View Full Version : Health and friends

16-10-13, 10:58
Hi all, i post on and off on here. Have had a terrible week, ended up in hospital on the Sunday night luckily what i had wasn't Pneomonia just a bad chest infection. Anyway before that i had a sickness bug for nearly two weeks, so about a month of feeling poorly, it really got to me last nighr i was panicking in bed last night and anxiety kicked in good and proper. Thankfully i fell asleep and feeling a lot better today.

Today, in the post i recieved a get well card from my friends mum who lives all the way in Holland, it really touched me, that there are people out there who really do care.

What i am trying to get at is that you need people in your life that you can talk to, and know when you are talking with them about your problems you know they wont judge you or get angry with you for telling them your issues.
Let people in, don't hide it in because it can make you crazy.
There are people out there, i have my good and i have my very very bad days, today is a good day, take one day at a time.
If you want to chat just message me on here and i will get back to you.