View Full Version : Panic attack right now...

31-10-06, 04:01
Hello everyone,
I just found this forum, and I am so relieved about that... Right now, I am having a panic attack....

My boyfriend, or I should say fiance, works nights, and he will not be home for another 2.5 hours and I so want to go outside, into the fresh air, and walk...

I've got the fan going up high (I know, it's nearly november, but I'm so hot!), I am fully dressed so I can get out as soon as he gets home, not really wanting to have a walk here at 4 am on my own....

I know my panic attack started because I had a bad case of reflux after having been asleep for an hour, and I'm terribly afraid of being sick. I now have a lump in my throat I can't swallow down, water does not help...

We are now living with my fiance's parents, and I'm trying to stay as calm as I can... My leg is shaking, and I keep trying to swallow, but it will not work

Not sure if anyone knows what EFT is? Emotional Freedom Technique is basicly tapping pressure points, and I've been doing that to calm me down, telling myself I will be ok, but the panic is still high....

I know there's nothing anyone can do, but just typing here helps a bit...

thanks for reading..

31-10-06, 04:33
Hi Evaline
Sorry to hear you're doing it hard.
Have you tried your breathing techniques??

Don't believe everything you think.

31-10-06, 04:40
I'm trying....

The lump in throat feeling does not help, but I know it's just the panic... have got that African webcam up now, that does seem to have a bit of a calming effect... Still counting the hours until my boyfriend gets home, just 2 more hours....

31-10-06, 05:14
Hi Evaline
As long as you realise it's only the panic and don't let it overpower you you'll be OK

Don't believe everything you think.

31-10-06, 05:19
I know, but it's still hard to 'know-know' ;)
Thankfully my boyfriend can carry his mobile while at work and I've been texting him, we're going for a walk as soon as he gets in, which is in 1.5 hours now....

I will be fine, I will be fine, I will be fine... ;)

31-10-06, 07:46
Hi Eveline,

Hope you are feeling better!

Here are some posts that may help:

Breathing techniques
How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)
CONTROLLED BREATHING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5041)
Working to get better, have a few Q's to ask... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5412)
Insatiable Mouth / Chest Breather???? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7113)



31-10-06, 09:55
Hello Eveline
In my panic attacks they seem to start when I get up in the morning
like today at 7 am so I got up A cup of Decafe Tea and a cigarrette
something seemed to start as usual and felt getting nervous heart beat
all the usual things and the mental sense of panic so ! since I got up very early after tea I went back to bed pullled the covers over my head
breathed that air insted of a paper bag and fell asleep for 2 hours woke
up very calm its seems to me that I can break these cycles and when this panic thinks its going to get me.... my plan I get you first because I know whats coming and thanks to this website I know how and whats going on = read the article from a paramedic ! he said no ever died from a panic attack : controlled breathing did me the world of good
it really works !!! good luck ! keith !