View Full Version : First medical problems now ordered to court

15-10-13, 20:23
Hi, over that past few weeks i have has a series of panic attaks, lack of sleep and feeling of all round doom. Usually i don't get that many PA's (one two/month) but because of swollen lymph nodes in my neck leading me to believe i had a serious illness I've had so many lately its worn me down. I have depression (for a few years) too.

Had medical examination yesterday and was told the lymph nodes in neck was 'nothing that would cause concern' but they took blood to do some tests anyway. I was convinced id had something serious.

Now i have had a letter ordering me to court. I think its about a old debt from when i was married.
Seems like one thing after another. I don't know how i am going to cope when sat in court. I was feeling major anx when i was sat in hospital :(
I fear that these situations will cause damage. I got laid off recently due to absence..

Will things get better? Would i be kidding myself if i think that?
My wife cheated on me 4 years ago, we got divorced, i lost my house, lost my job, got debt, had accident where i nearly drowned, took ssri overdose last year. now medical scare and court orders i can't take much more.

I know i'm venting but i just need a break. I feel trapped and these PA's are physically telling me i'm not coping.

I was happy and content once. Where did it go.. I feel like i'm fighting all the time but i have no energy.

16-10-13, 09:48
Well that all sucks!

I do find as well that things tend to come together all at once, and I've been in similar situations to you for the last few years. Not the same things, just a series of stressful situations that are mostly beyond my control.

First of all I wouldn't worry about the court letter. Unless it's to do with council tax or VAT or something (basically anything to do with the govornment) there's virtually nothing they can do. You don't have to attend. The best thing to do is to contact your lender and just discuss it with them. They will almost certainly try and pressure you into paying more than you can afford, but if you already know that you can't do that all you need to do is tell them what you can afford, and put that in writing. Even if it's £10 per month. It's definitely not worth getting any more stressed over :)

16-10-13, 12:39
In November of 2006, I came home from work and the woman I had decided was the "one" was packing in the garage. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was leaving. A few weeks later I came home and the house was empty.

Here I was in a brand new 2500 sq ft home with no way to cover all the bills. I lost the home, my truck and was in debt to my ears from taking care of her for over a year. Then in November 2007 came heart attack #1 and triple bypass surgery without insurance. After that, loss of my job because obviously I couldn't work. I was very close to being homeless. I was depressed and on meds at that time.

I got some state assistance and got back on my feet. Finally getting a decent job, I built myself back. Then came heart attack #2 and a cancer diagnosis in Oct/Nov of 2012. So there's a lot more to deal with.

You asked in your post:
"Will things get better? Would i be kidding myself if i think that?"

I could have given up but I didn't. I fought back. You have that choice too! You give up and continue to be the victim or fight back and get your shit together. I'm truly sorry you're having difficulties but this one falls on you.

Good Luck!

18-10-13, 20:47
Thanks for the replies people :) Court went Ok. Still waiting for blood result from hospital. I was over thinking and getting very worked up. I need to restart CBT.