View Full Version : so fed up and sore please advise

16-10-13, 10:58
ive posted with probs before just had ok result for barium enema but been itching for 4 months now and tests come back ok ???? anyway i have fibromyalgia diagnosed 5 years ago and now my shoulder blade under right side is so so painful i keep thinking i must have gall bladder issues and im scared as both these symptoms can be related to gall bladder stuff anyone got any advice im worried the whole health ha is driving me mad:madness:

17-10-13, 10:20
in ten years of depression i dont think ive ever been this low i just dont want to fight this thing anymore everytime i get rid of one set of symptoms something else happens as well as having fibromyalgia ibs chronic gastritis and hair loss im itching again whats the bloody point in the end ill die anyway oh im so cross with myself for being negative its just im so down sorry for moaning just needed to vent:weep:

17-10-13, 19:26
Hi Tracieann
Sorry you are feeling so down. I'm afraid I have no advice re your particular health problems but re your HA, are you being treated for this? What do the doctors say about your itching? It must be horrible for you. I hope you feel better soon.

17-10-13, 20:40
thank you Sal for your kindness i feel a lot better this evening im so fed up of symptoms and feeling rubbish My depression is controlled by medication and so is my ha i was just having a good old moan im not confident eating at the moment as i dont want my gall bladder to kick off maybe part of the itching is to do with gall bladder or liver probs thank you for your kindness

17-10-13, 20:48
I don't remember itching when I had gallbladder problems.

17-10-13, 20:54
did you have them mummyanxious how did it present they say when your bile duct is getting blocked bilirubin slows down in your system and its build up can make you itch please can you advise your symptoms thank you

17-10-13, 21:11
I had high bilirubin levels but never itched. The pain is intense. I had pain at the bottom of my ribs both sides oddly, I used to get it in my back on the right. Couldn't get comfy in any position, it was the worst pain I've ever had.

17-10-13, 21:15
ive posted with probs before just had ok result for barium enema but been itching for 4 months now and tests come back ok ???? anyway i have fibromyalgia diagnosed 5 years ago and now my shoulder blade under right side is so so painful i keep thinking i must have gall bladder issues and im scared as both these symptoms can be related to gall bladder stuff anyone got any advice im worried the whole health ha is driving me mad:madness:
hi tracieann this is my first post tonight as i am new on here,i have just read your post and wanted to say sorry you are feeling so down i am the same and have been for a long time,i was diagnosed with gb sludge/debris early july and am due to have it removed sometime before christmas ,i had really bad pain underneath bottom right rib and usually radiates round to the side and back ,i soon learned to control the attacks with keeping fat out of my diet and adapting things massively,does your pain come after eating a fatty heavy meal?:flowers:

18-10-13, 21:44
hi clarissa and welcome we are all sufferers of ha and symptoms on here so:welcome:i have right rib pain which i have had for 3 years on and off but i have fibromyalgia so they said it was that however my right shoulder blade underneath keeps getting tender so im not sure really pain could be musculoskeletal i guess it hurts sometimes after eating sometimes not sorry about your gallbladder probs hope you get it sorted ,keep me informed and thanks for your reply:D

18-10-13, 22:18
Hi Tracie,

So sorry you are feeling so unwell.

I have CFS/Fibro, IBS and colitis, the latter newly diagosed.

I often have a constant pain just under my bottom right rib, I had to endure a Colonoscopy last month ad that's when I got the colitis diagnosis. I have to wait till December for my follow up treatment plan, I can't believe they made me wait 4 months!!

Anyway, I also suffer from costochondritis (I might have spelt it wrong) apparently it's quite common in CFS/Fibro sufferers and it really feels like badly bruised or cracked ribs and I often get the pain just below my right shoulder blade too. I had several ultrasounds and a HIDA scan for my gallbladder but they all came back OK, hence the costochondritis diagnosis.

I hope you get answers soon, it's flippin miserable having other stuff ontop of Fibro.

19-10-13, 15:35
:)thank you for your reply sleepydorset i think it could be musculoseletal i woke up this morning and it felt better then my sinuses which bother me were blocked and i had dizzy spells which i hate this is what i mean about one set of symptoms replacing another. you have a lot going on too you poor soul :flowers:
you are obviously a fighter take care