to push and breathed heavily on the gas and air so they had to knock her out and deliver him by forceps, then all she had to do was keep baby, herself and her bed area clean and tidy, but she was very abusive to staff and left dirty knickers etc. around her bed area so the soc. serv. got an emergency order and took him away, since then she has been behaving at contacts but recently starting getting drunk with friends again so I told the soc. services and now she has said that she is determined to get her son back and then she has said I will never see him again and that if he comes to see me when he's older she will disown him!!!! the soc serv have given me forms to fill in so I can be assessed but even though Id be thrilled to look after him it is also fraught with problems due to her attitude towards me, sorry for such a long and miserable post but this is only the tip of the iceberg of hassle Im having to deal with right now.

12-11-06, 17:09
hi all Im still having connection problems although they seem to be more frequent on the sign in page of aol?? internet explorer seems to stay on a bit longer although that inevitably crashes too but at least it gives me a bit more time to try and post etc, I just had a look at the grizzly cam http://www.wavelit.com/?ch=Wildlife&sh=grizzlybears and they've had a really heavy snowfall during the night it looks really christmassy, I still have the hassle with my daughter and am going to see my solictor on tuesday to talk about my going to court for contact I just wish I didnt have to do things this way, I dont understand why she has to be so vicious.

12-11-06, 22:29
I have just checked out the grizzly cam. Ohhhh look at all that snow :D my kids would love that :D

Did not see a bear though, maybe there all in bed for the winter [|)][|)]

Will take another look at another time.

Thank you soo much spock for sharing these web cam's there great [^]:D[8D][8D]



12-11-06, 23:43
no problem jill I just wish I could solve my personal problems as aesy the things I have posted on here are just a speck in the ocean of what Im going through right now, Im surprised myself that I havent had some sort of a breakdown but I gues when your life has always been filled with stress and problems of one sort or another from the word go, you just grow used to it, in fact I would probably get suspicious if things went well for me it would make me nervous lol, Im gonna write a book one day about the crap life Ive had only thing is people will probably look at it and think no way could anyone go through all that and still be sane, she made it up I bet. I swear the midwife dropped me on a pile of mirrors when I was born, then walked under a dozen ladders with me. touch wood I seem to be staying connected longer as long as I only use internet explorer and dont sign in to the aol sign in page???

17-11-06, 00:04
for anyone still awake the waterhole has been invaded I guess everyone is feeling thirsty tonight!!!

23-11-06, 13:49
just thought Id let any monkey fans know that there are some wandering around on the africam at the moment there were a few types a little while ago

23-11-06, 13:53
typical I post about the monkeys and the camera op. has panned back to the waterhole hmmm oh well maybe they will go back to the monkeys again in a minute

24-11-06, 15:53
just to let you all know the baboons are back with a few friends with them which is good news I on the other hand am having a really hard time as events have taken a turn for the worse but I wont spoil the post by writing about it here

26-11-06, 00:21
hi all I hope the africam is still helping to cheer some people up Im afraid my situation has gone well beyond being helped by something like this this now, in fact apart from posting about the monkeys I havent done much else but cry over the past couple of days or so, and my stress levels have gone through the roof and my mood has sunk below sea level.

10-01-07, 01:34
hi all I have had a really rough time this past few months esp christmas being on my own, the only things that have kept me going is watching the animal cams (even the bear cam has been up and running in the bear cave) the other thing that has kept me going is the book I am putting together to raise money for the charity I am setting up for abused children, there is a more detailed thread about this on the general forum so please check it out thanks

12-01-07, 02:15
just thought I would bump this for people who might like the webcams, plus for the sake of the book.