View Full Version : Costing Parents Lots of Money, Bad Anxiety, Feeling Terrible

15-10-13, 18:44
Alright so I damaged a few cars when I was drinking last month in college and the total looks like it is going to be somewhere around 6000 dollars. I told my dad I am going to pay him back as soon as I can but I feel extremely bad for what I have done. I think about it every day for most of the day and cant get it off my mind. Can anyone give me some advise or tell me something to make me feel better because I feel absolutely horrible about this whole thing and it really sucks.

15-10-13, 18:47
I remember reading your last thread about your alcohol consumption. We all suggested that you either stop drinking or get help for the drink, because it sounds like you cannot control yourself whilst under the influence.

So my advice, again, stop drinking or get help. It upsets me that I see your threads about what else you've damaged or what trouble you've got yourself in to BECAUSE of the alcohol. You need help now before you end up in hospital because you've damaged your body or in prison.

15-10-13, 19:05
I have to agree with Rennie's post that there is a pattern to your behavior and issues that need to be addressed.

Want to feel better, or in this case less guilty? Seek help! AA, therapy etc. Intervention may be necessary if you don't find a way to control yourself. I was young and reckless so I do understand, however, you crossed the "don't do it stupid" line a few times too many.

Good Luck!