View Full Version : Coming off citalopram

15-10-13, 22:20

I decided to come off citalopram a few months ago after being on 40mg for over 7 years and finding out that my prolactin levels were high. As my husband and I have been trying to conceive for around 3 years now, I thought that coming off citalopram might improve our chances.

I researched the withdrawal symptoms online and found so many reasons not to be on this anti-depressant that it's made me determined to come off even more! I asked my dr whether citalopram might have caused me to gain 6 stone over the last 7 years and she said it wasn't the cause. Whilst I don't solely blame the citalopram for my weight gain, I'm pretty sure it hasn't helped from what I gather online.

So I managed to get down to 10mg over 2 months or so and tried to come off completely. I was feeling so terrible - sickness, upset stomach, tearful and intense headaches that I had to go back to 10mg - although people say it won't take effect for 3 days, I pretty much instantly felt better and just felt exhausted and had to go to sleep for a few hours. I was really disappointed with myself but it really was unbearable. But for the first time, I felt myself coming back, I did feel disgusted with the weight I'd put on though, so I know I'm going to have to deal with that when I do eventually manage to be citalopram free!

After that ordeal, I decided to wait a few weeks and try to alternate 5mg with 10mg which doesn't seem to be too bad but I must admit I feel pretty unstable emotionally which my husband is hating right now! Unfortunately, he's been finding it so hard to deal with my erratic emotions that he would prefer me to stay on them, at least on 10mg. That probably doesn't really help but I am really determined to come off them!!

Tmi (sorry) but since I've been on the citalopram I've lost my sex drive completely, I honestly could do without sex forever, I just feel tired if my husband even mentions it which is making him start to question our relationship! I've explained it's probably the citalopram but he thinks it's an excuse but I genuinely couldn't care less about anything sexual, all I want to do is cuddle! My sex drive doesn't seem to be increasing as I'm reducing the dose either, which is a little worrying but I'm hoping it will come back eventually as that definitely isn't helping with trying to conceive, I'm sure!

Tonight I decided to cut down to 5mg every day. I'm hoping that once I feel stable (ish) I'll be able to come off completely!

I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on where to go from here.

Also, since being on 10/5mg alternate, I've just felt like staying in bed all day and just eating junk food, which I have pretty much been doing apart from when I'm at work!

Grateful for any success stories or even just people to talk to who might be going through something similar, no one I know had been through anything like this so I think they just think I'm being a bit of a drama queen! I possibly am just going mad!!!

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

Sorry for the huge message! Didn't realise how long it was, life story!!

15-10-13, 23:26
I took my last Citalopram 20mg this morning and start setraline tomorrow. ..feeling so nervous about having withdrawls. On Citalopram ive had a zero sexdrive! Absolutely no interest what so ever! Just wanted to say good luck x

15-10-13, 23:38
That's probably a good idea switching over, maybe the withdrawals won't be so bad! Thank you, good luck to you too! Hopefully we'll both be fine without citalopram :)

16-10-13, 21:41
Day 2 on 5mg - feeling 'alive'. 3 hour drive home tonight and wasn't feeling like I was about to fall asleep which is very strange. Usually can't stay alert for 30 mins driving.

16-10-13, 23:28
I defiantly think citalopram gives you zero sex drive. I'm only 19 and my girlfriend noticed an instant change in our sex life when I started citalopram but I do need to get my life back on track and then will come off citalopram.

17-10-13, 18:02
Day 3 on 5mg - terrible headache and getting irritable.

Cammy - it's quite a bad side effect isn't it?! Good luck, yes definitely, need to make sure you're in the right place before you try to come off :)

18-10-13, 21:48
Day 4 on 5mg - irritable but headache not quite as bad. Getting annoyed with people at work!

19-10-13, 16:21
Day 5 on 5mg- I've decided to start taking maca root to help my crazy moods - apparently it balances hormones and improves sex drive also. I took my first 500mg tablet this morning. Although the suggested dose is two tablets, I'm going to start on 1 tablet every morning as I've read that people have had an upset stomach when taking too many to start off with.

Will update again tomorrow, feeling pretty chilled today although it is Saturday and I had 15 hrs sleep last night! Also been wearing an infinity pro bracelet for about a week now which is meant to balance yours ions or something so not sure if that's working - going to carry on wearing it just in case!

20-10-13, 19:49
Day 6 on 5mg, day 2 on maca - seem to be ok, sleeping a lot.

22-10-13, 21:10
Hi - it's different for everyone but I started to come off my 20mg of citalopram about 6-7 weeks ago. I had gained a stone since I started taking them 10 months before. I also noticed that I still found it difficult to wake up properly first thing in the morning and my brain didn't feel as alert or creative. I didn't feel depressed anymore. I reduced my dose by around 30% straight away. That was a mistake - too much in one go. The doctor had told me to alternate one day on and one day off. Doctors don't just tell you what's on the inside of the packet. Like when I first started that I'd feel better in 2 weeks. Yeah - right. Took me 8 - 9 weeks before I could function enough to go back to work and live by myself again. Coming off them in such a big step ruined my sleep, made me a bit anxious and agitated. So I went back to see another doctor and he suggested alternating 20mg and 10mg, then 20mg, 10mg, 10mg and so on. I've followed this pattern and am on half dose now. I feel ok, but of course I still keep "self checking" to see how I really feel. Bound to until its been a bit longer on the lower dose. I'm sticking at 10mg until the new year now. No need to rush as I've learnt that without a happy mind the everything else is secondary. I should add that that when I first became poorly it was after my father had died. I already suffered from anxiety that had gone untreated for years. The anxiety multiplied and it became debilitating and made me depressed. I felt a failure, only good for doing a simple manual job after being in an executive position for a few years. I felt isolated, small, couldn't barely drive so wasn't near my family. In the end I bubbled over. I'd always wondered how people could feel depressed and now I know. Now I am back at work feeling stronger than before and more capable, confident. I wish I'd sorted the anxiety sooner as it can be such a trap. I should also mention that I went to CBT which was great. You really understand that you are not alone. Far from it. There are loads of us. I reckon at least 50% in our lifetime. There's still a stigma attached to mental illness, but now those will the stigma are the small minded people. I look on the experience as being educated ins one way. I don't feel smug - just relieved and more understanding others.

I write this because there is virtually nothing on line about positive stories for coming off citalopram and hopefully this is a positive turn out (for me).

Take it slow. Rushing doesn't help. The brain rebels against it.

Good luck..

22-10-13, 21:48
Hi, if you've been on citalopram for so long and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, don't lower your dose any more for a few weeks. When your body has adapted to 5mg and you no longer suffer from changing moods and lack of energy, consider getting some kind of tablet cutter and going to 2.5mg/day.

Don't alternate doses eg 5mg one day, 2.5mg the next, as this might exacerbate any side effects. I still don't know why doctors advise this. Stick to a dose for several weeks, then reduce to the next one down.

Withdrawal effects don't come to everyone but they can be extremely hard to deal with. In fact it's a testament to how well you're doing that you haven't given up trying to withdraw. Don't withdraw too fast; it's not a race. But well done for being able to do this and feel proud that you've coped so well.

23-10-13, 19:44
Thanks for your reply, I'm glad there are so many other people that can relate. I find it absolutely terrible that the doctors are basically useless when trying to help people who want to come off. You sound like you're doing great, do you think you might come off them in the new year? I'm now trying to take a little less than 5mg and see how it goes, definitely want to taper slowly as I completely relate to how you felt when trying to come off too quickly. I'm not sure whether it's because I've been taking the maca root but definitely not feeling too bad, a few headaches and feeling a little irritable but nothing that I can't cope with.

So it's now day 9 and I've just taken about 4mg. Will see how it goes for the next week...

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Sorry psychopoet, I've just seen your post! Thanks, that sounds like a good idea, hopefully 4mg won't be too much of a shock but definitely going to wait a week to see how it's going before I go down any further. Going to the chemist at the weekend to try to get a pill cutter.

That's really good to hear, I really can't believe how hard it is to come off these tablets. My body must rely on them so much. I suppose that's what happens when you've been taking them for 7 years.

Have you had experience of coming off the tablets?

---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ----------

I've just been reading your guide, made me laugh - so much to relate to!

24-10-13, 20:03
Day 2 on 4mg and day 4 on maca root. Feeling quite anxious today for no real reason. Overthinking things massively. Can't stop myself from having this nagging feeling about my work. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is either because there's nothing to be worried about!!!

Feeling pretty unstable today and think it's time to get into bed and watch some tv to get lost in until bedtime.

Really can't believe how hard this is but I determined to get off them even if it kills me. I'm starting to feel as though it may!! Shouldn't really joke about that but hopefully tomorrow will be better, it's Friday at least. Lots of studying I should be doing that I'm just ignoring which is probably part of the nagging feeling! Just feel like I don't even know where to start, so why try?

25-10-13, 19:55
Day 3 on 4mg and day 5 on maca. Feeling really low today. Getting really angry about everything and just feel like everything's on top of me. Hate feeling like this

25-10-13, 20:10

It's so hard. God us people in here are so strong for going through all that we go through!!

Hang on in there. Sending u hugs and strength xx

25-10-13, 20:54
Thank you! That's so kind of you! Hopefully it'll be a better day tomorrow! Xx

25-10-13, 21:07
Each day... A step further...... Keep the faith... I try too xxx

27-10-13, 00:08
Day 4 on 4mg and day 6 on maca: feeling irritable but coping. Just want to stay in bed and eat comfort food.

28-10-13, 23:39
Day 5 on 4mg, day 7 on maca. Might give it one more day on 4mg and come off completely. Just feeling like I want to get it over with - probably not the right idea but getting fed up of taking so long to come off! Maca seems to be helping I think

30-10-13, 00:15
Has anyone tried taking maca, St. John's wort and/or 5htp after coming off citalopram? I'm taking maca, which seems to be working but not sure whether to try sjw and 5htp once I'm off citalopram completely.

30-10-13, 20:44
Ok, first day of nothing. Here we go! Day 9 of maca. I know I'm getting irritable but seem to be coping, a few horrible headache things in my eyes ( brain zaps?) - really intense but they seem to move around my head rather quickly and then disappear. Definitely want this to be it! My head seems to be getting clearer, less 'fuzzy'. Feeling a little like my old self, especially my impulsive self which I'm a little worried about.

01-11-13, 08:15
Day 2 on nothing was a nightmare, felt absolutely terrible, brain zaps and anxiety. Spaced out for most of the day, crying about ridiculous things. Had to give in and get back on 5mg. Obviously came off too fast so will be staying on roughly 5mg for another month at least as everyone advises in their

---------- Post added at 08:15 ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 ----------

Posts, not sure why I had to try to come off so quickly. Feel like I've taken a step backwards again but at least I'm feeling a little better today.

01-11-13, 11:44
Well done at having a try to come off, there is always another time, I am now down to 5mg and haven't felt good the last week or so even though I am now in my 6th week on 5, my GP says I can go back on 10mg if I feel I want to, I am in 2 minds but would love to know how you get on going back to 5 and if it is helping.

01-11-13, 13:28
Yeah, it's not easy is it? I will let you know how it's going, seem less anxious today already so I think it's a case of persevering with 5mg unless you feel that you really can't deal with it? Maybe go up to 7.5mg if you can split the tablet? I couldn't handle not being on anything though so I'm not going to try to reduce for at least a month! Good luck, let me know how you're getting on :)

01-11-13, 15:13
No it isn't easy, I do feel better today so hopefully the worst is over, I can never see me getting off of them completely though and it certainly won't be any time yet if I do, let me know how things go.

04-11-13, 14:13
Hi T2711, I wondered how you are feeling now you are back on 5mg, I haven't gone back to 10 yet, but there are times in the day when I feel I want to, at the moment the anxiety is the worst thing, ever part of me feels uptight, at the moment I don't know what to do. Do you feel better now you are on 5 and did you have any side effects getting back on to it?

04-11-13, 20:12
Yep, back on the 5mg. I did get bad headaches the first 2 days but felt a lot less anxious so the physical side I can cope with. Do you feel that too? The emotional side is really hard to deal with because you can't really foresee how you're going to cope when you come off.

I know that's what my problem is. I think I'm fine so I just think I'll come off and cope but it's not quite that simple when you're feeling so bad.

I think you should try to stick with 5mg with me! I know it's hard but it will get easier and your side effects will reduce. It's such a slow and painful process. Once you're feeling stable (ish) on 5mg, perhaps you could get a pill cutter and try to divide 10mg into 3 and take a third each day? That's what I'm going to try next, probably not until after Xmas though as I've got exams in December so I need to get through December in one piece!

Do you think you're getting a bit less anxious each day or is it the same pretty much? The anxiety is horrible, it's so hard to think clearly. When I'm thinking straight I know it's stupid that I'm getting so worried and anxious about such minor things but at the time, it takes over your world, it's all you can think about. I wish I could tell myself that it's silly, what's the point in worrying if there's nothing I can/will do to change things so to get over it!

I'm not sure whether my maca root capsules are even working to be honest, considering trying St. John's wort, have you tried anything like that before?

It's quite nice coming on here after work and getting it all out of my system! Determined to get through this!!!! We can do it!

04-11-13, 20:21
I agree with everything you say, when I am feeling OK I say to myself that I can cope with it but when the anxiety starts for no reason I find it hard to cope, I don't really want to go back up and I am going to give at least another week to see what happens as biggest part of the time I do feel OK but like I say when the anxiety comes I think I'm never going to cope, it is such a strange feeling and I don't think anyone who hasn't been through it can understand it. A friend of mine was suffering with depression earlier this year she went on an SSRI (not citalopram) but was worse on them and is now taking St John's Wort and is now fine, she is also having counselling. Like you if I do drop the dose any more it won't be till next year as I always find Christmas a bit stressful. I'm glad that you are feeling better now you have gone back on to 5mg.

04-11-13, 20:49
Yeah. It's like you're going round in circles. I think that's why there's no point trying to come off for a while now. I think that's good that you're ok most of the time. I know what you mean, the hard parts are when you're feel low and anxious. You just feel like you'd do anything to make it go away. You're doing so well not going back on 10 though. I think I would've given in by now, I can't even last a day without going back on something.

Maybe sjw is worth a go then. It'd be interesting to see whether it helps. That might be the final push to get off citalopram that we need.

True, Christmas isn't the easiest time to come off, especially when you get into Jan! Maybe mid January might be a good time. I know I say this now but knowing what I'm like, I'll have one good day and decide that's it, I can cope, then it'll be two steps back again! Hopefully I can stick to 5 for a whole though

Keep me updated on 5mg :) hope it's getting better. Slow and steady! :)

10-11-13, 15:47
Hi T2711, how are you getting on on the 5mg, are you still OK? I am still struggling on the 5, very reluctant to go back to 10 but sometimes I feel I really need to then I worry that I may get side effects of increasing again, did you when you went back on to 5? I seem to be fine when I am doing things but when I think about the anxiety it seems to come back, I wish I could just get it out of mind, easier said than done.

12-11-13, 12:17
Hi T2711 - I will try and come off the remaining 10mg in the new year. I am in no hurry really - I know myself a bit better these days and I know not to put undue pressure on myself. I am my own worst enemy!

The thing for me is to not try and give so much attention to the process of coming off citalopram because I end up analysing how I feel each day. Weening off slowly is the key so that it becomes almost un-noticeable.

Any how - its good that you are trying. You could hold stable for a few weeks then have another go?? At least then yu get an evened out phase and can build up confidence in the mean time. Its hard i know.


14-11-13, 23:53
Hi cmc! Yes, still having a go! I am seriously struggling on 5mg. I think it's more like 3mg now. I feel so anxious about the littlest things and so irritable. How are you finding 5? Are you still struggling through it? It's crazy how much of an impact such a tiny drop can make.

---------- Post added at 23:53 ---------- Previous post was at 23:44 ----------

Hi Natalie. That's good, it's not easy coming off is it? You're right, it seems that we're only fighting ourselves. I have to kick myself sometimes when I'm being really ridiculous and tell myself things could be so much worse. Sometimes it helps but most of the time I just like feeling sorry for myself.

Good luck in the new year - probably a good time to try. I think I may have picked a bad time with exams coming up in 3 weeks!! But I'm determined to get off these tablets whatever it takes. You're right though, I definitely shouldn't rush it, taking a small dose now daily and hoping I get a little more stable and then come off completely in the new year, no point for at least a month when I'm not even coping on this dose!

I have booked in an acupuncture session mid-December- hoping it may help with the fertility side and also the anxiety side too. I went to the hospital not long ago and they suspect I may have pcos and have basically to me to lose weight. My doctor has prescribed xenical which I've just started taking to boost the weight loss. I'm hoping improving my diet will also make my mood better.

I've got a blood test next week to test my hormones as my prolactin was high last time - they thought this might be the citalopram. As it decreases the chance of ovulation I'm hoping coming off it will help lower my prolactin level and help with fertility too!

There's so much going on, I think I'm going to have a breakdown soon. I've been loving a but if James Arthur at the moment - although if anyone heard me screaming along to that, I think I'd definitely be committed!

Good luck!!!

15-11-13, 12:55
Hi T2711, yes I'm still struggling on 5mg, I was very tempted a few days ago to go back to 10 and then I think well I have done it now and if I go back I will have to do it again and the other thing I worry about is if I did go back to 10 how would I feel, what if I still felt the same with side effects of going back up as well, like Natalie says it is in my mind all the time and I wish I could just forget that I am cutting down. Well done getting down to 3mg, you're nearly there, keep going, I don't think I will drop any more till after Christmas,
Good luck to both of you.

16-11-13, 17:08
Yeah, it's such a battle! Well done though, it's so easy to just go back up - I know I've done it so many times. But that's true, you've managed to get this far slready, it'd be a shame to go back to 10 but sometimes I suppose you have to if it's really bad.

Yes, definitely, me too, Christmas is prob not the best time to cut down any more!

Seem to be a bit better today, more positive, which is really good. :)

17-11-13, 11:11
Keep battling on T2711, glad you are feeling a bit better, I am beginning to wonder if it wouldn't have been better to have come off them as the GP wanted me to, a month on 10, month on 10 every other day and off, it would have all been over by last July as I started to come off in April from 20 and I am still battling on, hopefully one day I will be off them altogether, I just feel I may have spread it out too much and with each drop I get more anxious, just a thought.

17-11-13, 20:28
Hi all,

I had a busy 2 - 3 weeks socialising. I find that tiredness makes me feel a bit down and so does dehydration so I need to remind myself to drink plenty of water. I also haven't been exercising enough. Nothing hardcore I need to do but going for a walk at lunch time (must remember trainers tomorrow). It's better than nothing and I haven't been doing anything so it should help me continue to recover. I also had a good chat with a work colleague of mine who has been struggling too and after many months of changing tablets he is returning to work tomorrow. Another success story! This chap basically worked himself into the ground and slept about 4 hours a day...

I'm still on my 10mgs and am ok with that. I still analyse myself a bit too much but I reckon that's still the side effects a bit - mind still fine tuning the balance. I have to keep telling myself that it took 8 months to feel better so coming off the tablets won't be an overnight success, but it will be in the long term. :-)

Hope everyone's ok and progressing even a snails pace is good. No pressure.

T2711 - you sound determined and it will work out for you and your family.

Looking forward to hearing progress reports soon.


17-11-13, 22:22
Hi Natalie,

I know just what you mean about analysing yourself too much, I am the same and thinking how I am feeling nearly all the time. It is very true what you say about taking 8 months to feel better so it is going to take time to feel better after coming off.

Hope you continue to make good progress.


18-11-13, 20:57
Hi Natalie and Christine!

Sounds like you're both doing well. I think it really does take so much determination to come off. I know what you mean about coming off in one go, it seems like it'd be better than coping with little reductions. It's like we're dragging out the pain! I say that now but I know I thought I was dying when I came off 10s cold turkey so maybe it's safer this way! Wish someone had warned us about trying to come off!

Definitely agree with you both on the over-analysing, it's so hard not to, everything makes you paranoid and makes you question yourself. I think that's been one of the hardest things when trying to come off. I've never been one to question myself, I've always been headstrong and sure of myself and always thought to myself that I didn't care what anyone thought of me because after all, who is anyone to judge anyone else?

But now I feel really worried at work about what people think of me and I'm getting really paranoid that everyone's talking behind my back. On Thursday I really thought I was going to have to leave work in the middle of the afternoon because I couldn't cope! Finding it so difficult but really cannot face going back up to suffer again when trying to come off.

What worries me is that I've read that it can stay in your system for months and that even when you're off completely, there's some still stored in your muscles

---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

or something that releases randomly months later and causes you to feel terrible! Really don't want that to be the push over the edge when you think you've made it!

Hopefully things will get better for all of us, fingers crossed! I must admit I'm feeling more positive this evening. I've been panicking about my exams coming up in December but managed to get a good mark on a mock today which has made me feel a little better. I'm not sure I'm going to make it to December without having a breakdown though!

Good luck to both of you!


18-11-13, 22:45
Hi Talia,
Glad you are feeling better this evening and well done on your mock exam mark, I'm sure things will go well for you in December, see I can say that to you but if it was the other way around I would be feeling exactly the same, I haven't felt too good tonight but I think that is because one of our dogs had a funny turn yesterday and I have been worrying about it, it seems like I can't cope with the ups and downs of life at the moment, I have always worried about things but this is worse, whether it is to do with coming off of cit I don't know.

Take care


19-11-13, 20:27
Hi Christine,

Thank you, hopefully it'll be ok :)

I'm sure it is because you're on such a low dose. Do you feel like you're getting your feelings back? I've found that I'm not feeling as "numb" and although that's not good for when you're feeling bad, hopefully the ups will be better in the long run.

I definitely feel the same way, as if you can't cope with small things that wouldn't have worried you too much before? I think it must be because our mind relied on the tablets for so long that now it's not used to coping without them. Hope your dog is ok :( pets are a real worry. Especially because they can't tell you what's wrong.

You're doing really well and obviously have the determination to do this! We can do this!

:) x

19-11-13, 21:33
I hope you have had a good day, I was thinking that before I went on the cit, even though I didn't feel right I was coping with things more than I am now, and like you say I think our minds have relied on the cit and not worked for themselves and now they have to start up again and it is hard work at the moment, hopefully they will get used to working on their own and that's when we will feel better, hopefully.
My dog seems back to his usual self now, but it was worrying at the time so I had a bad day yesterday and got myself in a right state but had a better one today.
Keep going we can do it.:)

19-11-13, 21:36
I successfully stopped 20mg of Citalopram after using it for two years :)

Side effects for me were headaches and irritability, and nervousness of course.

Best of luck!

19-11-13, 22:42
Thank you Selig, how quickly did you get off of them, I have been coming off from 20mg since April but stayed on 10 for 5 months, I have now been on 5mg for 8 weeks and still don't feel right so goodness knows when I will eventually get off of them completely, the GP says I can go back to 10 if I want to but now I have got this far I don't want to go backwards, it is good to know that it can be done successfully.

22-11-13, 10:33
Hi there... how did you find coming off the tabs?
I'm on week 3 of cold turkey. The latest emotion to coem to the surface is anger. I have rage and its uncontrollable, I've broken numerous household objects such as the shower curtain, remote control, 5 coat hangers, etc... I just dropped my knife on the floor and called it a c***. But then after I laugh, user error, clearly not the knive's fault. I guess it's better I know I'm a little tapped at the moment. I really hope this is temporary!

I'm giving it until next weekend when I'll be 4 weeks clean, hopefully thats enought time to give my emotions to settle out.

I put on weight on the tabs, however I've lost 5lbs in 2 weeks. I took the decision its probably better for everyone if I smash the gym, and not my flat, or boyfriend! I've got so much more energy now I'm clear of the tabs...

I hope everyone manages to ride it out... Does anyone else get rage?

22-11-13, 11:24
Hi there... how did you find coming off the tabs?
I'm on week 3 of cold turkey. The latest emotion to coem to the surface is anger. I have rage and its uncontrollable, I've broken numerous household objects such as the shower curtain, remote control, 5 coat hangers, etc... I just dropped my knife on the floor and called it a c***. But then after I laugh, user error, clearly not the knive's fault. I guess it's better I know I'm a little tapped at the moment. I really hope this is temporary!

I'm giving it until next weekend when I'll be 4 weeks clean, hopefully thats enought time to give my emotions to settle out.

I put on weight on the tabs, however I've lost 5lbs in 2 weeks. I took the decision its probably better for everyone if I smash the gym, and not my flat, or boyfriend! I've got so much more energy now I'm clear of the tabs...

I hope everyone manages to ride it out... Does anyone else get rage?

Why did you come off so quickly, if you don't mind me asking? If you are getting feelings of intense rage I think you came off too quickly. It's not a good idea as you may only find you need to go back on them again a few weeks later.

If you are a danger to yourself I'd suggest asking your doctor to put you back on them, and then come off more slowly. More haste less speed. If I decide to come off, I will insist on my doctor reducing it very slowly. This is already my second time on meds.

23-11-13, 12:18
You're doing well Christine! Still on 5! I know exactly what you mean, you really don't want to go back up after you've suffered it for so long already. I think as long as it's manageable it's not too bad.

I'm still on about 3mg now and seem to be coping much better, much more positive these days, although this might have been helped by changing my diet, I'm eating much more healthily now too. I feel like my appetite has definitely decreased too, I think the citalopram makes you feel like you're always hungry.

Selig, that's really impressive! Did you do it slowly?

Scally, good luck with it, I'm sure it'll get better but like sparkle says, perhaps coming off cold turkey isn't the best idea? I read somewhere once that coming off cold turkey is like pulling the chair out from beneath your mind (if that makes sense!?). I kind of understand that your brain goes into shock as it has been used to having help for so long that it doesn't produce the chemicals it needs to. That's probably why you're feeling the rage because your hormones are so unbalanced. Serotonin isn't being produced by your brain as much anymore because it was relying on the artificial chemicals you were giving it from the citalopram.

Maybe you could try going back on 10 and reduce slowly? I know it might feel like a step backwards but at least you'll be coping better and as a lot of people have said to me, you've been on them for so long (I assume you have too?) what difference does a few months make now? I totally understand that you want to come off them quickly but sometimes it can make things a lot worse. I came off them cold turkey from 10mg and even though that's the lowest dose, I seriously couldn't cope and had to go back onto 10 and then reduce reallyyyyy slowly! Even then I've not had an easy time of it. I would definitely advise going from 10 to 7.5 to 5 to 2.5 over a long time. I waited until I was feeling pretty stable to move down to the next dosage. Just my experience but it seems to be working with less severe discontinuation symptoms.

Good luck everyone! Christmas soon so at least we've got something to look forward to!!


23-11-13, 14:50
Hi Talia well done on getting down to 3mg, I am so annoyed with myself as I have gone back to 10mg, the main reason being because why I started them in the first place was anxiety over having the bad tummy bug, well since being down to 5 my tum seems to be playing up again, it wasn't so much the side effects or anxiety but the fact that my tummy hasn't been right since going down to 5 and I was told I had IBS so whether cutting down has made that worse I don't know. If I am OK on 10 I think I will stay on it for the winter and try again next year, which is what my GP advised when I went to see him a month ago but I hung it out on 5 till last Thursday. Keep going you're doing well.

02-12-13, 15:08
Hi all,

I am still sticking on the 10mg. I still have off days (more down than anxious)especially if i dont have great sleep for a couple of nights. I forced myself to go to the gym twice at the weekend. One of my real annoyances is the extra 14 pounds i have put on since starting on the 20mg exactly one year ago.

I think i am sometimes affected by the dark days (or am i over analysing it ;-)), but i'm looking forward to a long christmas break and then i will begin tapering off the last 10mg..

Hope everyone is trying to be positive..


02-12-13, 15:46
I went down to 10mg from 20mg (been on 20mg since New Year's Eve 2010) about two months ago.

I have found that in recent weeks I have started feeling very low, intrusive thoughts creeping in and extremely irritable. I am finding myself having almost daily rows with friends/family, and getting paranoid that my OH doesn't want to be with me anymore. The irritability isn't something I suffered from when I started on 20mg, so am now questioning whether it is the reduction to 10mg causing it, or whether I am just going mad?! :weep:

13-12-13, 22:17
Has been a while since I last posted! I finished my last exam on Tuesday but had such a stressful time, i really was unbearable, crying every day. I took my last 3mg on Monday night. I'm not too bad to be honest, yet!! I don't know whether it's the relief if finishing exams or looking forward to Xmas? The only thing is, I cannot get to sleep at night, seem to be staying awake until about 1 and waking at half 6. Not sure what that's about!

Feeling pretty normal at the mo but it is only day 4 so who knows!

Christine, hopefully your tummy problems are better? Do you feel that it happens because you're anxious or is it related to the citalopram? It's so annoying just having so many problems to face, you're doing really well though, even going back up. 10mg isn't a high dose so don't feel bad, you've come so far. You may as we'll be sensible because if you just ignore your instincts, you might end up having to go back to an even higher dose? You can do it, just listen to your instincts :)

Jamesn, sounds like you're doing well too. True, I think when it's dark and dreary it's not quite as easy to feel upbeat about things - esp in the mornings getting up for work :( hopefully you'll balance out on 10 and then feel ready to take a step down again, I honestly think that it's so important to cut down really slowly and marginally. I went from about 5 to 3 to nothing over a long period. Definitely with you on the not sleeping thing, I wonder why it happens - maybe just the fact out brains aren't as sedated any more?

Moomin - I think that was a really big side effect for me coming off them too, getting paranoid and over thinking everything! I was getting so paranoid at work thinking everyone was moaning about me. I found myself doing it today and had to actually tell myself to grow up - if people want to gossip and talk behind people's back, who cares? They're certainly not perfect and perhaps they should look at themselves first! Definitely try not to worry, I'm sure it's just a side effect of lowering your dose, I think it starts to lift the numbness and your brain starts overworking and overthinking everything. Hopefully you'll level out soon and feel stable on 10. It's a massive struggle trying to reduce, but well done! You're getting through it, I think it's a massive testament to anyone who can reduce. It's so do hard to do and you should be proud of yourself!

Good luck to you all, keep me posted :)

Merry Christmas! Bet everyone's looking forward to time off work! Yipppeeee xx

17-12-13, 20:16
I've read all this thread and many congratulations for coming off!! I'm going through the same myself at the minute and it's basically a nightmare ... and I only have gone from 10mg to 5mg! I hope you're doing well after the last pill and continue to improve, it has certainly helped me reading your story :)

28-12-13, 17:41
Dear all - hope you enjoyed / are still enjoying the Christmas Holidays.

Mine was good - spent it with my family in Chesterfield. Today however, I feel a bit low. I think its a combination of things: maybe too much wine over the festive period messing with my 10mg meds, leaving my mum to come back up to Leeds today and got lots to do next week and I hate New Year's Eve.:doh:

I think it's going to be a good 2014 though. I still intend to reduce the meds down slowly and see how I get on. I'll make a decent attempt at diet and exercise too. I didn't do enough outdoorsy stuff the last week so that needs to change.

What's going in with you guys?

Natalie :yesyes:

28-02-14, 23:05
I'm now down to 5mg and no side effects. Thankfully.

I'll give it until the end of March and then see if I can come off completely.

Any opinions on that? IE should it be ok to go from 5mg to zero?

Thanks for any help


06-04-14, 19:29
Am now down to zero for the last 5 days. Haven't noticed anything really except a bit of a headache and maybe a bit tired, but that could be me over thinking it.

Hopefully that's it except for me being more mindful.

:) let's see.


27-07-14, 16:41
Oh dear. Mid may I started to feel flat and I noticed I was feeling tearful a lot, snappy with my mum and family. Intolerant of work and I could feel the bubbling and chatterbox coming back.

So I decided to go back to the docs and counselling. Suggested 10mg to them as that was the best I felt last time. I started on 5mg and since mid June I'm on 10mg so five weeks on that dose. Feel a bit of a failure to be honest. Why am I still struggling like this? Anyone with any ideas?



27-07-14, 18:15
Natalie, what about this: what if you are one of the many, many of us whose brain lacks enough of certain brain chemicals on its own to lift us sufficiently out of anxiety or depression? There's nothing wrong with that, hunni! Everything else you are doing is very good hard work on your behalf, studying, getting out and about, recognizing where your thinking and behaviour needs improvement - well I think you should be congratulated for getting yourself better! If that has meant also recognizing when everything you have done is not quite enough and working with your doctor to incorporate the medication you need to be at your very best, then you have made the wise choice. Do not beat yourself up! You are strong and intuitive and courageous in supporting Natalie. You go girl! xx

28-07-14, 20:17
Hi SADnomore,

Thanks for your lovely message. I really appreciate it and it cheered me up.

Today has been a struggle up until after lunch.. Morning are worse for me. Week 5 on the 10mg citalopram. It's like last time. You think you're cracking it then boom. A blip. Also time of month coming up so could be connected.

I reckon I'll go another 3-4 weeks on this dose and then take it from there.

Good news is it's great weather in the UK so that's great !

Thanks for your support,


28-07-14, 21:51
Sounds as though we are all in the same boat, although at different oars maybe, lol! My anxiety (which I usually deny having at all) comes in the evenings. Without the blips I think I could ignore/forget I have it, but I know some on here experience 24/7 anxiety and panic attacks, so I'm very grateful it does pass.

It's been helpful to read that almost across the board, people find their anxiety is so much better when they stay busy - that, I can do, if I try! My depression, when it's kicking up, is like fighting a current to just get up off my arse, ha ha! It's like without nervous energy, I have no energy at all :mad: Looking for ways to cope better with both. Glad when there is a chink in the concrete of my mind, and I am able to try suggestions like I see on here ... :noangel:

Good to hear of the amazing summer you are having in the UK. It has been beautifully sunny in Western Canada too, and despite the annoying humidity and the thunderstorms that stick the cats to the ceiling, it's been a great mood-booster, lol! Hope you are able to get out in the sunshine lots! :shades:
Marie xx

29-07-14, 19:05
Ha Marie- cats sticking to the ceiling. Not heard that before. Made me smile so thanks for that.:D

Was tearful this morning at work and crap nights sleep last night. Incredible that it's so debilitating..

By evening I'm ok except for the tiredness. Hopefully tonight I can catch up a bit..

How are you doing?

Natalie x

03-01-15, 17:52
Well happy new year all.

I'm feeling a bit off it again - same time of year as last time. I think it's the thought of going back to work after spending lots of time with friends and family over Christmas.

Not been sleeping great, probably a bit too much red wine and not enough water.

I'll keep an eye on things for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Hopefully it's a blip. I'm on 10mg and I don't want to increase it...

Hope you are all doing well


09-01-15, 11:54
Hi Natalie I've been reading your post and totally understand what you are going through! I was on Cit for 5 years on various doses In AUg 14 my Gp changed me to Mirtazapine and once again the Roller Coaster ride with a new drug starts again! It's strange but we all know our bodies and like yourself I've always felt best on a lower dose of any drug Keep on staying positive and I have learnt to accept that I will be on a low dose of something for the rest of my Life! I'm 44 and many of my friends are now on drugs for the rest of their life ( blood pressure , diabetes , epilepsy etc) I'm in the same boat just a different drug! Take care and keep fighting!

28-01-15, 17:13
I've been on Citalopram (10mg per day - is a low dose) for over 10 years now and my GP says if it helps there is no need to come off them. I'm 63 years old so don't now pay for the medication.
Does this mean I should use them for the rest of my life or should I think about coming off them? I really don't know the answer to that. Are there any dangers?
Any advice would be appreciated.

11-02-15, 22:21
I was sure somebody would come back to me re: my query. I don't suppose many of you have been on Citalopram for as long as I have (over 10 years).
Any reply would be greatly appreciated.

27-02-15, 12:52
Hi and many thanks for your reply.
I was also on Seroxat about the same time as you. Can't remember for how long, but I came off it no problem.
In 2004, I contracted a virus which completely knocked me for six and was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I was off work for over four months. I was put on Citalopram (10mg) and have never come off them since then. My GP increased the dose to 20mg but I've since reduced it back to 10mg. He said there was no need to stop taking them. I wonder if he's right?
Incidentally, I was also in the Aerospace Industry and worked at Dowty Fuel Systems for many years until I took early retirement.

27-02-15, 13:15
as long as you reduce very very slowly you should avoid any withdrawal symptoms, 10% per month is recommended .You wont know if your old symptoms will reappear until you come off them,its a bit trial and error.