View Full Version : Health complications may be "Candida Yeast Infection or Leaky Gut Syndrome"

16-10-13, 00:29
Hi, it seems that some of you should look for "Candida Overgrowth, Candida Yeast Infection or Leaky Gut Syndrome. You would find that some doctors don’t like to talk or dont know about this problems.

I also have the following symptoms:
Mental Fogging, Difficult concentrating, Poor memory, lack of focus, recently been having nail problem, Back pain, Muscle spasm, i was diagnosed with Psoriasis 7 years ago, irritability mood, anxiety, some depression, need for sugar or sweet candies/drinks/pastries, Cold weather low mood.

Blood Results:
My doctor sends me for blood tests and it shows that I have the following:
high Gamma GT 90. my ALT is hight 63. Cholesterol is a bit High 5.56. LDL is high 3.60 and my 25-Hydroxyvitamin D is 35

I did a research about my health issues and found out that doctors wont find the real health problem triggering all sort of complications.

I started a self help treatment on October 10, 2013. (will keep up date)
1. an organic virgin coconut oil
2. Pure Apple Cider vinegar
3. Olive Oil,
4. Oregano,
5. Cilantro & fish oil.

Boil everything together on water and blend it, Drink a half cup as tea / it doesn’t taste good. Try to use small amount of cilantro & small amount of Apple Cider vinegar.

I am bit overweigh 180.
Coconut oil help you not being hungry all day & help loose weight.

Search all other ingredients on internet and find for yourself the benefits on your health

On my diet I am only eating breakfast and skipping dinner & at lunch I am eating vegetable, soup or light foods. (I found out that fasting help in overall health issues, but I cant go a day without food)

On first –2 day on my self help treatment I had to go to the bathroom more that often with stomach flue. Its normal as my system is cleaning.

I would like to know who else has done or doing any of the treatment so we can help each other with useful information.

08-11-13, 09:39
Hi Paul,

I have been treated for candida. I have changed my diet and have a lot of coconut oil and herbal supplements. I had many of the same symptoms as you. How are you feeling? I'm been recovering for around 4 months. It's been hard work, but well worth it.

08-11-13, 21:53
Hi Lilharry,

I am feeling much better every day and every week, my energy level is much better than before, I got my blood results and it shows that I am vitamin D deficiency. I am taking 5000 IU of vitamin D with Cholecalciferol, am also taking Fish Oil as part of my daily supplement. I am staying away from Milk and other dairy products.

How bout you what you are doing to get healthy?